Medizinische Physik - Publikationen
Beiträge auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen
DGMP, Stuttgart, Deutschland
- Reinalter J, Cascajo A, Rothe T, Lübke J, Grosu A-L, Nicolay NH, Baltas D: Untersuchung der erzielbaren Dosisreduktion in Risikoorganen bei Bestrahlung von PatientInnen mit linksseitigem Brustkrebs mittels tiefer Inspiration.
Vortrag - Thomann B, Gkika E, Fechter T, Sachpazidis I, Grosu A-L, Brunner TB, Baltas D: Prädiktive Bestrahlungsplanung mit SIP (Simultan Integrierte Protektion) auf Basis von TCP und NTCP.
DEGRO, Münster, Deutschland
- Reinalter J, Lübke J, Rothe T, Cascajo A, Baltas D, Grosu A-L, Nicolay NH: Vergleich der Bestrahlung in tiefer Inspiration mit der Bestrahlung in freier Atmung im Hinblick auf eine Dosisreduktion in Herz und Lunge für Patientinnen mit linksseitigem Brustkrebs – Freiburger Erfahrungen.
Poster - Thomann B, Baltas D, Grosu A-L, Brunnter TB, Gkika E: Radiobiologische Evaluierung des SIP-Konzepts (Simultan Integrierte Protektion) auf der Grundlage von TCP und NTCP.
ASTRO, Chicago, USA
- Zamboglou C, Carles M, Fechter T, Fassbender T, Ruf J, Bronsert P, Koeber G, Jilg CA, Baltas D, Mix M, Grosu A-L: Radiomic Features from PSMA PET for Intraprostatic Tumor Discrimination and Characterization in Patients with Prostate Cancer. a Comparison Study with Histology Reference. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 1, Supplement, 2019, Page E316, ISSN 0360-3016,
DGMP, Nürnberg, Deutschland
- Carles M, Adebahr S, Torres-Espallardo I, Mix M, Nestle U, Grosu A-L, Baltas D, Martí-Bonmatí L: Evaluation of the robustness of PET image features to respiratory movement: experimental phantoms and lung cancer patients.
Vortrag - Thomann B, Saum R, Wiehle R, Kollefrath M, Baltas D: Validierung der Beamdaten und der Dosisberechnung für kleine Felder: Allgemeiner Ablauf und potentielle Probleme.
<link file:82363 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Thomann B, Sachpazidis I, Koubar K, Zamboglou C, Mavroidis P, Wiehle R, Grosu A-L, Baltas D: Radiobiologische Modellierung inhomogener Radiosensitivitätsverteilungen und intrafraktioneller Bewegung: Einfluss auf die Tumor-Kontroll-Wahrscheinlichkeit von Prostata-IMRT-Plänen mit simultan integriertem Boost.
<link file:82362 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Gainey M, Kollefrath M, Baltas D: Verwendung von einem hochauflösenden 2D-Array zur Applikator Kommissionierung und Qualitätssicherung in der HDR-Brachytherapie: ein einheitliches Konzept
Vortrag - Gainey M, Sachpazidis I, Rossi G, Kollefrath M, Baltas D: Routine patient specific QA for brachytherapy using a high resolution liquid filled ionisation chamber array
Vortrag - Gainey M, Rothe T, Saum R, Wiehle R, Küchler S, Lübke J, Cascajo A, Koubar K, Timmermeyer A, Thomann B, Sourmeli G, Kollefrath M, Baltas D: Corrections for rotating ionisation chamber array based patient specific QA: small field correction and Gaussian smoothing
Vortrag - Lübke J, Rothe T, Cascajo Castresana A, Reinalter J, Scholber J, Schnell D, Baltas D: Integrierter Sicherheitsworkflow in der modernen Strahlentherapie
Vortrag Lunch-Symposium - Rothe T, Wiehle R, Baltas D: Whole brain radiation therapy with hippocampal sparing and simultaneous integrated boost for brain metastases: A comparison between VMAT and helical IMRT
DEGRO, Leipzig, Deutschland
- Kollefrath M, Gainey M, Küchler S, Wiehle R: Physiker-Sprechstunde für Patienten
<link file:81215 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Thomann B, Sachpazidis I, Koubar K, Zamboglou C, Mavroidis P, Wiehle R, Grosu A.-L., Baltas D: Einfluss inhomogener Radiosensitivitätsverteilungen und intrafraktioneller Organbewegung auf die TCP von IMRT-Plänen mit SIB bei Prostatakarzinomen.
