Zu den Inhalten springen

CSF Team

Department of Neurosurgery

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beck

Chair & Medical Director

Department of Neuroradiology

Prof. Dr. Horst Urbach

Chair & Medical Director


Dr. Florian Volz
Consultant, Certified Health Care Manager (CAS)

Department of Neurosurgery
Phone: +49 761 270 50010 florian.volz@uniklinik-freiburg.de

CV Volz

Dr. Mukesch Johannes Shah, M.Sc.

Department of Neurosurgery
Phone: +49 761 270 50010

CV Shah

Dr. Niklas Lützen
Consultant, Head of SIH section

Department of Neuroradiology


CV Lützen

Dr. Amir El Rahal
Neurosurgeon, Clinician Scientist

Department of Neurosurgery
Phone: +49 761 270 50010

Dr. Katharina Wolf
Neurologist, Clinician Scientist

Head CSF Outpatient Clinic

Department of Neurosurgery
Phone: +49 761 270 50010

CV wolf

Dr. Charlotte Zander

Department of Neuroradiology
Phone: +49 761 270 50010

Manou Overstijns
Department of Neurosurgery


Dr. med. univ. Laura Krismer
Department of Neurosurgery


Effective interdisciplinary collaboration is the foundation of our team.

The diagnosis and treatment of patients with spinal CSF leaks always require attentive listening and the search for new solutions.

It is more than "just" a headache. It is treatable. And it carries the risk of permanent damage to hearing and the brain.

The longer the spinal CSF leaks remain unrecognized and undiagnosed, the greater the challenges. Patients often report months to years of untreated illness, frustrating consultations, and misdiagnoses. Patients tell about being diagnosed as migrain, fatigue, somatization disorder, psychiatric disorder, or "just a headache". Patients' history culminate in significant physical and psychosocial strain. The majority of patients find their way to us on their own initiative. 

Zuweisungszahlen Europa

Our current consultations amount to > 500 per year, with steadily increasing numbers. The total number of surgically treated spinal CSF leaks is > 400.

We treat patients from all over the world. The estimated incidence rate is 4/100,000/year (Schiewink et al. 2022), disregarding the likely high number of unreported cases.

We would like to contribute to reducing the need for these long journeys in the future.

Our goal is to share our experience and knowledge, and to provide long-term help to as many patients as possible.

Fellowships for healthcase professionals are welcome. Please contact any member of the team. 

You can find our publications on pubmed 

For more information about our research acitivities, please visite here.


Here, you can find guidelines for the treatment of SIH.

You can read more information about our diagnostic capabilities, and treatment options on these pages.

You can find contact information here.

Here you can find general informations and instructions regarding

Expert Meetings:


First Expert Meeting on Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension & CSF Circulation Disorders, Mai 2016

Second Expert Meeting on Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension & CSF Circulation Disorders, March 2023

Klinik für Neurochirurgie

im Neurozentrum
Breisacher Straße 64
D-79106 Freiburg

Telefon: 0761 270-50010 /-50020
Telefax: 0761 270-50240

Ärztliche Direktion

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beck
Ärztlicher Direktor
Telefon: 0761 270-50060
International call: +49-761-270-50060   

Susanne Hall

Susanne Hall
Telefon 0761 270-52260
Telefax 0761 270-54200


Moritz Wenk
Augen- / HNO- Klinik / Neurozentrum
Telefon 0761 270-40650