Institute for Infection Prevention and Control
Since its foundation by Prof. Franz Daschner over 30 years ago, the Institute has stood for conceptually innovative, effective and sustainable hospital hygiene. We are currently engaged in the multidisciplinary acquisition and application of knowledge for the prevention of infections, with a particular focus on people with compromised immunity, e.g. at the beginning of life and in the case of life-threatening illnesses. We focus on both - the patient and the pathogens.
The Institute for Infection Prevention and Hospital Hygiene (IIK) contributes in many ways to the performance of one of Germany's largest university hospitals, for example through
- the high-dimensional analysis and control of pathogen transmission,
- the prevention and control of infections by means of patient-oriented services,
- monitoring water hygiene and technical hygiene aspects, e.g. in central sterilization, operating theatres and intensive care units,
- support during the planning of new buildings,
- analysis of patient management data for new infection prevention concepts.
Scientifically, we are closely integrated into the University Hospital's research focus on immunology and infectious diseases and into various third-party-funded research networks. The collaborative research center PILOT is coordinated by the IIK.
If you would like to join us in making progress in infection prevention through cooperation or direct collaboration, please contact us.

Medical Director:
Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Henneke
Breisacher Straße 115 B
79106 Freiburg