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Publications AMIR group

For the most recent information, see PubMed (link).

  • Hovener J. B, Schwaderlapp N, Lickert T, Duckett S. B, Mewis R. E, Highton L. A, Kenny, S. M, Green, G. G, Leibfritz D, Korvink J. G, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D. 
    A hyperpolarized equilibrium for magnetic resonance. 
    Nat Commun 2013 Dez; 4: 2946
  • Bracht, T., S. Schnell, A. Federspiel, N. Razavi, H. Horn, R. Wiest, T. Dierks, W. Strik, T. J. Müller and S. Walther (resubmitted Jul 2012). "Altered motor behaviour in schizophrenia underlies altered structural connectivity of the motor system." Schizophrenia Research.
  • Carro, M. S., R. Ferrarese, A. K. Yadav, E. Bug, D. Maticzka, W. Reichardt, A. P. Masilamani, F. Dai, H. Kim, M. Hadler, D. M. Scholtens, I. L. Y. Yu, J. Beck, V. Srinivasasainagendra, F. Costa, N. Baxan, D. Pfeifer, D. v. Elverfeldt, R. Backofen, A. Weyerbrock, M. Prinz, C. W. Duarte, J. P. Chandler, H. Vogel, G. R. Harsh and M. Bredel (2012, Submitted Oktober 4th). "Aberrant Splicing of a Brain-Specific Exon in ANXA7 Promotes brain Tumorigenesis." Science.
  • Deibert, P., S. Eggerking, Z. Stankovic, M. Markl, D. von Elverfeldt, M. Roessle, C. Heilmann and W. Kreisel (submitted Aug 2012). "Beneficial effect of long term therapy with a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor in portal hypertension." -> American Journal of Gastroenterology.
  • Schültke E., A. A., Pinzer. B, Menk. R, Stampanon.i M, Ervine. S, Harsan. LA. and Nikkhah G (Oct 2012). "Single cell resolution in synchrotron X-ray CT imaging with gold nanoparticles." Nanomedicine.
  • Schwab, L., Reichardt, W., Leonhardt, F., Nicoleta, B. and Zeiser, R. (2013). "Neutrophil Granulocytes Recruited Upon Translocation Of Intestinal Commensal Bacteria Enhance Graft-Versus-Host Disease Via Local Tissue Damage." Nature Medicine.
  • Borowiak R, Schwaderlapp N, Huethe F, Lickert T, Fischer E, Bar S, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D, and Hovener JB. 
    A battery-driven, low-field NMR unit for thermally and hyperpolarized samples. 
    Magn Reson Mater Phy. 2013 EPub ahead of print: ISSN 0968-5243
  • Hefft S, Brandt A, Zwick S, von Elverfeldt D, Mader I, Cordeiro J, Trippel M, Blumberg J, and Schulze-Bonhage A. 
    Safety of hybrid electrodes for single-neuron recordings in humans 
    Neurosurgery 2013 Jul; 73(1): 78-85.
  • Dragonu I, Lange T, Baxan N, Snyder J, Hennig J, and Zaitsev M. 
    Accelerated point spread function mapping using signal modeling for accurate echo-planar imaging geometric distortion correction 
    Magn Reson Med 2013 Jun; 69(6): 1650-1656.
  • Weber H, Gallichan D, Schultz G, Cocosco CA, Littin S, Reichardt W, Welz A, Witschey W, Hennig J, and Zaitsev M. 
    Excitation and geometrically matched local encoding of curved slices. 
    Magn Reson Med 2013 May; 69(5): 1317-25.
  • Harsan LA, David C, Reisert M, Schnell S, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D, and Staiger JF 
    Mapping remodeling of thalamocortical projections in the living reeler mouse brain by diffusion tractography 
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013 May; 110(19): E1797-806.
  • Weidensteiner C, Reichardt W, Shami PJ, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Baumer B, Werres A, Jasinski R, Osterberg N, and Weyerbrock A. 
    Effects of the nitric oxide donor JS-K on the blood-tumor barrier and on orthotopic U87 rat gliomas assessed by MRI. 
    Nitric Oxide 2013 Apr; 30: 17-25,
  • Hovener JB, Bar S, Leupold J, Jenne K, Leibfritz D, Hennig J, Duckett SB, and von Elverfeldt D. 
    A continuous-flow, high-throughput, high-pressure parahydrogen converter for hyperpolarization in a clinical setting. 
    NMR Biomed 2013 Feb; 26(2): 124-31.
  • Bracht T, Schnell S, Federspiel A, Razavi N, Horn H, Strik W, Wiest R, Dierks T, Muller T. J, Walther S. 
    Altered cortico-basal ganglia motor pathways reflect reduced volitional motor activity in schizophrenia. 
    Schizophr Res 2013 Feb; 143(2-3): 269-76.
  • Astolfo A, Schultke E, Menk RH, Kirch RD, Juurlink BH, Hall C, Harsan LA, Stebel M, Barbetta D, Tromba G, and Arfelli F. 
    In vivo visualization of gold-loaded cells in mice using x-ray computed tomography. 
    Nanomedicine 2013 Feb; 9(2): 284-92.


