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Data-driven medicine from routine data

Dozent:PD Dr. Nadine Binder
Beginn:Donnerstag, 24.04.2025
Ende:Donnerstag, 24.07.2025
Uhrzeit:Derzeit wöchentlich geplant, jeweils 90 Min. Der Zeitplan wird in Vorbesprechungen festgelegt.
Ort: Hörsaal IMBI, Stefan-Meier-Strasse 26, 1. OG
Anmeldung:Teilnahme nach persönlicher Anmeldung bei PD Dr. Nadine Binder

Target group:

  • Medical students in the clinical phase of their studies who wish to gain a deeper understanding of data modeling.

  • Mathematics students enrolled in the “MSc Mathematics in Data and Technology” program.

Prior knowledge of programming languages is not required. 

Scheduled times:

Currently planned weekly for 90 mins. Schedule will be determined in preliminary meetings.

What you will take away from this seminar:

  • Develop the skills to model and evaluate routine medical data tailored to specific research questions while critically analyzing published findings.

  • Explore diverse perspectives on complex problems, and through collaborative exchange, build a shared understanding of data analysis models that are both realistic and clinically applicable.


Imagine being able to use routine data such as diagnoses, lab results, and medication plans to answer medical questions in innovative ways and improve patient care. In this seminar, we will learn to identify relevant data, understand suitable analysis methods, and what to consider when applying them in practice. Together, we will analyze scientific studies on routine data and discuss clinical questions, the methods used, and their feasibility for implementation.

What makes this seminar special: Medical and mathematics students collaborate to understand scientific studies from both perspectives. When possible, you will work in pairs (or individually if no pair can be formed) to analyze a study from your respective viewpoints and prepare related presentations. You may test available programming code or develop your own approaches to replicate the methods and apply them to your own questions. The pairs can be formed during the preliminary meeting.

Seminar structure:

  • Assignment of scientific studies and scheduling of presentations in preliminary meetings 

  • First appointment: February 6, 2025, alternative appointment: April 9, 2025, Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m, Location: Lecture Hall IMBI, Stefan-Meier-Straße 26, 1st floor

  • In-person sessions: Joint discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of the publications and how the analyses could contribute to better clinical decision-making. 

  • Language: Presentations/participation in German or English possible

Required seminar work: 

One of the following options: 

  • A presentation on the assigned scientific study, with mathematics students focusing on the methods and medical students on data analysis and interpretation. 

  • Independently developed analysis script for available data, to be presented. 

  • Creation of a digital learning module for ILIAS/Medical for students interested in Medical Data Science, based on the topic of the scientific study. 

Contact person:

PD Dr. Nadine Binder, nadine.binder@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Institute of General Practice, Medical Center, University of Freiburg

Freiburg Center for Data Analysis, Modelling and AI (FDMAI)

CRC 1597 Small Data, https://www.smalldata-initiative.de 






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