<link file:82361 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Fechter T, Baltas D: Klinische Evaluierung eines Algorithmus zur voll-automatischen Erkennung der Außenkontur des Körpers auf CT-Datensätzen für die Strahlentherapie.
<link file:82373 download herunterladen der datei>Poster
RSEF/IFIMED, Madrid, Spanien
- Carles M: Radiomics in lung cancer: lesion heterogeneity quantification by PET image features.
ESTRO, Barcelona, Spanien
- Thomann B, Sachpazidis I, Koubar K, Zamboglou C, Mavroidis P, Wiehle R, Grosu A-L, Baltas D: Influence of inhomogeneous radiosensitivity distributions and intrafractional organ movement on the tumour control probability for IMRT treatment plans including a simultaneous integrated boost for primary prostate cancer.
<link file:79865 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Carles M, Adebahr S, Torres-Espallardo I, Mix M, Nestle U, Grosu A-L, Baltas D, Martí-Bonmatí L: Complementarity of PET texture features with respect to the information provided by metabolic volume, uptake-standardized value and total lesion glycolysis: effect of resampling method.
<link file:79863 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Rossi G, Gainey M, Thomann B, Saum R, Kollefrath M, Allgaier B, Würfel J, Baltas D: Employing the microDiamond detector for radial dose function measurements with an 192Ir source.
<link file:79864 download herunterladen der datei>Poster
DGMP Arbeitskreistreffen Klinische Dosimetrie
- Rothe T: 3-dimensionale Geldosimetrie in der Strahlentherapie am Beispiel von SRS multipler Hirnmetastasen
2. Harzer Symposium für Bestrahlungsplanung, Goslar, Deutschland
- Rothe T, Popp I: PTV Ganzhirn mit SIB – Fallpräsentation Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
7. KAI-Workshop (2018) für Klinische und Administrative Informatik, Freiburg, Deutschland
- Lübke J, Rothe T, Cascajo Castresana A, Reinalter J, Scholber J, Schnell D, Baltas D: Kamera-basierte Systeme in der Radioonkologie: Erfahrungen und Zukunftsaspekte
6. GEC-ESTRO Workshop, Brüssel, Belgien
- Gainey M, Allgaier B, Sachpazidis I, Kollefrath M, Baltas D: Pre-treatment brachytherapy QA using a liquid filled ionisation chamber array
ESTRO, Wien, Österreich
- Fechter T, Dolz J, Nestle U, and Baltas D: Clinical evaluation of a fully automatic body delineation algorithm for radiotherapy.
Poster - Carles M, Bach T, Torres-Espallardo I, Nestle U , Martí-Bonmatí L, Baltas D: Impact of motion and segmentation on PET texture features: evaluation with heterogeneous phantoms.
DGMP, Dresden, Deutschland
- Carles M, Bach T, Torres-Espallardo I, Nestle U , Martí-Bonmatí L, Baltas D: Uptake heterogeneity quantification in lung cancer patients: impact on image features variability of 3D- and 4DPET/CT protocols.
Poster - Rothe T, Sourmeli G, Saum R, Ludwig U, Bock M, Pappas E, Baltas D: Three-dimensional gel dosimetry for stereotactic radiosurgery of multiple brain metastases with helical tomotherapy
DGMP Arbeitskreistreffen IMRT + Festkörperdosimetrie
- Rothe T: Erfahrungen mit 3D-Geldosimetrie und 3D-gedruckten Schädelphantomen
Vortrag - Rothe T: Ganzhirnbestrahlung mit Hippocampusschonung und SIB multipler Hirnmetastasen
TomoTherapy Users' Meeting
- Rothe T: Ganzhirnbestrahlung mit Hippocampusschonung und SIB multipler Hirnmetastasen Vortrag
DGBMT, Basel, Schweiz
- Sachpazidis I, Mavroidis P, Papadakis M, Baltas D: A radiobiological modelling and evaluation system for radiation oncology treatment planning.
