Division of Cancer Research
Department of Thoracic SurgeryOral Presentations
C Tangermann, A Ghosh, M Ziegler, F Facchinetti, J Stappenbeck, YÖ Carus Sahin, M Riester, LC Viardot, T Zundel, L Friboulet, A Hollecque, JJ Naveja Romero, A Wanninger, ME Hess, T Brummer, M Boerries, S Loges, Y Loriot, AL Illert, S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", AACR Functional Genomics & Precision Medicine Meeting, Boston, USA, March 2025
C Tangermann, A Ghosh, M Ziegler, F Facchinetti, J Stappenbeck, YÖ Carus Sahin, M Riester, LC Viardot, T Zundel, L Friboulet, A Hollecque, JJ Naveja Romero, A Wanninger, ME Hess, T Brummer, M Boerries, S Loges, Y Loriot, AL Illert, S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", Weizmann Conference “From tumor biology to future clinical solutions”, Athens, Greece, March 2025
S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", COST Precision-BTC WG3 Meeting, virtual, January 2025
S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", DKTK / NCT HARPOON Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2024
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", FOR 5433: RNA im Fokus, Halle / Saale, Germany, September 2024
S Diederichs: "The lncRNA World in Cancer", Non-Coding Genome Meeting, Institut Curie, Paris, France, May 2024
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", Dynamics in Chromatin Organization Meeting, Gießen, Germany, April 2024
S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", DKTK / NCT HARPOON Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2023
C Schmidt, A Ghosh, J Stappenbeck, M Riester, J Naveja Romero, M Ziegler, C Reis Orcinha, M Boerries, T Brummer, S Loges, K Luck, AL Illert, S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", EMBO Cancer Genomics Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2023
C Schmidt, A Ghosh, J Stappenbeck, M Riester, J Naveja Romero, M Ziegler, C Reis Orcinha, M Boerries, T Brummer, S Loges, K Luck, AL Illert, S Diederichs: "Saturation mutational scanning uncovers druggability of all FGFR kinase point mutations", German Cancer Research Conference (DKFK), Heidelberg, Germany, October 2023
S Diederichs: "Identifying Drug Resistance Mutations in FGFR in High Throughput by Saturation Mutagenesis", DKTK Molecular Targeted Therapy (MTT) Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, October 2023
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" Columbia University, New York, USA, August 2023
C Schmidt, A Ghosh, J Stappenbeck, M Riester, S Diederichs: "Saturation mutagenesis screening for FGFR inhibitor sensitivity and resistance point mutations to tailor patient stratification" Mutational Scanning Symposium, Sanger Institute, Hinxton, United Kingdom, July 2023
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", IMBA, Vienna, Austria, June 2023
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Liver Cancer" European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL), Vienna, Austria, June 2023
S Diederichs: "Long Non-coding RNAs & RNA-dependent Proteins in Cancer", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, May 2023
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNAs to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" Biochemistry Center, University of Regensburg, Germany, January 2023
S Diederichs: "LncRNA & RBPs in Cancer" lncRNA Europe Seminar Series, virtually, November 2022
S Diederichs: "High-Throughput Screening of Mutations in NF-kB Signaling" NF-kB Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, November 2022
S Diederichs: "Lange nicht-kodierende RNAs im NSCLC", Chirurgische Forschungstage - Keynote Lecture THoracic Surgery Session, Freiburg, Germany, October 2022
S Diederichs: "Nicht-kanonische Mutationen im Tumorgenom", Chirurgische Forschungstage - Keynote Lecture Plenary Session, Freiburg, Germany, October 2022
S Diederichs: "Understanding the cancer genome - one mutation at a time ?" National Networknfor Genome Medicine (nNGM) Preclinical Validatoon Platform, Germany, August 2022
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", SFB 1453 Retreat, Schluchsee, Germany, June 2022
S Diederichs: "The lncRNA World in Cancer", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, May 2022
S Diederichs: "Long Non-coding RNAs & RNA-dependent Proteins in Cancer" RNA: Beyond its Genetic Code - International meeting of the SPP1935 and the RTG2355, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, Germany, March 2022
S Diederichs & M Caudron-Herger & S Cantarella: "RNA - Vom Molekül am Anfang des Lebens bis zum Corona-Impfstoff" Science in the City - Science Pop-Up Store Exhibition Heidelberg, February 2022
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs and RNA-dependent Proteins in Cancer", EMBO Meeting "The non-coding Genome", Heidelberg, Germany, October 2021
S Diederichs: "From non-coding RNA to non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", University of Halle, Halle (Saale), Germany, September 2021
