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What's new at Lighthouse?

Z-Pool Serverraum Symbolbild

Extended Pool Server Capacities

We are pleased to announce that our exchange server “Pool Z” now has more space than ever before. However, it is still only used to transfer files acquired on our devices to your own servers. It is expressly not for long term storing your files. These are automatically deleted from the Z-Pool after 4 weeks without backup. It is therefore essential that you ensure that your data is not lost. Only persons registered with us have access to the Z-Pool server. Please contact us if necessary.

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass unser Austauschserver "Pool Z" nun über mehr Platz als je zuvor verfügt. Allerdings dient er nach wie vor ausschließlich zum Transfer der an unseren Geräten akquirierten Dateien auf Ihre eigenen Server. Ausdrücklich nicht zur Lagerung/Speicherung Ihrer Dateien. Diese werden nämlich nach 4 Wochen automatisch und ohne Backup vom Z-Pool gelöscht. Tragen Sie also unbedingt Sorge, dass Ihre Daten nicht verloren gehen. Zugang zum Z-Pool-Server erhalten nur bei uns registrierte Personen. Wenden Sie sich bitte gegebenenfalls an uns.


New Flow Cytometer

Since February `25 we welcome Beckman Coulter's CytoFLEX LX at Lighthouse.

It offers 14 fluorescence channels excited by 4 lasers from UV to red.

Introductions are offered but you have to had visited the formal FACS-Fortessa-Basics-course beforehand.


New Full Spectral Flow Cytomter Available

SONY's full spectral flow cytometer comes with five lasers and is able to detect more than 40 colors at once.  Read more...

Online Booking System

Our booking system for our equipment:  All booking calendars are accessible via the internet from outside the Uniklinik intranet. 

Apply in time and register now at http://booking.core-facility.de. So that you can continue to use our devices and our service.

Sorter Booking Online

For the cell sorters, you can use the new calendar to look online at current bookings to find an available sorting slot, and you can even request a specific sort time by provisionally reserving a sort appointment in advance. If the requested appointment is accepted, you will receive a written confirmation of the desired appointment. Only then is your sort appointment considered "officially" to be scheduled.

Our new calendar system can be easily accessed, even from outside the Uniklinik network via the Internet. However, to access the system you first have to register as a user in it. For users with an Uniklinik LDAP login the registration process is very straightforward. Using your LDAP login and the corresponding password you can log in. This will automatically send us a request to activate your account. Once your user account has been activated, you will receive a one-time confirmation email from us. After that, you can then use the system.

External users (Vorklinik, University) can also access the system. To do so, please visit http://booking.core-facility.de and click "First Time User? Register".

The address of the new Lighthouse booking system can be found at the following link: https://ztz-buchung.uniklinik-freiburg.de/Web/index.php (or just http://booking.core-facility.de)