Freiburg iPS Core (FiPS)

Advances in stem cell research provide novel in vitro models of human disease and avenues for cell therapeutic approaches. The Freiburg iPS Core (FiPS) represents the centralized facility for the generation and provision of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg. In addition to derivation, maintenance, expansion and cryopreservation of human iPS cell lines, the iPS Core offers support to researchers and physicians in the pursuit of projects involving stem cells, including differentiation paradigms and 3D organoid culture. Differentiation protocols are already locally established for a range of cellular phenotypes (e.g., hematopoietic, neural, renal, mesenchymal). Aimed at clinical translation, the routines applied use GMP-compatible protocols and non-genome integrating reprogramming technologies. Moreover, hands-on training and student internships are offered to convey the fundamentals of stem cell research methodology. In close exchange with the complementary units within the institute, experimental gene and cell therapeutic paradigms exploiting iPS cells are being developed.

FiPS Head/Contact
Prof. Dr. Richard Schäfer
Tel.: 0761 270 34858
Host Institutions
Institute for Transfusion Medicine
and Gene Therapy
Prof. Dr. Toni Cathomen
Institute for Anatomy & Cell Biology,
Dept. of Molecular Embryology
Prof. Dr. Tanja Vogel
Breisacher Str. 115
79106 Freiburg i. Br.