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations & non-coding RNAs in Cancer", Charité & DKTK, Berlin, Germany, August 2021
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs and RNA-dependent Proteins in Cancer", ncRNA 2021, Basel, Switzerland, July 2021
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNAs and RNA-dependent Proteins in Cancer", iTARGET Munich / Elitenetzwerk Bayern, Munich, Germany, November 2020
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer", Research Highlights @ DKTK Retreat, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2020
S Diederichs: "RNA-dependent Proteins & Non-coding RNAs in Cancer", SFB 960 Symposium, Regensburg, Germany, June 2020
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer Metabolism", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, February 2020
M Caudron-Herger: "RNA-dependent proteins", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, February 2020
S Diederichs: "The uncharted Territory of the Cancer Genome", Life Science Institute (LSI) Vancouver, Canada, January 2020
S Diederichs: "RNA-Dependent Proteins and Non-Coding RNAs in Cancer" Keystone Meeting "Non-Coding RNAs", Whistler, Canada, January 2020
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" DKTK Dresden Symposium, Dresden, Germany, January 2020
S Diederichs: "RNA-Dependent Proteins and Non-Coding RNAs in Cancer" RTG 2355 Retreat, Gießen, November 2019
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" DKTK Frankfurt Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, November 2019
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" 47th DKTK Munich Cancer Colloquium, München, Germany, November 2019
K Myacheva: "Novel Oncogenes in Lung Cancer revealed by CRISPRi Screening" Future of Medicine, Berlin, Germany, November 2019
S Dhamija*, CM Yang*, M Caudron-Herger, A Wieland, K Myacheva, M Abdelkarim, Y Sharma, J Seiler, J Maurer, S Diederichs: "A Pan-Cancer Analysis reveals Nonstop Mutations causing SMAD4 Tumor Suppressor Degradation", EMBO Meeting "Cancer Genomics", Heidelberg, Germany, November 2019
S Diederichs: "Non-canonical Mutations in Cancer" 40th Anniversary Symposium CCCF, Freiburg, Germany, October 2019
"Molecular determinants of lung adenocarcinoma metastasis and epigenetic therapy response", 8th Langendorff Symposium, Freiburg, Germany, March 2019
S Diederichs: "The RNA World in Cancer", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, February 2019
M Caudron-Herger: "Proteome-wide and quantitative identification of RNA-dependent proteins", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, February 2019
M Caudron-Herger: "Proteome-wide and quantitative identification of RNA-dependent protein complexes”, Keystone Symposium on RNA-Protein Interactions, Whistler, Canada, February 2019
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs & RNA-dependent proteins in cancer", University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, October 2018
S Diederichs: "Proteome-wide and Quantitative Identification of RNA-dependent Proteins", GBM RNA Biochemistry, Bonn, Germany, October 2018
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA in Lung Cancer", IASLC World Lung Cancer Meeting, Toronto, Canada, September 2018
M Caudron-Herger, SF Rusin, ME Adamo, J Seiler, V Schmid, AN Kettenbach S Diederichs: "Proteome-wide and quantitative identification of RNA-dependent protein complexes – a novel concept to discover unexpected functions of RNAs", RNA Society Meeting, Berkeley, USA, May 2018
S Diederichs: "Die dunkle Materie des Genoms: Nicht-codierende RNA - Eine neue Welt
in der Krebsforschung", Akademische Mittagspause, Peterskirche, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2018
S Diederichs: "The dark matter of the cancer genome: Long non-coding RNAs and RNA-dependent proteins in Cancer", IBMC Strasbourg, France, June 2018
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA and RNA-dependent proteins complexes in human cancer", Institut Marie Curie, Paris, France, February 2018
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", SFB 960, Regensburg, Germany, October 2017
S Diederichs: "Molecular Genetics of Lung Cancer & Metastasis - A non-coding Perspective", 21. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Cologne, Germany, September 2017
S Diederichs: "IncRNAs & Ribonucleoproteins in Lung Cancer", Loewe-Symposium Medical RNomics, Giessen, Germany, September 2017
S Diederichs: "MALAT1 and beyond - Long non-coding RNAs in Lung Cancer", ISFMS 2017: Non-Coding RNAs and Epigenetics in Cancer, Basel, Switzerland, June 2017
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Metastasis & Migration", SFB850 Cell Migration Symposium, Freiburg, Germany, March 2017
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", F-Tales Meeting, Leuven, Belgium, March 2017
