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Division of Cancer Research

Department of Thoracic Surgery

High-Impact Publications

Publications with Impact Factor 2021 >=10

S Maheswaran*, LV Sequist*, S Nagrath*, L Ulkus, B Brannigan, C Collura, E Inserra, S Diederichs, AJ Iafrate, DW Bell, S Digumarthy, A Muzikansky, D Irimia, J Settleman, RG Tompkins, TJ Lynch, M Toner, DA Haber: "Detecting Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations in Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
New England Journal of Medicine (2008) 359: 366-377
IF: 176

A Roth, S Diederichs: "RAP and ChIRP about X inactivation" 
Nature (2015) 521: 170-171
IF: 70

I Surolia*, SP Pirnie*, V Chellappa*, KN Taylor*, A Cariappa*, J Moya, H Liu, DW Bell, D Driscoll, S Diederichs, K Haider, I Netravali, S Le, R Elia, E Dow, A Lee, J Freudenberg, PL De Jager, Y Chretien, A Varki, ME MacDonald, T Gillis, TW Behrens, D Bloch, D Collier, J Korzenik, DK Podolsky, D Hafler, M Murali, B Sands, JH Stone, PK Gregersen, S Pillai: "Functionally defective germline variants of sialic acid acetylesterase in autoimmunity"
Nature (2010) 466: 243-247
IF: 70

S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Dual Role for Argonautes in microRNA Processing and post-transcriptional Regulation of microRNA Expression"
Cell (2007) 131: 1097-1108
IF: 69

M Buckley, C Terwagne, A Ganner*, L Cubitt*, R Brewer*, DK Kim*, CM Kajba, N Forrester, P Dace, J De Jonghe, STC Shepherd, C Sawyer, M McEwen, S Diederichs, E Neumann-Haefelin, S Turajlic, EA Ivakine, GM Findlay: "Saturation Genome Editing Maps the Functional Spectrum of Pathogenic VHL Alleles"
Nature Genetics (2024) 56: 1446-1455
IF: 41

M Caudron-Herger, S Diederichs: "Insights from the degradation mechanism of Cyclin D into targeted therapy of the cancer cell cycle"
Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy (2021) 6: 311
IF: 38

F Haderk, R Schulz, M Iskar, LL Cid, T Worst, KV Willmund, A Schulz, U Warnken, J Seiler, A Benner, M Nessling, T Zenz, M Göbel, J Dürig, S Diederichs, J Paggetti, E Moussay, S Stilgenbauer, M Zapatka, P Lichter, M Seiffert: "Tumor-derived exosomes modulate PD-L1 expression in monocytes"
Science Immunology (2017) 2: eaah5509
IF: 31

M Klingenberg, A Matsuda, S Diederichs*, T Patel*: "Non-coding RNA in hepatocellular carcinoma: Mechanisms, biomarkers and therapeutic targets"
Journal of Hepatology (2017) 67: 603-618
IF: 30

S Dhamija*, CM Yang*, J Seiler, K Myacheva, M Caudron-Herger, A Wieland, M Abdelkarim, Y Sharma, M Riester, M Groß, J Maurer, S Diederichs: "A Pan-Cancer Analysis reveals Nonstop Extension Mutations causing SMAD4 Tumor Suppressor Degradation"
Nature Cell Biology (2020) 22: 999-1010
IF: 28

J Winter*, S Jung*, S Keller, RI Gregory, S Diederichs: "Many roads to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and their regulation"
Nature Cell Biology (2009) 11: 228-234
IF: 28

C Müller-Tidow, W Wang, GE Idos, S Diederichs, R Yang, C Readhead, WE Berdel, H Serve, M Saville, R Watson, HP Koeffler: "Cyclin A1 directly interacts with B-myb and Cyclin A1/cdk2 phosphorylate B-myb at functionally important serine and threonine residues: tissue-specific regulation of B-myb function"
Blood (2001) 97: 2091-2097
IF: 25

C Müller, R Yang, GE Idos, N Tidow, S Diederichs, OM Koch, W Verbeek, TP Bender, HP Koeffler: "c-myb Transactivates the Human Cyclin A1 Promoter and Induces Cyclin A1 Gene Expression"
Blood (1999) 94: 4255-4262
IF: 25

