Press releases
- Press releases: on our publication by Paschen et al., 2023 published in Brain. "On-demand low-frequency stimulation for seizure control: efficacy and behavioural implications." (article on the homepage of the Bernstein Network and BrainLinks BrainTools), "Innovativer Ansatz für behandlungsresistente Epilepsie" (article on the homepage of the Medical Center of the University of Freiburg)
- Press release: by the University Clinic on our publication by Paschen et al., 2020: "Tiefe Hirnstimulation verhindert im Mausmodell epileptische Anfälle" (link to article)
- Press release: by BLBT on the latest issue of eLife podcast featuring Prof. Dr. Carola Haas (link to podcast)
- Press release: comment on eLIFE on our latest publication by Janz et al., 2017: "MRI: Searching for epilepsy’s crystal ball" (link to article)
- Press release by BrainLinks BrainTools and the University Freiburg on our latest publication by Janz et al., 2017: "In the test tube instead of under the knife" (link to article)
- Press release: Schweizerische Epilepsie-Liga: Alfred-Hauptmann-Preis (link to article)
- Television report: "Epilepsie - Gewitter im Gehirn" (link to podcast) (open screenshot of podcast in your browser)
- Highlight on "Invasion of the CA2 Region" (link to article)
- Press release: "Faulty Connection" (link to article)
- Press release: "Epilepsy at the Molecular Level" (link to article)