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, November 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", NCRI Conference “Noncoding RNAs in cancer”, Liverpool, United Kingdom, November 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", 3. DGP Nachwuchsakademie, Kloster Johannisberg, Germany, October 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", Perspectives in Vascular Biology 2016,Frankfurt, Germany, September 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Lung Cancer & Signaling", BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Freiburg, Germany, September 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", Opening Symposium "Center for Translational Cell research" (ZTZ), Freiburg, Germany, September 2016
S Diederichs: "Success in a scientific team", Helmholtz Akademie Kamingespräch, Berlin, Germany, September 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", SFB 992 "Medical Epigenetics", Freiburg, Germany, May 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", Center for Chronic Immunodeficiencies (CCI), Freiburg, Germany, April 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", Marie Curie ITN RNAtrain, Fischbachau, Germany, March 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs - Messages from the dark matter of the cancer genome", Düsseldorf School of Oncology, Düsseldorf, Germany, March 2016
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Harvard Medical School / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Lung Cancer" AACR Conference "Noncoding RNAs and Cancer: Mechanisms to Medicines", Boston, USA, December 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Royal Society, "Long non-coding RNAs: Evolution of new epigenetic and post-transcriptional functions" Buckinghamshire, UK, September 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer", 1st Aegean Conference on Non-Coding RNAs, Crete, Greece, June 2015
S Diederichs: "What junior scientists need for success", Karolinka Institutet Workshop "Career Systems for Academic Excellence in Europe", Stockholm, Sweden, June 2015
S Diederichs: "The IncRNA Malat1 is a marker, active player and therapeutic target in lung cancer metastasis", 99. Jahrestagung DGP, Frankfurt, Germany, May 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Netherlands Cancer Institute, Symposium "Epigenetics and non-coding RNA´s in cancer and development", Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2015
S Diederichs: "Nicht-kodierende RNA - Eine neue Welt in der Krebsforschung", Universität des Saarlandes, Vortragsreihe der DPhG, Saarbrücken, Germany, May 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs and Epigenetics in Lung in Cancer" Keystone Symposium "Long noncoding RNA: From Evolution to Function", Keystone, Colorado, March 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Liver Cancer" Marie Curie Workshop "Liver Cancer - From Molecular Pathogenesis to Target Therapies", Mannheim, Germany, March 2015
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs and Epigenetics in Lung Cancer" German-Catalan-Epigenetics Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, November 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" RNA Train Berlin MDC, Berlin, Germany, October 2014
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA & Cancer", DGP Nachwuchsakademie Eberbach, Eberbach, Germany, October 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Lung Cancer" 26th International IGB Workshop "Decoding non-coding RNAs in development and cancer" Capri, Italy, October 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Marie Curie ITN „RNATrain“, MDC Berlin, Germany, October 2014
S Diederichs: Long non-coding RNAs in cancer" Roche Penzberg, Germany, October 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Symposium "Free circulating nucleic acids, exosomes and microparticles", German Congress on Laboratory Medicine, Mannheim, Germany, September 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" ESF / EMBO Meeting on non-coding RNA 2014, Pultusk, Polen, September 2014 (co-organizer)
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" 23rd Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), Munich, July 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, June 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" "Non-coding RNA - From Basic Mechanisms to Cancer", Heidelberg, Germany, June 2014 (co-organizer)
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" EMBL, Galway, Ireland, June 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, April 2014
S Diederichs: "The dark matter of the genome: Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria, April 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" 8th Graduate School Meeting "Cell Dynamics and Disease" Münster, April 2014
S Diederichs: " Long non-coding RNA & Cancer" Excellence Cluster CECAD Minisymposium, Cologne, April 2014
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Genomics Research Europe 2013, Barcelona, Spain, October 2013
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Institut d´Investigacío Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain, October 2013
S Diederichs: "Nicht-kodierende RNA" GPOH (Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie) 2. Nachwuchsakademie "Pädiatrische Onkologie", Bad Godesberg, Juli 2013