H Sültmann, S Diederichs: "Long non-coding RNA: LNCs to cancer"
European Urology (2014) 65: 1152-1153
IF: 24

M Caudron-Herger, SF Rusin, ME Adamo, J Seiler, V Schmid, E Barreau, AN Kettenbach, S Diederichs: "R-DeeP: Proteome-wide and Quantitative Identification of RNA-dependent Proteins by Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation"
Molecular Cell (2019) 75: 184-199
IF: 19

E Wassmer, G Koppàny†, M Hermes†, S Diederichs*, M Caudron-Herger*: "Refining the pool of RNA-binding domains advances the classification and prediction of RNA-binding proteins"
Nucleic Acids Research (2024) 52: 7504-7522
IF: 19

M Caudron-Herger, RE Jansen, E Wassmer, S Diederichs: "RBP2GO: A comprehensive pan-species database on RNA-binding proteins, their interactions and functions"
Nucleic Acids Research (2021) 49: D425-D436
IF: 19

M Miladi*, M Raden*, S Diederichs, R Backofen: "MutaRNA: analysis and visualisation of mutation-induced changes in RNA structure"
Nucleic Acids Research (2020) 48: W287-W291
IF: 19

Q Sun*, V Tripathi*,#, JH Yoon#, DK Singh, Q Hao, KW Min, S Davila, RW Zealy, XL Li, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, E Lehrmann, Y Zhang, KG Becker, SM Freier, Y Zhu, S Diederichs, SG Prasanth, A Lal, M Gorospe, KV Prasanth#: "MIR100 host gene-encoded lncRNAs regulate cell cycle by modulating the interaction between HuR and its target mRNAs"
Nucleic Acids Research (2018) 46: 10405-10416
IF: 19

G Dumbović, J Biayna, J Banús, J Samuelsson, A Roth, S Diederichs, S Alonso, M Buschbeck, M Perucho*, SV Forcales*: "A novel long non-coding RNA from NBL2 pericentromeric macrosatellite forms a perinucleolar aggregate structure in colon cancer"
Nucleic Acids Research (2018) 46: 5504-5524

T Mlambo, S Nitsch, M Hildenbeutel, M Romito, M Müller, C Bossen, S Diederichs, T Cornu, T Cathomen, C Mussolino: "Designer epigenome modifiers enable robust and sustained gene silencing in clinically relevant human cells"
Nucleic Acids Research (2018) 46: 4456-4468
IF: 19

R Soares, G Maglieri, T Gutschner, S Diederichs, A Lund, B Nielsen, K Holmstrøm: "Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells"
Nucleic Acids Research (2018) 46: e4
IF: 19

A Goyal, E Fiskin, T Gutschner, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, M Groß, J Neugebauer, M Gandhi, M Caudron-Herger, V Benes, S Diederichs: "A cautionary tale of sense-antisense gene pairs: Independent regulation despite inverse correlation of expression"
Nucleic Acids Research (2017) 45: 12496-12508
IF: 19

J Seiler, M Breinig, M Caudron-Herger, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, M Boutros, S Diederichs: "The lncRNA VELUCT strongly regulates viability of lung cancer cells despite its extremely low abundance"
Nucleic Acids Research (2017) 45: 5458-5469
IF: 19

A Goyal, K Myacheva, M Groß, M Klingenberg, B Duran-Arque, S Diederichs: "Challenges of CRISPR / Cas9 applications for long non-coding RNA genes" 
Nucleic Acids Research (2017) 45: e12
IF: 19

S Link*, S Grund*, S Diederichs: "Alternative splicing affects the subcellular localization of Drosha"
Nucleic Acids Research (2016) 44: 5330-5343
IF: 19

J Haar, M Contrant, K Bernhardt, R Feederle, S Diederichs, S Pfeffer, HJ Delecluse: "The expression of a viral microRNA is regulated by clustering to allow optimal B cell transformation"
Nucleic Acids Research (2016) 44: 1326-1341
IF: 19

J WinterS LinkD WitzigmannC Hildenbrand, C Previti, S Diederichs: "Loop-miRs: Active microRNAs generated from single-stranded loop regions"
Nucleic Acids Research (2013) 41: 5503-5512
IF: 19

