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Posterpresentations Forensic Toxicology 2014

Kempf J. et al.

'Catching Psychotropics in a Trap' - Adopting a screening approach to specific needs in the lab


Meyer et al.

A Fast, Reliable and Automated Bench top LC-MSn Drug Identification Solution for Clinical Research and Forensic Toxicology


Huppertz L.M. et al.

An automated LC-ion trap MS screening for synthetic cannabinoids


Kempf J. et al.

Screening for Psychotropic Medical Drugs in Serum using Ion Trap MS - Customizing a Screening Approach to Specific Needs in the Lab


Grumann C. et al.

Inhomogeneities in ‘legal highs’: Playing russian roulette with your health


Huppertz L.M. et al.

Influence of Gilbert’s syndrome on the formation of ethyl glucuronide


Kempf J. et al.

Automated ion trap LC-MS screening for xenobiotics in vitreous humor


Klima M. et al.

In vitro study on the incorporation of medical and illicit drugs into dental hard tissue


Moosmann B. et al.

Cannabinoid findings in children hair - What do they really tell us?


Vogt S. et al.

The sniffing experience – Detection of a single use of ‘poppers’


Vogt S. et al.

Detecting ‘poppers’ - Analysis of alkyl nitrites and their corresponding alcohols by HS-GC/FID


Forensische Toxikologie:
Telefon: 0761 270-81801 • Telefax: 0761 270-81811 • Email: irm.tox@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Institut für Rechtsmedizin • Albertstraße 9 • 79104 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 270-81888 • Telefax: 0761 270-81899 • Email: rechtsmedizin@uniklinik-freiburg.de