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs & Cancer", International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) 2013, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 2013
S Diederichs: " Long non-coding RNA profiling identifies novel oncogenes and therapy response genes in lung cancer" 97. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Heidelberg, May 2013
Tony Gutschner: "The non-coding RNA MALAT1 is a critical regulator of lung cancer metastasis" 97. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Heidelberg, May 2013
Monika Hämmerle: "Characterization of long non-coding RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma" 97. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Heidelberg, May 2013
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNAi & long ncRNAs in Cancer" VIB Leuven Symposium "Non-coding Genomic: from Dark Matter to `Golden Secret´", Leuven, Belgium, April 2013 (keynote speaker)
S Diederichs: "The long non-coding RNA landscape of cancer" EMBO Practical Course "Analysis of small non-coding RNAs: From discovery to function",Heidelberg, Germany, April 2013
S Diederichs: "microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs in cancer" Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, April 2013
S Diederichs: "The long non-coding RNA MALAT1 is an essential gene regulator for lung cancer metastasis in a novel human knockout model" American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), "Annual Meeting 2013", Washington, USA, April 2013
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in cancer" National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, April 2013
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in cancer" International Joint Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ) and the German Society for Developmental Biology (GfE), Heidelberg, Germany, March 2013 (chair)
S Diederichs: "The role of long non-coding RNA in lung cancer" Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL)/Partnership for Personalized Medicine (PPM),"Lung Cancer Treatment in the Era of Personalized Medicine", Luxembourg, March 2013
S Diederichs: "MALAT1 is an essential gene regulator for lung cancer metastasis in a novel human knockout model" Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, "Noncoding RNAs in Development and Cancer", Vancouver, Canada, January 2013
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA & Cancer" Institut Curie, 2nd Course On Non-Coding Genome - 2012, Paris, France, December 2012
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNAs, Cancer and Genome Editing" Karlsruher Institut für Technologie/Institute of Toxicology and Genetics, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2012
S Diederichs: "Non coding RNA" German Society of Pathology (DGP) Nachwuchsakademie, Eberbach, Germany, October 2012
S Diederichs: "The non-coding RNA MALAT1 is a critical gene regulator for lung cancer metastasis in a novel human knockout model" GBM Study Group RNA Biochemistry, Bonn, Germany, October 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA biogenesis & long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" Cancer Research UK, London, United Kingdom, September 2012
S Diederichs: "Argonautes, microRNA, Biogenesis&RNA Interference" Genomics Research Europe, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA - A whole new world of potential diagnostic and prognostic markers" Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2012
M Hämmerle, T Gutschner, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, C Hildenbrand, K Breuhahn, T Longerich, P Schirmacher, S Diederichs: "Molecular and functional analysis of long non-coding RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma" German Society of Pathology (DGP), Berlin, Germany, May 2012
T Gutschner, M Eißmann, M Hämmerle, M Baas, C Hildenbrand, M Groß, M Zörnig, S Diederichs: "MALAT1 is essential for lung cancer metastasis in a novel human knockout model" German Society of Pathology (DGP), Berlin, Germany, May 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNAs & long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" EMBL Course "Analysis of short non-coding RNA", Heidelberg, Germany, April 2012
S Diederichs: "The many roles of Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis and RNA interference" Genomics Research 2012, Boston, USA, April 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, long non-coding RNA & Cancer" Yale University, New Haven, USA, April 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis & long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA, April 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis & long non-coding RNA in Cancer" University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, April 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA & Cancer" American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Chicago, USA, April 2012 (chair)
