Databases - AG Diederichs
From our different research projects, we provide comprehensive and easy-to-use databases to facilitate research and access to our research data for the scientific community. Please share your thoughts - and cite the respective original publications if you use any of our databases.
Databases on non-canonical Mutations in Cancer
SynMICdb provides a comprehensive database on synonymous mutations in human cancer including their frequency, signature-normalized frequency and related tumor entities as well as orthogonal data like evolutionary conservation and impact on secondary RNA structure leading to the SynMICdb score to predict the likelihood of a functional impact of a given synonymous mutation. SynMICdb is based on our publication in Nature Communications 2019.
NonStopdb is the first database devoted to nonstop mutations - a.k.a. stop-loss mutations and comprising nonstop extension and readthrough mutations - which extend a protein at its C-terminus. It is based on our research on nonstop mutations in human cancer and has been published in Nature Cell Biology 2020.
Databases on RNA - Protein Complexes
R-DeeP provides the proteome-wide screening results for RNA-dependent protein complexes based on our paper in Molecular Cell 2019.
R-DeeP2 provides the proteome-wide screening results for RNA-dependent protein complexes in HeLa S3 as well as in A549 lung cancer cells and offer options for the comparison of these datasets. The data has been published in Cancers 2022.
RBP2GO provides a comprehensive database of RNA-binding or RNA-dependent proteins from all available proteome-wide studies in 13 different species. It includes the annotation of their functions as well as interaction partners - and allows also reverse searches for RNA-binding proteins with specific molecular functions, biological processes, cellular compartments or a known link to cancer. RBP2GO is published in Nucleic Acids Reseach 2021.
Division of Cancer Research
Department of Thoracic Surgery
Center for Translational Cell Research (ZTZ)
Breisacher Str. 115
D-79106 Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Sven Diederichs
Division Head
Phone: +49 761 270-77571