T Palm, K Hemmer, J Winter, I Fricke, K Tarbashevich, F Sadegi Shakib, I Rudolph, A Hillje, P De Lucca, L Bahnassawy, R Madel, T Viel, A de Siervi, A Jacobs, S Diederichs, J Schwamborn: "A systemic transcriptome analysis reveals the regulation of neural stem cell maintenance by an E2F1-miRNA feedback loop"
Nucleic Acids Research (2013) 41: 3699-3712
IF: 19

M Gandhi, M Caudron-Herger, S Diederichs:"RNA motifs and combinatorial
prediction of non-coding RNA interaction, stability and localization"
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2018) 25: 1070-1076
IF: 18

S Diederichs: "microTerminator: 'Hasta la vista, lncRNA !' "
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2015) 22: 279-281
IF: 18

V Rajagopal*, J Seiler*, I Nasa, S Cantarella, J Theiss, F Herget, B Kaifer, M Klostermann, R Will, M Schneider, D Helm, J König, K Zarnack, S Diederichs*, AN Kettenbach*, M Caudron-Herger*: “An atlas of RNA-dependent proteins in cell division reveals the riboregulation of mitotic protein-protein interactions”
Nature Communications (2025) 16: 2325
IF: 18

A Ghosh, M Riester, J Pal, KA Lainde, C Tangermann, A Wanninger, UK Dueren, S Dhamija, S Diederichs: “Suppressive cancer nonstop extension mutations increase C-terminal hydrophobicity and disrupt evolutionarily conserved amino acid patterns”
Nature Communications (2024) 15: 9209
IF: 18

J Bartl, M Zanini, F Bernardi, A Forget, L Blümel, J Talbot, D Picard, N Qin, G Cancila, Q Gao, S Nath, IM Koumba, M Wolter, F Kuonen, M Langini, T Beez, C Munoz, D Pauck, V Marquardt, H Yu, J Souphron, M Korsch, C Mölders, D Berger, S Göbbels, FD Meyer, B Scheffler, B Rotblat, S Diederichs, V Ramaswamy, H Suzuki, A Oro, K Stühler, A Stefanski, U Fischer, G Leprivier, D Willbold, G Steger, A Buell, M Kool, P Lichter, SM Pfister, PA Northcott, MD Taylor, A Borkhardt, G Reifenberger, O Ayrault, M Remke: "The HHIP-AS1 lncRNA promotes tumorigenicity through stabilization of dynein complex 1 in human SHH-driven tumors"
Nature Communications (2022) 13: 4061
IF: 18

M Gandhi, M Groß, JM Holler, SA Coggins, N Patil, JH Leupold, M Munschauer, M Schenone, CR Hartigan, H Allgayer, B Kim, S Diederichs: "The lncRNA lincNMR regulates nucleotide metabolism via a YBX1 - RRM2 axis in cancer"
Nature Communications (2020) 11: 3214
IF: 18

Y Sharma*, M Miladi*, S Dukare*, K Boulay*, M Caudron-Herger, M Groß, R Backofen, S Diederichs: "A pan-cancer analysis of synonymous mutations"
Nature Communications (2019) 10: 2569
IF: 18

D Nachmani, T Gutschner, A Reches, S Diederichs*, O Mandelboim*: "RNA binding proteins regulate the expression of the immune activating ligand MICB"
Nature Communications (2014) 5: 4186
IF: 18

M Klingenberg, M Groß, A Goyal, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, T Miersch, AS Ernst, J Leupold, N Patil, U Warnken, H Allgayer, T Longerich, P Schirmacher, M Boutros, S Diederichs: "The lncRNA CASC9 and RNA binding protein HNRNPL form a complex and co-regulate genes linked to AKT signaling"
Hepatology (2018) 68: 1817-1832
IF: 17

T Gutschner*, M Hämmerle*, N Pazaitis*, N Bley, E Fiskin, H Uckelmann, A Heim, M Groß, N Hofmann, R Geffers, B Skawran, T Longerich, K Breuhahn, P Schirmacher, B Mühleck, S Hüttelmaier*, S Diederichs*: "The Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 mRNA-Binding Protein 1 (IGF2BP1) is an important pro-tumorigenic factor in hepatocellular carcinoma"
Hepatology (2014) 59: 1900-1911
IF: 17