<link file:79860 download herunterladen der datei>Poster
RSEF/IFIMED, Valencia, Spanien
- Carles M: Effect of respiratory movement on PET texture features quantification.
EANM, Barcelona, Spanien
- Carles M, Torres-Espallardo I, Nestle U, Marti-Bonmati L: Evaluation of the use of 40% threshold contours for texture features computation on PET image.
<link file:82367 download herunterladen der datei>Poster
NSS/MIC/RTSD, Strasbourg, Frankreich
- Carles M, Torres-Espallardo I, Nestle U, Marti-Bonmati L: Optimizing 4D-PET/CT imaging for heterogeneity quantification by texture features.
<link file:82368 download herunterladen der datei>Poster - Carles M, Fechter T, Nestle U, Schaefer A: Contrast-oriented seed based automatic segmentation algorithm: minimizing effect of lesion heterogeneity on algorithm response.
<link file:82369 download herunterladen der datei>Poster
Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften
Sachpazidis I, Hense J, Mavroidis P, Gainey M, Baltas D: Investigating the role of constrained CVT and CVT in HIPO inverse planning for HDR brachytherapy of prostate cancer. Med Phys (2019). 46 (7): 2955-2968. http:///
Zamboglou C, Carles M, Fechter T, Kiefer S, Reichel K, Fassbender TF, Bronsert P, Koeber G, Schilling O, Ruf J, Werner M, Jilg CA, Baltas D, Mix M, Grosu A-L: Radiomic features from PSMA PET for non-invasiveintraprostatic tumor discrimination and characterization in patients with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer – a comparison study with histology reference. Theranostics (2019). 9(9): 2595-2605. http://doi:10.7150/thno.32376
Bostel T, Sachpazidis ., Splinter M, Bougatf N, Fechter T, Zamboglou C, Jäkel O, Huber PE, Baltas D, Debus J, Nikolay NH: Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy—Implications for Imaging Frequency and Treatment Adaptation. Frontiers in Oncology (2019). http://doi:10.3389/fonc.2019.00940
Splinter M, Bostel T, Sachpazidis I, Fechter T, Zamboglou C, Jäkel O, Huber PE, Debus J, Baltas D, Nicolay NH: Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations for Post-prostatectomy Radiotherapy to the Prostatic Fossa - Relevance for the Frequency of Position Verification Imaging and Treatment Adaptation. Frontiers in Oncology (2019).
Chatzikonstantinou G, Zamboglou N, Baltas D, Ferentinos K, Bon D, Tselis N: Image-guided interstitial high-dose-rate brachytherapy for dose escalation in the radiotherapy treatment of locally advanced lung cancer: A single-institute experience. Brachytherapy 18 (2019): 829-834.
Lazzeroni M, Toma-Dasu I, Ureba A, Schiavo F, Wiedenmann N, Bunea H, Thomann B, Baltas D, Mix M, Stoykow C, Sörensen A, Grosu A-L: Quantification of Tumor Oxygenation Based on FMISO PET: Influence of Location and Oxygen Level of the Well-Oxygenated Reference Region. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1232:177-182 (2020).
Fechter T, Baltas D: One Shot Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration and Periodic Motion Tracking. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING (2020).
Siebert FA.., Kirisits C, Helebust TP, Baltas D, Verhaegen F, Camps S, Pieters B, Kovacs G, Thomadsen B: GEC-ESTRO/ACROP recommendations for quality assurance of ultrasound imaging in brachytherapy. Radiother Oncol (2020), 148, 51-56.
