Zu den Inhalten springen

  • 2023             Travel Grant der European Research Group for Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD) an Rühl-Muth, A.-C. für die Arbeit „The effect of feeding a fat enriched diet on Contact Hypersensitivity“. ITCASS/ERGECD Meeting Amsterdam. 15.11.-19.11.2022

  • 2021             Posterpreis der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Esser P.R. et al. für die Arbeit „Modulation of allergic contact dermatitis via unfolded protein response“. ADF online, 4.-6.3.2021

  • 2015             Travel Grant (Eurotox young awardee) der European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD) an Gendrisch F. für Gendrisch, Martin, Esser “Cellular stress in allergic contact dermatitis” 

  • 2015             Förderpreis der Deutschen Kontaktallergie Gruppe (DKG) an Dr. Felix C. Weber für die Publikation: Weber, F.C., T. Németh, J.Z. Csepregi, A. Dudeck, A. Roers, B. Ozsvari, E. Oswald, L. Puskás, T. Jakob, A. Mócsai, S.F. Martin. 2015. Neutrophils are required for both the sensitization and elicitation phase of contact hypersensitivity. J. Exp. Med. 212:15-22.

  • 2014             Poster Prize of the European Society for Contact Dermatits (ESCD) für “Innate immune responses - targets for causative treatment of ACD.” Esser, P.R., F. Weber, T. Németh, U. Woelfe, C.M. Schempp, T. Jakob, A. Mócsai, S.F. Martin.   Barcelona, 28.6.2014.

  • 2013             Novartis AGEA Award für den besten Vortrag, „Neutrophils play a central role in the sensitization and elicitation phase of contact hypersensitivity“ von F. Weber, Treffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Experimentelle Allergologie, (AGEA) bei der Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF), Dessau 14.3.2013

  • 2013             Mainzer Abstractpreis (3. Platz) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie (DGAKI) für „Neutrophils are crucial mediators of innate skin inflammation, facilitating sensitization and elicitation of CHS“ von Weber, F.C. T. Németh, B. Ozsvari, E. Oswald, K. Futosi, L. Puskás, T. Jakob, A. Mócsai, S.F. Martin”. Mainz, 7.3.2013.

  • 2012             FASEB Poster Award of the FASEB Scientific Research Conference “Immunoreceptors  für “Neutrophils are crucial innate effector cells in contact hypersensitivity” von Weber, F.C. T. Németh, B. Ozsvari, E. Oswald, K. Futosi, L. Puskás, T. Jakob, A. Mócsai, S.F. Martin. Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA, July 8-13.

  • 2012             Travel Grant and Poster Prize of the European Society for Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) for “Contact sensitizers mediate inflammation via ROS production and HA degradation” von Esser, P.R. et al. 11th Congress of the ESCD, Malmö, 13.-16.06.2012.

  • 2011             Nomination for best publication, Honorable Mention of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) for one of three papers published in 2010 for: Dietz, L.*, P.R. Esser*, S. Schmucker*, I. Goette, A. Richter, M. Schnoelzer, S.F. Martin*, H.J. Thierse*. 2010. Tracking human contact allergens: From mass spectrometric validated chemical-peptide interactions to chemical-specific naïve human T cell priming. Toxicol. Sci. 117:336-347. (*equal contribution, joint senior authors Martin/Thierse).

  • 2011             Publication Prize of the La Roche-Posay Foundation to Weber F.C. for the Publication: Weber F.C., P.R. Esser, T. Müller, J. Ganesan, P. Pellegatti, M.M. Simon, R. Zeiser, M. Idzko, T. Jakob, S.F. Martin. 2010. Lack of the purinergic receptor P2X7 results in resistance to contact hypersensitivity. J. Exp. Med. 207:2609-2619. doi: 10.1084/jem.20092489.

  • 2011             Exchange Research Fellowship Award der European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) an Weber F.C.  im Rahmen einer Kollaboration mit der Semmelweis Universität in Budapest. 8.8.-8.11.2011.

