Aortic Medicine Working Group
We are striving for a better understanding of the natural course of acute and chronic aortic pathology, its many ways to develop aneurysmal formation and finally to take patient care to the next level by developing new treatment modalities thereby transferring knowledge from bench to bedside. We are interested in visualizing the dynamics of the disease via functional imaging providing us with direct information of tissue behavior.
Furthermore, understanding the contribution of inflammatory cells in modulating the disease process shall enable us to anticipate adverse aortic events before they become clinically apparent. This harmonization of conceptual approaches is a unique academic opportunity to combine clinical knowledge with functional imaging and finally molecular data in a dedicated University setting.
The publications of Prof. Czerny can be found here.

Prof. Dr. Martin Czerny - Ärztlicher Direktor
Telefon +49 (0)761-270-28180