* These authors contributed equally

  • Herpfer I, Hezel H, Reichardt, W, Clark K, Geiger J, Gross CM, Heyer A, Neagu V, Bhatia H, Atas HC, Fiebich BL, Bischofberger J, Haas CA, Lieb K, Normann C. 
    Early life stress differentially modulates distinct forms of brain plasticity in young and adult mice. 
    Plos One 2012 Okt; 7(9) e46004, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046004
  • von Elverfeldt D, von Zur Muhlen C, Wiens K, Neudorfer I, Zirlik A, Meissner M, Tilly P, Charles AL, Bode C, Peter K, Fabre JE. 
    In vivo detection of activated plateletts allows characterizing rupture of atherosclerotic plaques with molecular magnetic resonance imaging in mice
    Plos One 2012 Sep; 7(9) e45008, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.004500
  • Dürr C, Follo M, Idzko M, Reichardt, W, Zeiser R. 
    Graft-versus-host disease reduces regulatory T-cell migration into the tumour tissue. 
    Immunology 2012 Sep; 137(1):80-88,doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03610.x.
  • Mueller M, Reichardt, W, Koerner J, Groettrup M. 
    Coencapsulation of tumor lysate and CpG-ODN in PLGA-microspheres enables successful immunotherapy of prostate carcinoma in TRAMP mice
    J Control Release 2012 Aug; 162(1):159-166
  • Baxan N, Kahlert U, Maciaczyk J, Nikkhah G, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D. 
    "Microcoil-based MR phase imaging and manganese enhanced microscopy of glial tumor neurospheres with direct optical correlation." 
    Magn Reson Med 2012 Jul; 68(1):86-97
  • Lee K J, Lee H L, Hennig J, Leupold J 
    "Use of simulated annealing for the design of multiple repetition time balanced steady-state free precession imaging"
    Magn Reson Med 2012 Jul; 68(1):220-226
  • Leonhardt F, Zirlik K, Buchner M, Prinz G, Hechinger AK, Gerlach UV, Fisch P, Schmitt-Gräff A, Reichardt, W., Zeiser R. 
    "Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) is a potent target for GvHD prevention at different cellular levels"
    Leukemia 2012 Jul; 26(7):1617-1629
  • Markl M, Leupold J. 
    "Gradient echo imaging"
    J Magn Reson Imaging 2012 Jun; 35(6):1274-1289
  • Weber, H., Gallichan, D., Schultz, G., Cocosco, C. A., Littin, S., Reichardt, W., Welz, A., Witschey, W., Hennig, J. and Zaitsev, M. 
    "Excitation and geometrically matched local encoding of curved slices"
    Magn Reson Med 2012 Jun; ISSN 1522-2594 (Electronic)
  • Vry, M. S., Saur, D., Rijntjes, M., Umarova, R., Kellmeyer, P., Schnell, S., Glauche, V., Hamzei, F. and Weiller, C. 
    "Ventral and dorsal fiber systems for imagined and executed movement."
    Exp Brain Res. 2012 Apr; 219(2): 203-216
  • Spies E, Reichardt W, Alvarez G, Groettrup M, Ohlschläger P. 
    An artificial PAP gene breaks self-tolerance and promotes tumor regression in the TRAMP model for prostate carcinoma 
    Mol Ther 2012 Mar; 20(3): 555-564
  • von Elverfeldt D, Meissner M, Peter K, Paul D, Meixner F, Neudorfer I, Merkle A, Harloff A, Zirlik A, Schöllhorn J, Markl M, Hennig J, Bode C, von zur Muhlen C. 
    An approach towards molecular imaging of activated platelets allows imaging of symptomatic human carotid plaques in a new model of a tissue flow chamber
    Contrast Media Mol Imaging. 2012 Mar; 7(2): 204-213
  • Gruschke OG, Baxan N, Clad L, Kratt K, von Elverfeldt D, Peter A, Hennig J, Badilita V, Wallrabe U, Korvink JG. 
    Lab on a chip phased-array MR multi-platform analysis system 
    Lab Chip 2012 Feb; 12(3): 495-502


