2. International CSF Loss Expert Meeting Freiburg - Bern 2023
30.03. - 01.04.2023 | Schaltwerk FreiburgCertified with 25 CME points
Program Flyer
Thursday, 30th March 2023
Live Cases and workshop
08:00-13:00 | Live surgery
See surgical live cases at University Hospital Freiburg (observership in the OR and live video in conference room with case discussion and feedback rounds)
Limited number available
10:00-13:00 | Diagnostic workshop | At the congress center
Dynamic myelo, dynamic myelo CT, DSM, type of anesthesia, tips and tricks
Background and pathophysiology
Chairs: Jürgen Beck, Peter Kranz
14:15 | Welcome | Frederik Wenz (CMO, Freiburg/DE)
General Information | Jürgen Beck (Freiburg/DE)
14:30 | SIH, from a colibri to a hot topic | Wouter Schievink (Los Angeles/USA)
14:50 | SIH, underlying pathologies (leak classification) | Richard I. Farb, Patrick Nicholson (Toronto/CA)
15:10 | Compliance of the thecal sac | Andreas Raabe, Johannes Goldberg (Bern/CH)
15:30 | The Monro-Kellie Doctrine and its application in SIH | Peter Cowley (London/UK)
15:50 | Break
Imaging workup
Chairs: Richard Farb, Horst Urbach
16:10 | It’s all about brain imaging | Tomas Dobrocky (Bern/CH)
16:30 | It's all about motion - phase contrast MRI | Katharina Wolf (Freiburg/DE)
16:50 | SIH, dynamic spine imaging | Tomas Dobrocky, Eike Piechowiak (Bern/CH)
17:10 | Always go for dynamic CT myelography (dual energy CT) | Peter Kranz (Durham/USA)
17:30 | Digital subtraction myelography versus CT myelography | Niklas Lützen (Freiburg/DE)
17:50 | 68Ga-DOTA PET for Diagnosis of Spinal CSF Leaks | Philipp T. Meyer (Freiburg/DE)
18:10 | Sacral dural tears | Niklas Lützen (Freiburg/DE)
19:30 Faculty Dinner
Friday, 31st March 2023
Chairs: Andreas Raabe, Ian Carroll
08:30 | Epidural blood patch, it never works | Eike Piechowiak (Bern/CH)
08:50 | Forget the surgeon - EBP cures SIH | Horst Urbach (Freiburg/DE)
09:10 | Surgical strategies | Jürgen Beck (Freiburg/DE)
09:30 | Post-puncture liquor leackage - perspectives from the anesthesiologist | Hartmut Bürkle (Freiburg/DE)
09:50 | SIH – basic questions | Mansoor Foroughi (Brighton/UK)
10:10 | UK Guidelines SIH | Manjit Matharu (London/UK)
10:40 Break
CSF venous fistula
Chair: Eike Piechowiak, Manjit Matharu
11:00 | CSF venous fistula - Pathogenesis & diagnosis | Peter Kranz (Durham/USA)
11:20 | Recorded case transmission (CSFVF embo) | Eike Piechowiak (Bern/CH), Horst Urbach (Freiburg/DE)
11:40 | Recurrence after Embolization | Wouter Schievink (Los Angeles/USA)
12:00 | Potential of overtreatment | Tomas Dobrocky (Bern/CH)
12:20 | Fibrin glue patching for CSF leaks- is it worthwhile? | Lalani Carlton Jones
12:40 | Finding CSF-venous fistulas: The Kidneys are there to help | Richard Farb (Toronto/Ca)
13:00-14:00 | Lunch
SIH working groups
Chairs: Tomas Dobrocky
14:00 | Research focus areas | Wouter Schievink (Los Angeles/USA)
14:20 | Common data elements | Christian Fung (Freiburg/DE), Eike Piechowiak (Bern/CH)
14:40-15:00 | Break
Chairs: Lalani Carlton Jones, Patrick Nicholson
15:00 | When to stop the search | Peter Kranz (Durham/USA)
15:20 | Outcomes of EBP in patients who fail to meet ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria | Ian Carroll (Stanford/USA)
15:40 | Quality of life | Marvin Jesse (Bern/CH), Florian Volz (Freiburg/UK)
16:00 | How to deal with desperate patients without evidence of CSF loss | Wouter Schievink (Los Angeles/USA), Ian Carroll (Stanford/USA)
16:20-17:00 | When to treat? | Levin Häni (Bern/CH)
18:00 Freiburg Tour and Dinner (Greiffenegg Schlössle)
Saturday, 1st April 2023
The forgotten one
Chairs: Jan Klingler, Tomas Dobrocky
08:30 | Post lumbar puncture syndrome | Luisa M. Kraus (Freiburg/DE)
08:50 | Surgical strategies and intraoperative findings in post lumbar puncture surgery | Christian Ulrich (Bern/CH)
09:10 | Rebound intracranial hypertension | Horst Urbach (Freiburg/DE)
09:30 | Superficial Siderosis | Christian Foerch (Ludwigsburg/DE)
9:50 | Break
10:10 | Chronic headache patient | Rike Barth (Bern/CH)
10:50 | Interrelation between cerebrospinal fluid pressure, intracranial morphology and venous hemodynamics studied by 4D flow MRI | Florian Schuchardt (Freiburg/DE)
Certified with 25 CME points by the Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
We are open for abstract submissions.
Please submit your informal abstract to iris.lopez@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Course fee
Regular: 300 Euro
Social event: 100 Euro (City-Tour and Dinner at Greiffenegg Schlössle, www.greiffenegg.de)
Bookings can be cancelled free of charge until March 17th, 2023. After that, a refund of the participation fee and the Get together contribution is no longer possible.
Heinrich-von-Stephan-Straße 13
79100 Freiburg im Breisgau

Hotel rooms can be booked HERE