Zamboglou C, Fassbender TF, Steffan L, Schiller F, Fechter T, Carles M, Kiefer S, Rischke HC, Reichel K, Schmidt-Hegemann N-S, Ilhan H, Chirindel AF, Nicolas G, Henkenberens C, Derlin T, Bronsert P, Mavroidis P, Chen RC, Meyer PT, Ruf J, Grosu A-L: Validation of different PSMA-PET/CT-based contouring techniques for intraprostatic tumor definition using histopathology as standard of reference. Radiotherapy and Oncology (2019), Pages 208-213, ISSN 0167-8140,
Thomann B, Sachpazidis I, Koubar K, Zamboglou C, Mavroidis P, Wiehle R, Grosu A.-L., Baltas D: Influence of inhomogeneous radiosensitivity distributions and intrafractional organ movement on the tumour control probability of focused IMRT in prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2018.
Carles M, Bach T, Torres-Espallardo I, Baltas D, Nestle U and Martí-Bonmatí L: Significance of the impact of motion compensation on the variability of PET image features. Phys. Med. Biol, 2018, 63:65013.
Zamboglou C, Thomann B, Koubar K, Bronsert P, Krauss T, Rischke HC, Sachpazidis I, Drendel V, Salman N, Reichel K, Jilg CA, Werner M, Meyer PT, Bock M, Baltas D, Grosu AL: Focal dose escalation for prostate cancer using 68Ga-HBED-CC PSMA PET/CT and MRI: a planning study based on histology reference. Radiation Oncology, 2018, 2;13(1):81.
Zamboglou C, Klein CM, Thomann B, Faßbender TF, Rischke HC, Kirste S, Henne K, Volegova-Neher N, Bock M, Grosu AL: The dose distribution in dominant intraprostatic tumour lesions defined by multiparametric MRI and PSMA PET/CT correlates with the outcome in patients treated with primary radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Radiation Oncology, 2018.
Gainey M, Carles M, Mix M, Meyer PT, Bock M, Grosu AL, Baltas D: Biological imaging for individualized therapy in radiation oncology: part I physical and technical aspects. Future Oncology, 2018.
Gkika E, Oehlke O, Bunea H, Wiedenmann N, Adebahr S, Nestle U, Zamboglou C, Kirste S, Fennell J, Brunner T, Gainey M, Baltas D, Langer M, Urbach H, Bock M, Meyer PT, Grosu A-L: Biological imaging for individualized therapy in radiation oncology: part II medical and clinical aspects. Future Oncology, 2018.
Rossi G, Gainey M, Thomann B, Kollefrath M, Würfel J, Allgaier B, Baltas D: Monte Carlo and experimental high dose rate 192Ir brachytherapy dosimetry with microDiamond detectors. Z Med Phys, 2018.
Fechter T, Adebahr S, Baltas D, Ben Ayed I, Desrosiers C, Dolz J: Esophagus segmentation in CT via 3D fully convolutional neural network and random walk. Med Phys, 2017; 44 (12): 6341-6352.
Carles M, Torres-Espallardo I, Alberich-Bayarri A, Olivas C, Bello P, Nestle U, Marti-Bonmati L: Evaluation of PET texture features with heterogeneous phantoms: complementarity and effect of motion and segmentation method. Phys Med Biol, 2017; 62 (2): 652-668.
Zamboglou C, Sachpazidis I, Koubar K, Drendel V, Wiehle R, Kirste S, Mix M, Schiller F, Mavroidis P, Meyer PT, Werner M, Grosu AL, Baltas D: Evaluation of intensity modulated radiation therapy dose painting for localized prostate cancer using 68Ga-HBED-CC PSMA-PET/CT: A planning study based on histopathology reference. Radiother Oncol, 2017; 123 (3): 472-477.
Tselis N, Hoskin P, Baltas D, Strnad V, Zamboglou N, Rodel C, Chatzikonstantinou G: High Dose Rate Brachytherapy as Monotherapy for Localised Prostate Cancer: Review of the Current Status. Clin Oncol-uk, 2017; 29 (7): 401-411.
Schiller F, Fechter T, Zamboglou C, Chirindel A, Salman N, Jilg CA, Drendel V, Werner M, Meyer PT, Grosu AL, Mix M: Comparison of PET/CT and whole-mount histopathology sections of the human prostate: a new strategy for voxel-wise evaluation. EJNMMI Phys, 2017; 4 (1) (online): 21.