* These authors contributed equally

  • Ta H. T, Prabhu S, Leitner E, Jia F, von Elverfeldt D, Jackson K E, Heidt T, Nair A K, Pearce H, von Zur Muhlen C, Wang X, Peter K, Hagemeyer C E. 
    Enzymatic single-chain antibody tagging: a universal approach to targeted molecular imaging and cell homing in cardiovascular disease
    Circ Res 2011 Aug; 109(4): 365-373
  • Weber H, Baxan N, Paul D, Maclaren J, Schmidig D, Mohammadzadeh M, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D. 
    Microcoil-based MRI: Feasibility study and application on cell cultures
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2011 Jun; 24(3): 137-145
  • Hadjidemetriou S, Reichardt W, Hennig J, Buechert M, von Elverfeldt D. 
    Analysis of MRI Data Monitoring the Preclinical Treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease in a Mouse Model
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2011 Apr; 24(2):109-119
  • Weigel J K, Steinmann D, Emerich P, Stahl C A, von Elverfeldt D, Guttmann J. 
    High-resolution three-dimensional 19F-magnetic resonance imaging of rat lung in situ: evaluation of airway strain in the perfluorocarbon-filled lung
    Physiol Meas 2011 Feb; 32(2):251-262
  • Merz M, Komljenovic D, Zwick S, Semmler W, Bauerle T. 
    Sorafenib tosylate and paclitaxel induce anti-angiogenic, anti-tumour and anti-resorptive effects in experimental breast cancer bone metastases 
    Eur J Cancer 2011 Jan; 47(2):277-286
  • Mohmmadzadeh M, Baxan N, Badilita V, Kratt K, Weber H, Korvink J G, Wallrabe U, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D. 
    Characterization of a 3D MEMS fabricated micro-solenoid at 9.4T
    J Magn Reson 2011 Jan; 208(1):20-26
  • Reisert M, Mader I, Anastasopoulos C, Weigel M, Schnell S, Kiselev VG.
    Global fiber reconstruction becomes practical
    NeuroImage 2011 Jan; 54(2):955-962
  • Torio-Padron N, Paul D, von Elverfeldt D, Stark G B, Huotari A M.
    Resorption rate assessment of adipose tissue-engineered constructs by intravital magnetic resonance imaging
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2011 Jan; 64(1):117-122


