Cortical Connector
Acute Multisite Probes - Silicon
In order to get the highest number of recording sites per displaced brain tissue, silicon fork like probes have been manufactured in a European Union funded project (VSAMUEL by ACREO, Sweden). Silicon arrays are available with 32 or 64 sites and 1 to 8 shafts respectively.
VSAMUEL probes are particularly well suited to record synchronously from a large number of sites with only one implantation.
In addition, EDC++ probes (P. Ruther @ IMTEK), NEUROPIXEL, ATLAS and NEURONEXUS probes are used.

Detail of the 64 site probe

Silicon probe during implantation in rat cortex
Chronic Multisite Probes - Flexible Polyimide
In cooperation with the IMTEK and other places, we developed flexible Polyimide based multisite microprobes, which we could show to support better integration in brain tissue than known rigid probes.
Section of Neuroelectronic Systems
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ulrich G. Hofmann
Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems
University Medical Center Freiburg
Department of Neurosurgery
Engesserstr. #4, 5th floor
D-79108 Freiburg
Phone: +49(0)761 270 50076