Schlachter M, Fechter T, Adebahr S, Schimek-Jasch T, Nestle U, Buhler K: Visualization of 4D multimodal imaging data and its applications in radiotherapy planning. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 2017; 18 (6): 183-193.
Anagnostopoulos G, Andrassy M, Baltas D: The Bebig Valencia-type skin applicators: Dosimetric study and implementation of a dosimetric hybrid technique. Brachytherapy, 2017; 16 (5): 1044-1056.
Gkika E, Adebahr S, Kirste S, Schimek-Jasch T, Wiehle R, Claus R, Wittel U, Nestle U, Baltas D, Grosu AL, Brunner TB: Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in recurrent or oligometastatic pancreatic cancer: A toxicity review of simultaneous integrated protection (SIP) versus conventional SBRT. Strahlenther Onkol, 2017; 193 (6): 433-443.
Mavroidis P, Komisopoulos G, Buckey C, Mavroeidi M, Swanson GP, Baltas D, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S: Radiobiological evaluation of prostate cancer IMRT and conformal-RT plans using different treatment protocols. Phys Medica, 2017; 40: 33-41.
Strouthos I, Tselis N, Chatzikonstantinou G, Butt S, Baltas D, Bon D, Milickovic N, Zamboglou N: High dose rate brachytherapy as monotherapy for localised prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2017.
Brunner TB, Nestle U, Adebahr S, Gkika E, Wiehle R, Baltas D, Grosu AL: Simultaneous integrated protection: A new concept for high-precision radiation therapy. Strahlenther Onkol, 2016; 192 (12): 886-894.
Zamboglou C, Rischke HC, Meyer PT, Knobe S, Volgeova-Neher N, Kollefrath M, Jilg CA, Grosu AL, Baltas D, Kroenig M: Single fraction multimodal image guided focal salvage high-dose-rate brachytherapy for recurrent prostate cancer. J Contemp Brachyther, 2016; 8 (3): 241-248.
Dolz J, Kirisli HA, Fechter T, Karnitzki S, Oehlke O, Nestle U, Vermandel M, Massoptier L: Interactive contour delineation of organs at risk in radiotherapy: Clinical evaluation on NSCLC patients. Med Phys, 2016; 43 (5): 2569-2569.
Schaefer A, Vermandel M, Baillet C, Dewalle-Vignion AS, Modzelewski R, Vera P, Massoptier L, Parcq C, Gibon D, Fechter T, Nemer U, Gardin I, Nestle U: Impact of consensus contours from multiple PET segmentation methods on the accuracy of functional volume delineation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol I, 2016; 43: 911-924.
Schlachter M, Fechter T, Jurisic M, Schimek-Jasch T, Oehlke O, Adebahr S, Birkfellner W, Nestle U, Buhler K: Visualization of Deformable Image Registration Quality using Local Image Dissimilarity. Ieee T Med Imaging, 2016; 35 (10): 2319-2328.
Zamboglou C, Schiller F, Fechter T, Wieser G, Jilg C, Chirindel A, Salman N, Drendel V, Werner M, Mix M, Meyer P, Grosu AL: 68GA-HBED-CC-PSMA PET/CT Versus Histopathology In Primary Localized Prostate Cancer: A Voxel-Wise Comparison. Theranostics, 2016; 6 (10): 1619-1628.
Zamboglou C, Wieser G, Hennies S, Rempel I, Kirste S, Soschynski M, Rischke HC, Fechter T, Jilg CA, Langer M, Meyer PT, Bock M, Grosu AL: MRI versus 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT for gross tumour volume delineation in radiation treatment planning of primary prostate cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol I, 2016; 43: 889-897.

Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Dimos Baltas
Tel.: +49 761 270-94821
Fax: +49 761 270-95530

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kollefrath
Tel.: +49 761 270-95810
Fax: +49 761 270-95530

Christian M. Fabini
Tel.: +49 (0) 761 270 94821
Fax: +49 (0) 761 270-95530