  • 2011             EMBO Short Term Fellowship an Weber F.C. im Rahmen einer Kollaboration mit der Semmelweis Universität in Budapest. 18.4.-18.7.2011.

  • 2011             Reisestipendium der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Esser P.R. für die Arbeit “Linking ROS production and HA degradation – a crucial role for the generation of endogenous Ligands in CHS responses to contact sensitizers” von Esser, P.R. et al. Tübingen, 19.2.2011.

  • 2011             Reisestipendium des 23. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop 2011 an Weber F.C. für die Arbeit “The purinergic receptor P2X7 is a crucial activator of the inflammasome in contact hypersensitivity” von Weber, F.C. et al., Mainz 10.3.2011.

  • 2010             Posterpreis der European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) an Esser P.R. für die ArbeitT cell based assays for the identification of contact and respiratory allergens” von Esser, P.R. et al., London, 9.6.2010

  • 2010             Posterpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie (DGfI) an Weber F.C. für die ArbeitLack of the purinergic receptor P2X7 results in resistance to contact hypersensitivity” von Weber, F.C. et al., Leipzig, 25.9.2010

  • 2008             Reisestipendium von Glaxo Smith Kline an Edele F. für “Homing receptor imprinting on T cells via DC licensed by environmental factors” Keystone Symposium „Leukocyte Trafficking“, Keystone, CO, USA, 13.-18.1.2008.

  • 2007             Posterpreis der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Martin S.F. et al. für die Arbeit „ Physiological role of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, 4 and IL-12R2 in hapten-induced contact hypersensitivity“ von Martin, S.F. et al.; Freiburg, 10. März 2007

  • 2005             Posterpreis der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Dudda J.C. für die Arbeit „Dendritic cells govern induction and reprogramming of tissue-selective T cell trafficking by soluble factors“ von Dudda, J.C. et al.; Innsbruck, 5. März 2005

  • 2005             Otto-Westphal-Promotionspreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie (DGfI) an Dr. rer. nat. Jan C. Dudda für die Dissertation: “Generation of Tissue-specific T Cell Homing Subsets by Dendritic Cells and Tissue Microenvironment”; Kiel, September 2005

  • 2004             Posterpreis der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Dudda J.C. für “Role of Dendritic cells in establishment and reprogramming of tissue selective CD8+ T cell trafficking to gut versus inflamed skin.” Jahrestagung der ADF, Dresden.

  • Travel grant der DGFI und der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Freiburg an Dudda J.C. für Reprogramming of tissue selective CD8+ T cell trafficking.“ 12th International Congress of Immunologists in Montreal, Canada.

  • 2003             Travel grant der Keystone Symposia, Abcam Ltd., LaRoche Foundation und The UCB Institute of Allergy (Belgium) an Dudda J.C. für “Targeting CD8+ T cells to inflamed skin by Dendritic cell immunization.” Keystone Symposium “Dendritic cells: Interfaces between Immunology and Medicine” in Keystone, CO, USA.

  • 2002             Travel grant der LaRoche Foundation und der Keystone Symposia an Dudda J.C. für “Intradermal application of bone-marrow derived Dendritic Cells primes for a skin homing CD8+ T Cell subset. Keystone Symposium “Molecular Mechanism of Leukocyte trafficking”, Steamboat Springs, CO, USA:

  • 2002             Reisestipendium der DGFI an Dudda J.C. für „Intradermal but not intravenous application of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells primes for a skin homing memory CD8+ T cell subset.” Jahrestagung der DGFI, Marburg.

  • 2001             Travel grant der LaRoche Foundation an Dudda J.C. für “CD8+ T cells cannot be tolerized by UV-B irradiated Dendritic cells”, Keystone Symposium “Dendritic cells: Interfaces between Immunology and Medicine”, Taos, NM, USA.