Lighthouse Core Facility
The Lighthouse Core Facility was founded to give investigators access to a broad spectrum of fluorescence-based technologies useful in answering research questions in the areas of cell and molecular biology. For more information about what instruments and services are available at the facility and how you can take advantage of what we have to offer, click on the appropriate sections below.
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Zentrum für Translationale Zellforschung (ZTZ)
Department of Medicine I
Tumorzentrum Freiburg - CCCF/DKTK
Center for Chronic Immune Deficiency - CCI
Online Booking:
Online Booking Calendar (registration required)
Lighthouse Core Facility
Telephone: +49 761 270-63770
Telefax: +49 761 270-63780
Email: Lighthouse Facslab
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Lighthouse Core Facility
Zentrum für Translationale Zellforschung (ZTZ)
Breisacher Straße 115
D-79106 Freiburg
Extended Pool Server Capacities
We are pleased to announce that our exchange server “Pool Z” now has more space than ever before. However, it is still only used to transfer files acquired on our devices to your own servers. It is expressly not for long term storing your files. These are automatically deleted from the Z-Pool after 4 weeks without backup. It is therefore essential that you ensure that your data is not lost. Only persons registered with us have access to the Z-Pool server. Please contact us if necessary.
Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass unser Austauschserver "Pool Z" nun über mehr Platz als je zuvor verfügt. Allerdings dient er nach wie vor ausschließlich zum Transfer der an unseren Geräten akquirierten Dateien auf Ihre eigenen Server. Ausdrücklich nicht zur Lagerung/Speicherung Ihrer Dateien. Diese werden nämlich nach 4 Wochen automatisch und ohne Backup vom Z-Pool gelöscht. Tragen Sie also unbedingt Sorge, dass Ihre Daten nicht verloren gehen. Zugang zum Z-Pool-Server erhalten nur bei uns registrierte Personen. Wenden Sie sich bitte gegebenenfalls an uns.
Fortessa Trainings
Content of the Basic Fortessa Introduction Course
- Principle & construction of a flow cytometer
- Startup operations, operation and shutdown procedures
- Replacement of sheath and waste canisters
- Sample preparation
- Sample measurement
- Sample handling and disposal of GMOs according to the “Gentechnikgesetz (GenTG)”
- Spectral overlap compensation
- Operating FACSDiva software
- Troubleshooting
- Operating booking system and input screen (for billing)
- Optional: More detailed information about FACSDiva & flow cytometry
Since June 2020 we offer the newly designed training courses for the FACS Fortessas and the flow cytometry basics..
The regulations for keeping the minimum distance make it impossible to keep the previous training form. Therefore, we were switching to largely contact-free online training.
If you would like to use our Fortessa flow cytometers (or the Canto II) and have not yet received instruction on these instruments from us, please send us an email to facslab(ät) You will then receive an email from us with all details and information.
Among them are:
- several links to instructional videos (total running time about 3hrs)
- an on-site appointment for questions and the short written test
You will then have about 1 week time to watch the videos and fill out forms if necessary.
At an individual on-site appointment for a maximum of 2 persons each (duration in total maximum 90 min.), the formalities are then completed (including a 10-minute written test) and, if possible, permission to use the equipment is granted.
The next dates for the on-site appointments and final exams are planned for:
- 04.04.2025
- 15.04.2025
- 30.04.2025
- 14.05.2025
- 28.05.2025
- 12.06.2025
- 26.06.2025
- 08.07.2025
- 23.07.2025
- 28.08.2025
- 12.09.2025
- 23.09.2025
- 08.10.2025
- 16.10.2025
- 24.10.2025
- 04.11.2025
- 19.11.2025
- 04.12.2025
- 16.12.2025
- to be continued
SONY Spectral Analyzer
We offer basic user introductions for the Sony FACS Analyzer in the Lighthouse Core Facility.
The event is limited to a max. no. of 2 participants. The introduction can be in German or English. If you are interested please email us (sony(ät) and date of the training you would like to book) for a binding reservation.
