- 2015 Reisestipendium (Eurotox young awardee) der European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD) an Gendrisch F. für Gendrisch, Martin, Esser P.R. “Cellular stress in allergic contact dermatitis”
- 2012 Reisestipendium der European Society for Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) an Esser P.R. für “Contact sensitizers mediate inflammation via ROS production and HA degradation” von Esser, P.R. et al. 11th Congress of the ESCD, Malmö, 13.-16.06.2012.
- 2011 Reisestipendium der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) an Esser P.R. für die Arbeit “Linking ROS production and HA degradation – a crucial role for the generation of endogenous Ligands in CHS responses to contact sensitizers” von Esser, P.R. et al. Tübingen, 19.2.2011.