* These authors contributed equally

  • von zur Muhlen C, Fink A, Salaklang J, Paul D, Neudorfer I, Berti V, Merkle A, Peter K, Bode C, von Elverfeldt D.
    Imaging monocytes with iron oxide nanoparticles targeted towards the monocyte integrin MAC-1 does not result in improved atherosclerotic plaque detection by in vivo MRI.
    Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 2010 Sep/Okt; 5(5):268-275
  • Brix G, Zwick S, Griebel J, Fink C, and Kiessling F.
    Estimation of Tissue Perfusion by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging: Simulation-based Evaluation of the Steepest-Slope Method.
    European Radiology in press 2010 Sep.; 20(9):2166-2175
  • Harsan L, Paul D, Schnell S, Kreher B, Hennig J, Staiger J, von Elverfeldt D.
    In vivo Diffusion Tensor Magnetif Resonance Imaging and Fiber Tracking of the mouse brain.
    NMR in Biomedicine 2010 Aug; 23(7):884-896
  • Palmowski M, Schifferdecker I, Zwick S, Macher-Goeppinger S, Laue H, Haferkamp A, Kauczor H U, Kiessling F, Hallscheidt P.
    Tumor perfusion assessed by dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI correlates to the grading of renal cell carcinoma: initial results
    Eur J Radiol 2010 Jun; 74(3):e176-80-90.
  • Badilita V, Kratt K, Baxan N, Mohmmadzadeh M, Burger T, Weber H, Elverfeldt D, Hennig J, Korvink JG, Wallrabe U.
    On-chip three dimensional microcoils for MRI at microscale.
    Lab Chip 2010 Jun; 10(11):1387-90.
  • Bauerle T, Merz M, Komljenovic D, Zwick S, Semmler W.
    Drug-induced vessel remodeling in bone metastases as assessed by dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and vessel size imaging: a longitudinal in vivo study.
    Clin Cancer Res 2010 Jun; 16(12):3215-3225.
  • Perman W, Battacharya P, Leupold J, Lin A, Harris K, Norton V, Hoevener J, Ross B.
    Fast volumetric spatial-spectral MR imaging of hyperpolarized 13C labeled compounds using multiple echo 3D bSSFP
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010 May; 28(4):459-465
  • Gierthmuehlen M, Freiman T, von Elverfeldt D, and Kaminsky J.
    Microsurgical approach to the spinal canal in rats.
    J Neurosci Methods 2010 May; 188(2):295-301.
  • Kuntz J, Dinkel J, Zwick S, Bauerle T, Grasruck M, Kiessling F, Gupta R, Semmler W, Bartling SH.
    Fully automated intrinsic respiratory and cardiac gating for small animal CT.
    Physics in medicine and biology 2010 Apr.; 55(7):2069-2085.
  • Lederle W, Linde N, Heusel J, Bzyl J, Woenne EC, Zwick S, Skobe M, Kiessling F, Fusenig NE, Mueller MM.
    Platelet-derived growth factor-B normalizes micromorphology and vessel function in vascular endothelial growth factor-A-induced squamous cell carcinomas.
    The American journal of pathology 2010 Feb.; 176(2):981-994.
  • Torio-Padron N, Huotari A, Paul D, von Elverfeldt D, Borges J, Stark B.
    Resorption Rate Adssessment of Adipose Tissue Engineered Constructs by Intravital Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
    Tissue Engineering 2010 Jan; 64(1):117-122
  • Weber H, Paul D, von Elverfeldt D, Hennig J, Zaitsev M
    Extended Multi-Flip-Angle approach: a 3D mapping method for inhomogeneous B1-fields.
    Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 2010; 37B(4):203-214


* These authors contributed equally

  • Paul D, Zaitsev M, Harsan L, Kurutsch A, Splitthoff DN, Hennel F, Choli M, von Elverfeldt D.
    Implementation and Application of PSF-Based EPI Distortion Correction to High Field Animal Imaging.
    Int J Biomed Imaging. 2009:946271. Epub 2009 Dec 31.PMID: 20069119
  • Leupold J, Mansson S, Stefan Petersson J, Hennig J, Wieben O.
    Fast multiecho balanced SSFP metabolite mapping of (1)H and hyperpolarized (13)C compounds.
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2009;22:251-256
  • Hadjidemetriou, S., Reichardt, W., Buechert, M., Hennig, J., von Elverfeldt, D.
    Analysis of MR images of mice in preclinical treatment monitoring of polycystic kidney disease.
    Proc. of the 12th International Conference on MICCAI. LNCS. Sep 2009
  • Paul D, Zaitsev M.
    Improved SNR in linear reordered 2D bSSFP imaging using variable flip angles.
    Magn Reson Imaging 2009;27(7):933-941
  • Reichardt W, Juettner E, Uhl M, von Elverfeldt D, Kontny U. Diffusion weighted Imaging as Predictor of Therapy Response in an Animal Model of Ewing’s-Sarcoma.
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2009;22:143-149
  • Hagemeyer CE, von Zur Muhlen C, von Elverfeldt D, Peter K.
    Single-chain antibodies as diagnostic tools and therapeutic agents.
    Thrombosis and haemostasis 2009;101(6):1012-1019.
  • Paul D, Sommer G, Leupold J, Hentschel M, Baumann T, Ludwig U.
    Chemical shift selective fat imaging using transition into driven equilibrium balanced steady-state free precession for quantification of adipose tissue.
    Journal of computer assisted tomography 2009;33(3):475-480.
  • Reichardt W, Daniel Romaker, Anne Becker, Martin Buechert, von Elverfeldt D
    Monitoring Kidney and Renal Cyst Volumes applying MR approaches on a Rapamycin treated Mouse Model of ADPKD.
    Magn Reson Mater Phy 2009 June; 22(3): 143-9. Epub 2008 Dec 24


