International Conference on SPICE Prevention Issues
25. - 26. September 2012 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
This conference is part of the project ‘SPICE and synthetic cannabinoids’, which is funded by the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Health and the City of Frankfurt. The conference will offer the opportunity to share and discuss scientific knowledge regarding risks and prevalence of synthetic cannabinoids as well as different prevention approaches on the use of new synthetic drugs.
The SPICE-Project Team
Conference Material
Slides of Oral Presentations (PDF)
Day 1
P1: Analytical and clinical experiences – from product monitoring to drug testing
P3a: Detection of synthetic cannabinoids in human specimens
P3b: Prevalence of SPICE products in Finland
P5: Measures in Switzerland in the fight against new drugs such as „SPICE“ and „bath salts“
P6: „Legal“ highs in the legal system
P7: Findings on the use and users of herbal incense/ synthetic cannabinoids
Day 2
P1: Findings of a German subsample of a European ‘social norms’ intervention study
P2a: Keynote speech: Spice Prevention in the City of Frankfurt
P2b: Keynote speech: Basis e.V. Germany (
P3: Keynote speech: "Streetwork" Zurich, Switzerland
P4: "Crew mind altering" Scotland (
P5: "Energy Control" Spain (
P6: Prevention of illegal drug consumption in the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
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