Zu den Inhalten springen


Our research activity is aimed at the identification of the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms associated with mesenchymal transformation in GBM. In addition, we are interested in understanding and characterizing the molecular mechanisms which underline these events. Our work aims to translate to the clinic. Our focus lies on the deregulation of signaling pathways that result in tumorigenesis and treatment resistance. We combine transcriptional, genomic and epigenomic analysis from patient tumor samples with both in vitro and in vivo models to identify new therapeutic strategies. We also aim to use tumor profiling and genomic analyses to benefit the patient in providing prognostic information and adding in therapeutic decision-making.

Head of Genetics of Brain Tumors group

Head: Dr. Maria Stella Carro
Department of Neurosurgery
Breisacher Str. 64
D-79106 Freiburg