* These authors contributed equally

  • Reichardt W, Dürr C, von Elverfeldt D, Jüttner E, Gerlach UV, Yamada M, Smith B, Negrin RS, Zeiser R.
    Impact of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition on lymphoid homing and tolerogenic function of nanoparticle-labeled dendritic cells following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.
    J Immunol. 2008 Oct 1;181(7):4770-9.
  • Schurigt U, Sevenich L, Vannier C, Gajda M, Schwinde A, Werner F, Stahl A, von Elverfeldt D, Becker AK, Bogyo M, Peters C, Reinheckel T
    Trial of the cysteine cathepsin inhibitor JPM-OEt on early and advanced mammary cancer stages in the MTV-PyMT-transgenic mouse model.
    Biological Chemistry, 2008 Aug; 389: 1067-1074
  • Shih Y-Y, Büchert M, Chung H-W, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D.
    Vitamin C estimation with standard 1H spectroscopy using a clinical 3T MR-system: Detectability and Reliability within the human brain.
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008 Aug;28(2):351-8
  • von zur Muhlen C*, von Elverfeldt D*, Moeller J, Chodhury R, Paul D, Hagemeyer C, Becker A-K, Neudorfer I, Schwarz M, Bode C, Peter K.
    A magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent targeted towards activated platelets allows in vivo detection of thrombosis and monitoring of thrombolysis.
    Circulation 2008 Jul 15;118(3):258-67
  • Werner S, Mendoza A, Hilger R, Erlacher M, Reichardt W, Lissat A, Konanz C, Uhl M, Niemeyeer C, Khanna C, Kontny U.
    Preclinical studies of treosulfan demonstrate potent activity in Ewing's sarcoma.
    Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2008 Jun;62(1):19-31.
  • Fritsch A, Loekermann S, Kern JS, Braun A, Bösl MR, Bley T, Schumann H, von Elverfeldt D, Paul D, Erlacher M, von Rautenfeld DB, Hausser I, Fässler R, Bruckner-Tuderman L.
    A hypomorphic mouse model for dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa reveals disease mechanisms and responds to fibroblast therapy.
    Journal of Clinical Investigation 2008 May;118(5):1669-79
  • Zhong K, Leupold J, v. Elverfeldt D, Speck O
    The Molecular Basis for Gray and White Matter Contrast in Phase Imaging.
    Neuroimage 2008 May;40(4):1561-6
  • von zur Muhlen C*, von Elverfeldt D*,Choudhury RP, Ender J, Ahrens I, Schwarz M, Hennig J, Bode C, Peter K.,
    A functionaliszed magnetic resonance contrast agent selectively binds to glycoprotein iib/iiia on activated human platelets under flow conditions and is detectable at clinically relevant field strengths.
    Molecular Imaging 2008 Mar-Apr;7(2):59-67
  • Spiegelhalder K, Feige B, Paul D, Riemann D, van Elst LT, Seifritz E, Hennig J, Hornyak M.
    Cerebral correlates of muscle tone fluctuations in restless legs syndrome: a pilot study with combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and anterior tibial muscle electromyography.
    Sleep Med. 2008 Jan;9(2):177-183.
  • Stalder AF, von Elverfeldt D, Paul D, Hennig J, Markl M.
    Variable Echo Time Imaging and Signal Characteristics of 1-M Gadobutrol Contrast Agent at 1.5 and 3T.
    Magn Reson Med 2008 Jan; 59(1):113-123


