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Basic Course in Biostatistics, zweitägiges Seminar

Dozent:Prof. Dr. Martin Wolkewitz, Dr. Derek Hazard
1. Termin:Mittwoch, 02.04.2025
2. Termin:Mittwoch, 09.04.2025
Uhrzeit:9.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Ort:Hörsaal, Hermann-Herder-Str. 5
Anmeldung:Bitte persönlich bei Martin Wolkewitz

The course is aimed at students who want to interpret statistics encountered in medical literature and who want to perform descriptive and inferential analyses at a basis level. Topics covered are Descriptive Statistics, Probability and Distributions, Hypotheses Testing, Regression and Correlation, Planning of Experiments, and Interpretation of Results and Replication. Literature is provided for more in-depth self-study. Students can also introduce own projects in class to highlight and discuss the statistical aspects. Teaching language is English or German.


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