Prof. Dr. Cornelius Weiller
Chairperson emeritus and head of Department of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, Head of geriatrics
Board certified neurologist (GER, FMH), psychiatrist, intensive care, geriatrics
Telefon: 0761-270 54834
PIs and current researchers:
Andrea Dressing, Volkmar Glauche, Mariachristina Musso, Michel Rijntjes, Orionas Saprikis, Ema Vaidelyte, Emiel van den Hoven
Alumni: These are scientists (medics, computer scientists, linguists, logopedics or physiotherapists) over the past 25 years or so at various cities. Our research profited enormously by their work and the ideas they contributed. All have made their own way and hopefully do not protest for being listed here. We are grateful for being able to have had them in the team: Steffie Abel (Manchester/ Düsseldorf), Annette Baumgärtner (Lübeck), Tobias Bäumer (Lübeck), Lena Beume (Mühlheim), Ulrike Bingel (Essen), Christian Büchel (HH), Carsten Buhmann (HH), Christian Dettmers (Konstanz), Stefanie Dohse (HH), Bogdan Draganski (Lausanne), Anna Gorsler (Beelitz), Farsin Hamzei (Jena), Thomas Hassa (Allensbach), Jens Haueisen (Ilmenau), Andreas Horn (Berlin), Christian Isensee (Aachen), Markus Jüptner (Essen), Michael Katzev (Freiburg), Holger Kaube (München), Stefan Kiebel (Dresden), Gesche Ketels (HH), Stefan Klöppel (Bern), Dorothee Kümmerer (Freiburg), Rüdiger Lange (Nürnberg), Joachim Liepert (Allensbach), Markus Martin nee Hoeren (Freiburg), Arne May (HH), Alexander Münchau (Lübeck), Verena Hobbeling (HH), Kai Nitschke (Freiburg), Dorothee Saur (Leipzig), Miriam Sach (La Jolla), Valeska Schraknepper (HH), Götz Thomalla (HH), Oliver Tüscher (Mainz), Roza Umarova (Bern), Thilo van Eimeren (Köln), Magnus Vry (Freiburg), Simone Zittel (HH), Britta Ziemus (Maastricht).
Medaillons of research
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
- 2023- Head of Geriatrics, University Clinic Freiburg
- 2008-12 PI of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 780
- 2007- Director, Board for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Freiburg
- 2005- 2024 Professor of Neurology (C4) and head of Dept. of Neurology in Freiburg
- 1999-2005 Professor of Neurology (C4) and head of Dept. of Neurology in Hamburg
- 1998 Appointment for Neurology at UCL (turned down)
- 1996-1999 Professor of Neurology (C4) and head of Dept. of Neurology in Jena
- 1991-1996 Senior lecturer (C2) and Oberarzt at the Dept. of Neurology, Essen (Prof. HC Diener)
- 1990-1991 Postdoc at the MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London (RSJF Frackowiak, K Friston, R. Wise, CD Marsden)
- 1984-1990 Professional training in pathology, psychiatry and neurology in Erlangen (Prof. V. Becker), Bonn (Prof. G. Huber), and Aachen (Prof. K. Poeck)
- 1993 Habilitation
- 1987 Medical Doctor
- 1984 ECFMG
- 1976-1983 Study of human medicine in Gent, Erlangen, and Aachen
- 1990: Board certificate: Neurology, Neurology and Psychiatry
- 1995: Intensive care
- 1996: Geriatrics
53 Promotiones (MD/PhD)
43 Habilitations
7 W3 Positions
Honors & Awards
- 2025 Verdienstmedaille der DGKN
- 2022 incoming president German Brain Council
- 2022 vice director Neurex
- Erb tumbler DGN
- 2016 Fellow of the EAN
- 2019 President of the DGKN conference, Freiburg
- 2019-2020 President of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology
- 2015- reference Department in the Human Brain Project and eBRAINs 2.0
- 2012-2018 Cluster of Excellence BrainLinksBrainTools, PI
- 2012-2017 Editor “Nervenarzt” Springer Verlag
- 2017 President DGNI Conference Berlin
2011-2019 Panel Member French Excellence Initiative, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
- 2010- Board Neurex
- 2007: Coordinator for the Cluster of Excellence Initiative “Neuroalliance”
- 2007-2015: Member of Speman Graduate School
- 2005-present Board of Directors, Hermann-Paul Institute for Linguistics, Freiburg
- 2004- Expert Evaluator EU, 6th + 7th framework Program, Horizon 2020
- 2004-2014 Scientific advisory board, “Brain”
- 2004-present Section Head – Faculty 1000, Neurology
- 2004-2005 Expert Evaluator, EU (6th +7th framework)
- 2005-2009 Member of Graduate School 843
- 2003 Founding Director of NeuroImage Nord, 2003-08: Coordinator, BMBF NeuroImaging centres, Founding Director of NeuroImage Nord (Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck)
- 2003-present Director of the Lurija Institute, Konstanz
- 2003 President of the DGN Conference, Hamburg
- 2002-2017: Director, German Academy of Neurology
- 2002-2017 Editorial board “NeuroImage”
- 2001-2006 Coordinator, DFG MR-High-field Initiative
- 2001-present Co-editor “Neurologie und Rehabilitation”
- 2001-2003 GAFOS Faculty
- 2000-2007, 2012-2015 Fachgutachter/ Kollegiat DFG
- 1998-2023 Kuratorium of the Tom-Wahlig Stiftung
- 1998: Host to Feldberg Foundation
- 1995-1998 Senior honorary Fellow, UCL, London, UK
- Key-Note at Asilomar Conference
- 1994-2003 Biomed I and 5th Framework: Cooridnator in two large EU concerted actions
- 1994 Hugo-Spatz Preis der DGN
- 1991+1993 Young investigators awards of ICBF society
- 1990 Feodor-Lynen Scholar
Member of the following societies:
EAN, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie, Deutsche Schlaganfallgesellschaft, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologische Intensivmedizin, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke, Deutsche Myastheniegesellschaft, Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, World Federation of Neurology, Society for Neuroscience, American Society for Neurorehabilitation, World Federation of Neurorehabilitation, Society for Neurobiology of language,
Scientific reviews for:
Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Nature communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Brain, Stroke, Journal Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Experimental Brain Research, The Lancet, Lancet Neurology, J Neurology, NeuroImage, Cerebrovascular Diseases, NeuroScience Letters, Neuroreport, J Neurophysiology, NeuroCase, J Neurosci Methods, Human Brain Mapping, Cortex, Annals of Neurology, Neurology, Arch Neurology, J of Neurology, J Journal of Neurology, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Epilepsy Research, BMC Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Journal of cognitive Neuroscience, J Neuroscience, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Volkswagenstiftung, Alexander v. Humboldt Stiftung, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, European Union FP 6, FP 7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europa, Medical Research Council (several initiatives), Welcome Trust, Institute national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, Nederlands Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Schweizer National Fonds, several international University programs, ANR (french national research agency (Paris) 2011- 2020 (IHU and other initiatives)
> 400 original papers in peer reviewed journals (pubmed)
citations: h-index: 92 (webofscience), 113 (google scholar 11/2024)
Further publications see Pubmed