S Diederichs: "The non-coding RNA Landscape of Lung, Liver and Breast Cancer" Keystone Meeting: Non-coding RNAs, Snowbird, USA, April 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA & long non-coding RNA in Cancer" German Society of Cell Biology (DGZ) - Award Lecture, Dresden, Germany, March 2012
S Diederichs: "microRNA, RNAi and long non-coding RNA in Cancer" Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2012
M Hämmerle: "Non-coding RNA in malignant tumors: A new world of tumor biomarkers and target structures in cancer cells" German Society for Endocrinology (DGE), Mannheim, Germany, March 2012
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs & Cancer" X-GEN Targeting Non-Coding RNA, San Diego, USA, March 2012
S Diederichs: "The big world of small RNAs and the small world of big RNAs in Cancer" Lectio Magistralis, University of Trento, Italy, February 2012
T Gutschner: "Non-coding RNAs and Cell Cycle Regulation - Regulating the Regulator" Heidelberg Forum for Young Life Scientists, Heidelberg, Germany, February 2012
S Diederichs: "Long Non-coding RNA in the nucleus" Epigenetics @ DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2012
S Diederichs: "Knocking out noncoding RNAs in human cancer" EMBL Symposium "Zinc Finger Nucleases", Heidelberg, Germany, December 2011
S Diederichs: "microRNA, non-coding RNA & Cancer" SFB 902, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, November 2011
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA - A whole new world of potential Biomarkers" Molecular Diagnostics of Cancer, Hannover, Germany, October 2011
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA in Liver Cancer" Visceral Medicine 2011 (DGVS / DGAV), Leipzig, Germany, September 2011
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" 12th Young Scientist Meeting of the German Society of Cell Biology (DGZ): "RNA & Disease", Jena, Germany, September 2011 (organizer)
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA as molecular marker and functional player in Lung Adenocarcinoma" German Society of Pathology (DGP), Leipzig, Germany, June 2011
M Hämmerle, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, T Gutschner, C Hildenbrand, T Longerich, P Schirmacher, S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA profiling in hepatocellular carcinoma" German Society of Pathology (DGP), Leipzig, Germany, June 2011
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNAi and long non-coding RNA in Cancer" University of Calgary, Canada, June 2011
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNAi and long non-coding RNA in Cancer" University of Lethbridge, Canada, June 2011
S Diederichs: "Small and Long non-coding RNAs in Cancer" International Graduate School for Molecular Medicine, University of Ulm, Germany, April 2011
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNA interference & Non-coding RNAs in Cancer" University of Regensburg, Germany, February 2011
S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNAs in the nucleus" Epigenetics @ DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, January 2011
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNA interference & Long Non-coding RNA in Cancer" University of Münster, Germany, December 2010
S Diederichs: "MicroRNA and non-coding RNA in Breast Cancer" COMBATing Breast Cancer, Frankfurt, Germany, November 2010
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA & Cancer" Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine & Berlin Institute for Systems Biology, Berlin, Germany, October 2010
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biogenesis, RNAi & long non-coding RNA in Cancer" SFB571 Seminar, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany, October 2010
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA & Cancer" Mainz Genomics Seminar, Mainz, Germany, October 2010
M Polycarpou-Schwarz, T Gutschner, S Domcke, E Fiskin, M Geigges, J Rom, S Aulmann, P Sinn, S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA in Cancer" German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) - Study Group RNA Biochemistry, Pforzheim, Germany, October 2010
S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA: Biomarkers and functional players in Cancer" Systems Genomics 2010, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2010
S Diederichs: "Using Zinc Finger Nucleases in Non-Coding RNA Biology" First European Symposium on Zinc Finger Nucleases, BRIC, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010
S Diederichs: "Using Zinc Finger Nucleases in Non-Coding RNA Biology" RNAi & miRNA Europe, Dublin, Ireland, September 2010
S Diederichs: "Beyond Proteins: Non-coding RNAs as Biomarkers in Cancer" International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM), Munich, Germany, September 2010
T Gutschner, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, J Rom, S Aulmann, P Schirmacher, P Sinn, S Diederichs: "Non-coding RNA - A new world beyond proteins of Tumor Markers and Regulators ?" German Society of Pathology (DGP), Berlin, Germany, May 2010
