Fellowships in Neurology for Guest Physicians
at the Department of Neurology, University of Freiburg, GermanyThe Department of Neurology welcomes doctors from abroad. To get the German "Facharzt" you do have to follow our full rotation-system over appr. 5 to 6 years and to complete one additional year of clinical training in Psychiatry. We have a curriculum of a scientifically orientated training track (with longer periods of research in between clinical rotations) and a clinically orientated track (with emphasis on clinical specializations). You can also stay here for only a couple of months with a special research focus. If you aim to work as a doctor within our department, stays for a specific clinical specialization training should last at least 2 years and ideally include research work in this field.
Main Preconditions
- You do have to come for 1 week to our hospital to stay as an observer in the routine clinical run-up.
- You need to have a certificate of at least the B2-level in German language.
- You should be a qualified and licensed physician or an approbated neurologist.
How to get in touch with us
Please send an e-mail to Mrs. Wilke with an individual application letter and your full CV. Your CV has to document your basic medical education and the period of special training in neurosciences.
In case of vacancies and fulfilment of the general requirements you will be invited to visit our hospital for 1 week. At that time you are going to have an interview with Prof. Weiller, Head of the Department of Neurology, and various senior physicians. The main aim of your visit for us is to get to know you personally. You also will get the opportunity to get a first impression of our hospital and city and to meet other members of the staff.
After that short visit we will decide whether you will get an acceptance as a guest physician at our department. When accepted you shall start to organize your stay immediately, since it will take several months to organize all requirements. Please keep in contact with us to get your stay well organized.
You will have to provide certificates concerning your financial support during your stay at Freiburg showing that you will receive a monthly scholarship from the government of your home country or any other official institution (e.g. University, DAAD, WHO) in original and copy translated into German language and officially certified by the German Embassy of your home country.
General Regulations / Administration
Permit to work in Germany as a physician
For this permit you must apply at the Regierungspräsidium in Stuttgart before your arrival in Freiburg. Documents needed by a guest physician from non-EU- countries to apply for a work permit as a physician in Germany: You need to fill in an “Application for work permit” (§ 10 of the BÄO): please order the respective form at:
Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
- Referat 26 -
Postfach 80 07 09
D-70507 Stuttgart
After filling in and signing the form it has to be sent back to Stuttgart including the following documents. We will manage this application for you provided that we have received all documents listed below:
- Copies of
- Birth certificate
- Marriage certificate (if applicable)
- Medical course certificates
- Board certification
- Acceptance of the medical thesis (if applicable)
- Full curriculum vitae
All following documents have to be translated into German language and officially approved by the German Embassy in your home country: - Certification about a medical work after the study as well as about the current occupation.
- Copy of your passport certified by the German Embassy of your home country.
- Permit to stay in Germany (visa) issued by the German Embassy of your home country. There must be a statement in your visa that you are allowed to work in Germany as a guest physician. This statement can be issued by the German Embassy of your home country (Statement in German language: “Visum zum Zwecke der ärztlichen Hospitation / ärztlichen Fortbildung” or “Visum als ärztlicher Stipendiat zum Zwecke der Fortbildung / Facharztweiterbildung”).
- Certification about the grant/scholarship, sponsoring or other financing of the stay.
- Official statement about the return to your home country after the stay in Germany.
- Certification about the knowledge of the German language (at least B-2 level).
- Confirmation of the supreme authority of health that the stay in Germany is in the interest of the home country.
- Official certification of innocuousness that the guest doctor is legitimated to work as a physician and that he is not involved in any legal procedures (approved by the German Embassy of your home country).
- Certification of good standing.
- Medical certificate showing that you are healthy. This certificate must be issued by a doctor from the German Embassy of your home country.
Permit to stay in Germany: To help you to obtain the documents listed under No 4, we will issue a letter to the German Embassy in your home country. Please provide us with the contact details of the German Embassy of your home country (name of the person who should receive our letter, address of the German Embassy in your home country, phone and fax number, e-mail address).
Apart from the work permit as a physician you will also need to get a general work permit to work in Germany issued by the Arbeitsamt in Freiburg or the Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung (ZAV) in Bonn. This general work permit will be regulated for you by our administration, after your work permit as a physician has been approved by the Regierungspräsidium in Stuttgart.
Please note: The two work permits (general and medical) are essential to start your training at our department and must have been issued before your arrival in Germany.
Accommodation in Freiburg
We can offer you to make a reservation for a room in one of our guest houses – provided that rooms will be available at the time of your planned stay at Freiburg. The expenses are approximately EUR 340 per month. The costs of living in Freiburg will amount to approximately EUR 800 per month.