Dr. Catharina Donkels
- Research interests and techniques
Human focal cortical dysplasia
In situ hybridization
Quantitative RT-PCR
Microarray techniques
- Publications (PubMed)
Donkels C, Häussler U, Huber S, Tiesmeyer N, Demerath T, Scheiwe C, Shah MJ, Heers M, Urbach H, Schulze-Bonhage A, Prinz M, Vlachos A, Beck J, Nakagawa JM, Haas CA (2024) Dysregulation of Myelination in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type II of the Human Frontal Lobe. Glia doi: 10.1002/glia.24662. (access to article)
Chung C, Yang X, Bae T, Vong KI, Mittal S, Donkels C, Phillips HW, Li Z, Marsh APL, Breuss MW, Ball LL, Garcia CAB, George RD, Gu J, Xu M, Barrows C, James KN, Stanley V, Nidhiry AS, Khoury S, Howe G, Riley E, Xu X, Copeland B, Wang Y, Kim SH, Kang H-C, Schulze-Bonhage A, Haas CA, Urbach H, Prinz M, Limbrick Jr. DD, Gurnett CA, Smyth MD, Sattar S, Nespeca M, Gonda DD, Imai K, Takahashi Y, Chen H-H, Tsai J-W, Conti V, Guerrini R, Devinsky O, Silva Jr WA, Machado HR, Mathern GW, Abyzov A, Baldassari S, Boulac S, Focal Cortical Dysplasia Neurogenetics Consortium, Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, Gleeson JG (2023) Comprehensive multiomic profiling of somatic mutations in malformations of cortical development. Nat Genet 55, 209–220. (access to article)
Demerath T*, Donkels C*, Reisert M, Heers M, Rau A, Schröter N, Schulze-Bonhage A, Reinacher P, Scheiwe C, Shah MJ, Beck J, Vlachos A, Haas CA, Urbach H (2022) Gray-white matter blurring of the temporal pole associated with hippocampal sclerosis: A microstructural study involving 3T MRI and ultrastructural histopathology. Cerebral Cortex 32 (9):1882-1893. *equal contribution (access to article)
Donkels C, Peters M, Fariña Núñez MT, Nakagawa JM, Kirsch M, Vlachos A, Scheiwe C, Schulze‐Bonhage A, Prinz M, Beck J, Haas CA (2020) Oligodendrocyte lineage and myelination are compromised in the gray matter of focal cortical dysplasia type IIa. Epilepsia 61:171-184. (access to article)
Nakagawa JM, Donkels C, Fauser S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Prinz M, Zentner J, Haas CA (2017). Characterization of focal cortical dysplasia with balloon cells by layer-specific markers: evidence for differential vulnerability of interneurons. Epilepsia 58(4):635-645. (access to article)
Donkels C, Pfeifer D, Janz P, Huber S, Nakagawa J, Prinz M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Weyerbrock A, Zentner J, Haas CA (2017) Whole transcriptome screening reveals myelination deficits in dysplastic human temporal neocortex. Cerebral Cortex 27 (2): 1558-1572. (access to article)
Gerlach J, Donkels C, Muenzner G, Haas CA (2016) Persistent gliosis interferes with neurogenesis in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10: 131. (access to article)
Fauser S, Häussler U, Donkels C, Huber S, Nakagawa J, Prinz M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Zentner J, Haas CA (2013) Disorganization of neocortical lamination in focal cortical dysplasia is brain-region dependent: Evidence from layer-specific marker expression. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 1:47. (access to article)
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