S Diederichs: "Beyond proteins - Non-coding RNA, microRNA & RNA interference in Cancer” German Research Foundation (DFG) - Hinterzartener Kreis, Cadenabbia - Lago di Como, Italy, May 2010
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis & RNA interference" German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ), Regensburg, Germany, March 2010
S Diederichs: "MicroRNA Biogenesis & Regulation" DKFZ-Israel Summer School, Ein Gedi, Israel, November 2009
S Diederichs: "Argonaute-2 Co-Expression Enhances RNA Interference" RNAi Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 2009
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis & RNA interference" Seminar Series - University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany, September 2009
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis & RNA interference" DFG Graduate College: Transcription, Chromatin & DNA Repair, Dormagen, Germany, April 2009
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis & RNA interference" Medical University Hannover (MHH), Hannover, Germany, January 2009
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Biogenesis & RNA interference" Molecular Cell Biology Kolloquium, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany, November 2008
S Diederichs: "microRNA Biology, RNAi & Cancer" Scientific Seminar, Institute of Pathology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2008
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA Processing and Regulation" GBM Study Group RNA Biochemistry Meeting, Kassel, Germany, September 2008
S Diederichs: "Dual Role for Argonaute Proteins in microRNA Processing" RNAi Europe Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008
S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Dual Role for Argonaute Proteins in microRNA Processing and Post-Transcriptional Regulation of microRNA Expression" RNAi World Meeting, Boston, MA, May 2008
S Diederichs: "Argonaute Proteins in microRNA Processing and Regulation" Sixth International RNAi & microRNAs Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2008
S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Argonaute proteins in microRNA biogenesis" Miami Winter Symposium "Regulatory RNA in Biology and human Health", Miami, FL, February 2008
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins & microRNA biogenesis" Blue Seminar Series, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, December 2007
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins, microRNA biogenesis & RNA interference" German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, December 2007
S Diederichs: "Argonaute proteins & microRNA processing" Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, December 2007
S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Dual Role for Argonaute proteins in microRNA Processing and Post-Transcriptional Regulation of microRNA Expression" AACR Special Conference "The role of Non-Coding RNAs in Cancer", Cambridge, MA, November 2007 [This presentation was selected for a 2007 AACR Scholar-in-Training Award. ]
S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Dual role for Argonaute proteins in microRNA processing and regulation" Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), Hamburg, Germany, September 2007
S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Two novel functions for Argonaute proteins in microRNA Processing and Regulation" Cancer Program Meeting of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA, July 2007
S Diederichs: "Two novel functions for Argonaute proteins in microRNA Processing" 2nd microSymposium on small RNAs, Vienna, Austria, May 2007
S Diederichs: "Cancer Research: At the Interface of Medicine and Molecular Biology" German National Academic Merit Foundation Symposium “Future and Frontiers of Research”, Cambridge, MA, January 2007
S Diederichs, N Bäumer, M Möller, S Agrawal, S Pierschalski, WE Berdel, H Serve, C Müller-Tidow: "INCA1 is a novel growth-suppressive CDK inhibitor that blocks B-Myb and E2F activity and is lost in tumors" Annual Meeting German Society for Hematology and Oncology (DGHO), 2004; Onkologie (2004) 27 (S3): 59
S Diederichs, P Ji, R Metzger, S Klümpen, M Möller, PM Schneider, WE Berdel, H Serve, C Müller-Tidow: "Comparative genome-wide analysis of metastasis-associated genes in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using high-density oligonucleotide microarray technology" Annual Meeting German Society for Hematology and Oncology (DGHO), 2002; Onkologie (2002) 25 (S4): 139
Asterisks (*) indicate shared first or last or corresponding authorship.
Authors in bold are present or former members of our research division.
If multiple authors are listed, the presenting author is underlined.
Division of Cancer Research
Department of Thoracic Surgery
Center for Translational Cell Research (ZTZ)
Breisacher Str. 115
D-79106 Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Sven Diederichs
Division Head
Phone: +49 761 270-77571
E-Mail: lung-cancer-research@uniklinik-freiburg.de