L Quagliata, MS Matter, S Piscuoglio, L Arabi, C Ruiz, A Procino, M Kovac, F Moretti, Z Makowska, T Boldanova, JB Andersen, M Hämmerle, L Tornillo, MH Heim, S Diederichs, C Cillo*, LM Terracciano*: "IncRNA HOTTIP / HOXA13 expression is associated with disease progression and predicts outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients"
Hepatology (2014) 59: 911-923
IF: 17

M Hämmerle*, T Gutschner*, H Uckelmann, S Ozgur, E Fiskin, M Groß, B Skawran, R Geffers, T Longerich, K Breuhahn, P Schirmacher, G Stoecklin, S Diederichs: "Post-transcriptional destabilization of the liver-specific long non-coding RNA HULC by the IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 1 (IGF2BP1)"
Hepatology (2013) 58: 1703-1712
IF: 17

M Caudron-Herger, E Wassmer, I Nasa, AS Schultz, J Seiler, AN Kettenbach, S Diederichs: "Identification, quantification and bioinformatic analysis of RNA-dependent proteins by RNase treatment and density gradient ultracentrifugation using R-DeeP"
Nature Protocols (2020) 15: 1338-1370
IF: 17

A Sas-Chen, MR Aure, L Leibovich, S Carvalho, Y Enuka, C Körner, M Polycarpou-Schwarz, S Lavi, N Nevo, Y Kuznetsov, J Yuan, F Azuaje, Oslo Breast Cancer Research Consortium (OSBREAC), I Ulitsky, S Diederichs, S Wiemann, Z Yakhini, VN Kristensen, AL Børresen-Dale, Y Yarden: "LIMT, a novel metastasis inhibiting lncRNA is suppressed by EGF and down-regulated in aggressive breast cancer"
EMBO Molecular Medicine (2016) 8: 1052-1064
IF: 14

S Diederichs, L Bartsch*, JC Berkmann*, K Fröse*, J Heitmann*, C Hoppe*, D Iggena*, D Jazmati*, P Karschnia*, M Linsenmeier*, T Maulhardt*, L Möhrmann*, J Morstein*, SV Paffenholz*, P Röpenack*, T Rückert*, L Sandig*, M Schell*, A Steinmann*, G Voss*, J Wasmuth*, ME Weinberger*, R Wullenkord*: "The dark matter of the cancer genome: Aberrations in regulatory elements, untranslated regions, splice sites, non-coding RNA and synonymous mutations"
EMBO Molecular Medicine (2016) 8: 442-457
IF: 14

RM de Guia, AJ Rose, A Sommerfeld, O Seibert, D Strzoda, A Zota, Y Feuchter, A Krones-Herzig, T Sijmonsma, M Kirilov, C Sticht, N Gretz, G Dallinga-Thie, S Diederichs, N Klöting, M Blüher, M Berriel Diaz, S Herzig:"microRNA-379 couples glucocorticoid hormones to dysfunctional lipid homeostasis"
EMBO Journal (2015) 34: 344-360
IF: 14

G Stoecklin, S Diederichs: "tRNAs: New tricks from old dogs"
EMBO Journal (2014) 33: 1981-1983
IF: 14

T GutschnerM Hämmerle, M Eißmann, J Hsu, Y Kim, G Hung, AS Revenko, G Arun, M StentrupM Groß, M Zörnig, AR Mac Leod, DL Spector, S Diederichs: "The non-coding RNA MALAT1 is a critical regulator of the metastasis phenotype of lung cancer cells"
Cancer Research (2013) 73: 1180-1189
IF: 13

A Heinemann, F Zhao, S Pechlivanis, J Eberle, A Steinle, S Diederichs, D Schadendorf, A Paschen: "Tumor suppressive microRNAs miR-34a/c control cancer cell expression of ULBP2, a stress induced ligand of the natural killer cell receptor NKG2D"
Cancer Research (2012) 72: 460-471
IF: 13

P de Souza Rocha Simonini*, A Breiling*, N Gupta, M Malekpour, M Youns, R Omranipour, F Malekpour, S Volinia, CM Croce, H Najmabadi, S Diederichs, Ö Sahin, D Mayer, F Lyko, JD Hoheisel, Y Riazalhosseini: "Epigenetically deregulated microRNA-375 is involved in a positive feedback loop with Estrogen Receptor alpha in breast cancer cells"
Cancer Research (2010) 70: 9175-9184
IF: 13

