3rd European Symposium on Minimally Invasive Oncologic Surgery
09.30 - 09.40 h Welcome Note
Session I: Upper GI / Esophagus / Stomach
Chair: Christiane Bruns, Köln (Germany) and Klaus Emmanuel, Salzburg (Austria)
09.40-09.50 h Evidence and ongoing studies - Jens Höppner, Freiburg (Germany)
09.50-10.10 h Hybrid minimal invasive esophagectomy – the new evidence based standard !? - Arnulf Hölscher, Essen (Germany)
10.10-10.30 h Minimal invasive esophagectomy - robotic technique plus current results - Peter Grimminger, Mainz (Germany)
10.30-10-50 h Minimal invasive surgery of gastric cancer in the West - Suzanne S. Gisbertz, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
10.50-11-10 h Enhanced intraoperative imaging in minimally invasive surgery - Ines Gockel, Leipzig (Germany)
11.10-11-40 h COFFEE BREAK
Session II: Pancreas
Chair: Robert Grützmann, Erlangen (Germany) and Jörg Kalff, Bonn (Germany)
11.40-11.50 h Evidence and ongoing studies - Uwe Wittel, Freiburg (Germany)
11.50-12-10 h European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS): DIPLOMA trial and European Registry - Marc Besselink, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
12.10-12.30 h Robotic pancreatoduodenectomy - Markus Bahra, Berlin (Germany)
12.30-12.50 h Pancreatic surgery with vascular resections – potential for minimally invasive surgery? - Philippe Bachellier, Strasbourg (France)
12.50-13.10 h Minimally invasive versus open pancreatic enucleation - Lapo Bencini, Florence (Italy)
13.10-14.30 h LUNCH BREAK
Session III: Future perspectives
Chair: Stefan Fichtner-Feigl, Freiburg (Germany)
14.30-15.00 h Can minimally invasive oncologic surgery be implemented nationwide? Jürgen Weitz, Dresden (Germany)
15.00-15.30 h Modern intraoperative imaging – future perspectives - Tilman Schlick, Freiburg (Germany)
15.30-15.50 h COFFEE BREAK
Session IV: Colon
Chair: Christoph T. Germer, Würzburg (Germany) and Doris Henne-Bruns, Ulm (Germany)
15.50-16.00 h Evidence and ongoing studies - Hannes Neeff, Freiburg (Germany)
16.00-16.15 h Endoscopic full thickness resection for early colorectal cancer - Arthur Schmidt, Freiburg (Germany)
16.15-16.30 h Mass spectrometry in transanal minimally invasive surgery (MS-TAMIS) - Sam Mason, London (Great Britain)
16.30-16.50 h Robotic right hemicolectomy with CME - Roland S. Croner, Magdeburg (Germany)
16.50-17.10 h Robotic proctocolectomy with IPAA - Martin Kreis, Berlin (Germany)
17.10-17.20 h ICG in laparoscopic colorectal resection - Riccardo Rosati, Milano (Italy)
17.20-17.40 h Complete laparoscopic peritonectomy - Delia Cortes Guiral, Madrid (Spain)
Session I: Rectum
Chair: Thomas Schiedeck, Ludwigsburg (Germany) and Clemens Schafmayer, Rostock (Germany)
09.00-09.10 h Evidence and ongoing studies - Hannes Neeff, Freiburg (Germany)
09.10-09.30 h Robotic low anterior rectal resection - Clemens Bittermann, Vienna (Austria)
09.30-09.50 h Robotic exenteration and multivisceral resections - Shahnawaz Rasheed, London (Great Britain)
09.50-10.10 h taTME for low anterior rectal resection - Antonio de Lacy, Barcelona (Spain)
10.10-10.30 h TaTME - an experience report from Norway? - Frank Pfeffer, Bergen, (Norway)
10.30-11.00h COFFEE BREAK
Session II: Liver
Chair: Hauke Lang, Mainz (Germany) and Andreas A. Schnitzbauer, Frankfurt (Germany)
11.00-11.20 h CRLM – Oncological benefit of minimally invasive liver resection? - Björn Edwin, Olso (Norway)
11.20-11.40 h HCC – Can we extend the indications for liver resection by minimally invasive surgery? - David Fuks, Paris (France)
11.40-12.00 h CCC – Role of minimally invasive liver resection in treatment of intrahepatic CCC - Johann Pratschke, Berlin (Germany)
12.00-12.10 h Intraoperative imaging guided resection in minimally liver surgery - Daniel Seehofer, Leipzig (Germany)
12.10-12.20 h Robotics in liver surgery – where do we stand? - Thomas Becker, Kiel (Germany)
12.20-12.30 h Ongoing studies and current practice in Freiburg - Philipp Holzner, Freiburg (Germany)
12.30-12.40 h Summary - Stefan Fichtner-Feigl, Freiburg (Germany)
12.40-13.00 h FAREWELL SNACK
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
March 6-7, 2020
Lecture Hall Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
CME Credits
The Symposium has been accredited with 12 CME Points by the Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
and with 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).