* These authors contributed equally

  • Paul D, Frydrychowicz A, Walcher J, Fautz HP, Hennig J, Langer M, Schäfer O.
    Can Homogeneous Preparation Encoding (HoPE) Help Reduce Scan Time in Abdominal MRI? A Clinical Evaluation.
    J Magn Reson Imag 26:442-447.
  • Hentschel M, Paul D, Moser E, Brink I.
    Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der modernen Schnittbildverfahren (CT, MRT, PET) in der Molekularen Bildgebung.
    Der Nuklearmediziner 30:31-41.
  • von Elverfeldt D, Niekisch M, Quaschning T, El Saman A, Kirste G, Kraemer-Guth A, Hennig J.
    Kinetics of PME/Pi in Pig Kidneys during Cold Ischemia
    NMR in Biomedicine 2007 Nov;20(7):652-657
  • von zur Muehlen C, von Elverfeldt D, Bassler N, Neudorfer I, Steitz B, Petri-Fink A, Hofmann H, Bode C, Peter K.
    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Binding and Uptake as Imaged by Magnetic Resonance is Mediated by the Integrin Receptor Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18): Implications on Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaques
    Atherosclerosis 2007 Jul;193(1):102-11.

* These authors contributed equally

  • Uhl M., Saueressig U., Kontny U, Reichardt W., V. Buiren, Niemeyer C., Ilyasof K., Koehler G., Langer M.
    Osteosarcoma: Preliminary results of in vivo assessment of tumor necrosis during chemotherapy with diffusion weighted MR-imaging. 
    Pediatric Radiology 36(12):1306-11
  • Paul D, Hennig J, Zaitsev M. 
    Intrinsic Fat Suppression in TIDE Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging. 
    Magn Reson Med 56:1328-35
  • Paul D, Markl M, Fautz HP, Hennig J.
    T2-weighted balanced SSFP-imaging (T2-TIDE) using variable flip angles. 
    Magn Reson Med 56:82-93

* These authors contributed equally

  • von zur Muehlen C, von Elverfeldt D, Choudhury R, Bode C, Peter K
    A Single-chain Antibody Directed Against Activated Platelets Allows Targeted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Thrombi at Clinically Relevant Field Strengths.“
    AHA 2005, Circulation 112 (17) supplement: 1092
  • Reichardt W, Hu-Lowe D, Torres D, Weissleder R, Bogdanov A Jr
    Imaging of VEGF receptor kinase inhibitor-induced antiangiogenic effects in drug-resistant human adenocarcinoma model
    Neoplasia. 2005 Sep;7(9):847-5
  • Kim YR, Yudina A, Figueiredo J, Reichardt W, Hu-Lowe D, Petrovsky A, Kang HW, Torres D, Mahmood U, Weissleder R, Bogdanov AA Jr.
    Detection of early antiangiogenic effects in human colon adenocarcinoma xenografts: in vivo inhibitor.
    Cancer Res. 2005 Oct 15;65(20):9253-60
  • Hentschel M, Paul D, Korsten-Reck U, Mix M, Müller F, Merk, S, Brink I, Moser E
    Can body volume be determined by PET?
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 32:564-68

* These authors contributed equally

  • Niekisch M, von Elverfeldt D, El Saman A, Hennig J, Kirste G.
    Improved Pretransplant Assessment of Renal Quality via 31P-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Employing Chemical Shift Imaging
    Transplantation 2004 77(7):1041-1045
  • Fautz HP, Paul D, Scheffler K, Hennig J.
    TRIM: TR Independent Multislice Imaging.
    Magn Reson Med 51:1239-46
  • Bilecen D, Kaspar A, Küstermann E, Seelig J, Elverfeldt D, Scheffler K.
    Intrahepatic detection of the non-steroidal antirheumatic drug niflumic acid followed by in vivo and in vitro 19F MR spectroscopy in humans
    NMR Biomed. 2003 May;16(3):144-51 

* These authors contributed equally

apl. Prof. Dr. Dominik von Elverfeldt
Head of AMIR

Tel.: +49 761 270-38320
E-Mail: dominik.elverfeldt@uniklinik-freiburg.de

University Medical Center Freiburg
Dept. of Radiology · Medical Physics
Killianstr. 5a
79106 Freiburg