E Bulk, A Hascher, R Liersch, RM Mesters, S Diederichs, B Sargin, V Gerke, M Hotfilder, J Vormoor, WE Berdel, H Serve, C Müller-Tidow: "Adjuvant therapy with small hairpin RNA prevents NSCLC metastasis development in mice"
Cancer Research (2008) 68: 1896-1904
IF: 13

S Diederichs, DA Haber: "Sequence Variations of microRNAs in human Cancer: Alterations in predicted secondary Structure do not affect Processing"
Cancer Research (2006) 66: 6097-6104
IF: 13

C Müller-Tidow*, S Diederichs*, E Bulk, T Pohle, B Steffen, J Schwäble, S Plewka, M Thomas, R Metzger, PM Schneider, C Brandts, WE Berdel, H Serve: "Identification of Metastasis-associated Receptor Tyrosine Kinases in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
Cancer Research (2005) 65: 1778-1782
IF: 13

S Diederichs, E Bulk, B Steffen, P Ji, L Tickenbrock, K Lang, KS Zänker, R Metzger, PM Schneider, V Gerke, M Thomas, WE Berdel, H Serve, C Müller-Tidow: "S100 family members and Trypsinogens are predictors of distant Metastasis and Survival in early-stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
Cancer Research (2004) 64: 5564-5569
IF: 13

C Müller-Tidow, R Metzger, K Kügler, S Diederichs, GE Idos, M Thomas, B Dockhorn-Dworniczak, PM Schneider, HP Koeffler, WE Berdel, H Serve: "Cyclin E is the Only Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2-associated Cyclin that Predicts Metastasis and Survival in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"
Cancer Research (2001) 61: 647-653
IF: 13

M Liu, A Roth, M Yu, R Morris, F Bersani, MN Rivera, J Lu, T Shioda, S Vasudevan, S Ramaswamy, S Maheswaran, S Diederichs*, DA Haber*: "The IGF2-intronic miR-483 selectively enhances transcription from IGF2 fetal promoters and enhances tumorigenesis"
Genes & Development (2013) 27: 2543-2548 
IF: 13

GA Smolen, BJ Schott, RA Stewart, S Diederichs, B Muir, HL Provencher, AT Look, DC Sgroi, RT Peterson, DA Haber: "A Rap GTPase interactor, RADIL, mediates migration of neural crest precursors"
Genes & Development (2007) 21: 2131-2136
IF: 13

A Diaz-Lagares, A Crujeiras, P Lopez-Serra, M Soler, F Setien, A Goyal, J Sandoval, Y Hashimoto, A Martinez-Cardus, A Gomez, H Heyn, C Moutinho, J Espada, A Vidal, M Paúles, M Galan, N Sala, Y Akiyama, M Martínez-Iniesta, L Farré, A Villanueva, M Gross, S Diederichs, S Guil*, M Esteller*: "Epigenetic Inactivation of the p53-Induced Long Noncoding RNA TP53TG1 in Human Cancer"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (2016) 113: E7535-7544
IF: 13

S DiederichsS Jung, SM Rothenberg, GA Smolen, BG Mlody, DA Haber: "Co-expression of Argonaute-2 enhances RNA Interference towards perfect match binding sites" 
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (2008) 105: 9284-9289
IF: 13

J Pal, M Riester, A Ganner, A Ghosh, S Dhamija, D Mookherjee, C Voss, IJ Frew, F Kotsis, E Neumann-Haefelin, A Spang, S Diederichs: “Nonstop mutations cause loss of renal tumor suppressor proteins VHL and BAP1 and affect multiple stages of protein translation”
Science Advances (2025) 11: eadr6375
IF: 12

S Diederichs: "The four dimensions of non-coding RNA conservation"
Trends in Genetics (2014) 30: 121-123
IF: 12

Division of Cancer Research

Department of Thoracic Surgery
Center for Translational Cell Research (ZTZ)
Breisacher Str. 115
D-79106 Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Sven Diederichs
Division Head

Phone: +49 761 270-77571
E-Mail: lung-cancer-research@uniklinik-freiburg.de