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An Introduction to Meta-Analysis

LecturersDr. Theodoros Evrenoglou, Dr. Guido Schwarzer
StartTuesday, 06.05.2025
EndTuesday, 27.05.2025
Time14:15-17:15, every Tuesday fro, the 6th to the 27th of May
LocationHörsaal, Stefan-Meier-Str. 26

Registration is free but required. Please register by April 27, 2025 by filling the form available here. For any questions, please contact Dr. Theodoros Evrenoglou (theodoros.evrenoglou@uniklinik-freiburg.de).


Systematic reviews are essential for summarizing all available evidence in a reliable manner using predefined methods and criteria. Meta-analysis is the quantitative component of a systematic review that combines estimates from two or more studies to produce a summary treatment effect estimate. When properly conducted, a meta-analysis is typically ranked above individual studies in hierarchies of evidence for health care decisions, as the summary treatment effect estimate obtained from a meta-analysis is generally more precise than the treatment effect estimates obtained from single studies. In recent years, findings from meta-analyses have influenced and changed clinical practice across various medical fields, making meta-analysis one of the most commonly used statistical methods in comparative effectiveness research.


This course focuses on the role of meta-analyses in comparative effectiveness research. It includes examples that evaluate healthcare interventions and demonstrate the appropriate use of both standard and advanced statistical methods for meta-analysis.


The objective of this course is to examine the full process of meta-analysis from the planning stage up to the final report. 

Learning outcomes:

In this course, participants will be enabled to:

  • Understand the concept and the main principles of meta-analysis
  • Synthesize the data from multiple studies
  • Understand and evaluate the assumptions of meta-analysis
  • Interpret the results of meta-analysis
  • Identify the limitations and potential sources of bias in their data
  • Create visualizations and prepare the final report
  • Perform a meta-analysis using the R package meta

Teaching strategies:

The course will consist of a mixture of lectures and interactive sessions. The coding parts of the course will primarily use the R package meta for meta-analysis.


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