Invitation to
International Symposium on Perinatal and Early Life Immunity
9-12 April 2025
Research Groups
RG Microbial Genome Analysis
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Reuter -
RG Quantitative and Predictive Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Dr. rer. nat. Tjibbe Donker -
RG Cellular Innate Immunity
Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Henneke -
Junior RG Immunity in barrier tissues
Dr. rer. nat. Julia Kolter -
Junior RG Psychology of infection prevention
Dr. phil. Anneke Haddad -
CRC/TRR 359 Perinatal Development of Immune Cell Topology (PILOT)
RG Extracellular Vesicles: Research and Translation
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Irina Nazarenko -
RG Molecular Preventive Medicine
Prof. Dr. Evelyn Lamy -
Junior RG Environmental Toxicology and Nanotoxicology
Dr. rer. nat. Manuel Garcia-Käufer
Medical Director:
Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Henneke
Breisacher Straße 115 B
79106 Freiburg