Where: Lighthouse Core Facility, ZTZ, ground floor, room 009, bay 3 at the Sony Analyzer
When: All possible dates and times are here...
Visiting any introduction is free of charge and required before using the Sony Analyzer at the Lighthouse Core Facility.
Please bring pen and paper for your notes in any case and your own lab coat if you are based at ZTZ.
Note: The number of participants is limited and the registration is binding after confirmation by us. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. So there is still a chance for substitutes.
More information about the course.
Online Booking System
Our booking system for our equipment: All booking calendars are accessible via the internet from outside the Uniklinik intranet.
Apply in time and register now at So that you can continue to use our devices and our service.
Sorter Booking Online
For the cell sorters, you can use the new calendar to look online at current bookings to find an available sorting slot, and you can even request a specific sort time by provisionally reserving a sort appointment in advance. If the requested appointment is accepted, you will receive a written confirmation of the desired appointment. Only then is your sort appointment considered "officially" to be scheduled.
Our new calendar system can be easily accessed, even from outside the Uniklinik network via the Internet. However, to access the system you first have to register as a user in it. For users with an Uniklinik LDAP login the registration process is very straightforward. Using your LDAP login and the corresponding password you can log in. This will automatically send us a request to activate your account. Once your user account has been activated, you will receive a one-time confirmation email from us. After that, you can then use the system.
External users (Vorklinik, University) can also access the system. To do so, please visit and click "First Time User? Register".
The address of the new Lighthouse booking system can be found at the following link: (or just
Recognized core facility of the Medical Faculty
Lighthouse is a recognized Core Facility of the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg.
Lighthouse is part of the RIsources Database of the DFG.
The RIsources listing simplifies applying for funding for the use of Lighthouse services within DFG grant applications.
We are also a part of, a national network of cytometrists and cytometry core facilities of the DGfZ / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zytometrie.
Lighthouse is a member unit of the Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP), a tri-national network of microscopy and image analysis facilities from throughout the region, including Freiburg, Basel, Strasbourg and the surrounding area.
Our user fees cover only a small fraction of our total running costs. In fact, most of the running costs are covered by our home institutes (Department of Medicine I, Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, DKTK/Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg) and the Medical Faculty,- University of Freiburg, while the majority of our machines were financed with the assistance of public funding sources such as the DFG, Land Baden-Württemberg, or BMBF. We therefore depend on proper acknowledgements in publications and grants and proper listing of the project numbers below.
Specific Project Numbers
Our general support project number from the Medical Faculty (2023/B3-Fol) should always be listed, along with the specific instrument or service area project number(s) as listed below:
Service Area | Project Number |
For all core facility services | Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg – Project Number 2023/B3-Fol |
Akoya Fusion Phenocycler | Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg – Project Number 2021/A2-Fol |
Cell Sorting | DFG Project Number 450392965 |
Zeiss LSM 980 MP (IMITATE) | DFG Project Number 452929960 |
Zeiss CellDiscoverer7 w/LSM900 (IMITATE) | DFG Project Number 4529935043 |
Zeiss AxioScan 7 Slidescanner (IMITATE) | DFG Project Number 452933375 |
Zeiss Lightsheet 8 (IMITATE) | DFG Project Number 452932349 |
Publications, posters or presentations that make use of Lighthouse/IMITATE services or equipment, or of data collected in the facility or by its staff should always list these project numbers in the respective acknowledgement/funding sections such as in the example below:
Lighthouse Core Facility is funded in part by the Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg (Project Numbers 2023/A2-Fol; 2021/B3-Fol) and the DFG (Project Number 450392965).
If you wish to in addition explicitly thank a member of the staff, just name the particular person(s) involved, here listed alphabetically:
J. Bodinek-Wersing
E. Bodurova
FA Ditengou
M. Follo
D. Herchenbach
M. Selle
U. Jagadeshwaran
Thank you.