Zu den Inhalten springen

10th German-Romanian Symposium for Gastroenterology

May 30th 2025 in Freiburg


8.00 Registration and Welcome | Host Prof. Thimme

8.30-10.20 Session 1: Liver | Chairs: Robert Thimme, Ciobanu Lidia

8.30  Benign tumors | Ciobanu Lidia, Cluj
8.50  The changing landscape in AIH, PSC, PBC | Martina Müller Schilling, Regensburg
9.10  Concepts of cure in Hepatitis B, C and D | Tobias Böttler, Freiburg
9.30  MASLD - Bridging Metabolic Dysfunction and Liver Pathology | Cristian Tefas, Cluj
9.50  Portal hypertension and hepatic implications – when to TIPS? | Bogdan Procopet, Cluj
10.10  Selected oral abstract

10.20-10.50  Coffeebreak

10.50-12.40 Session 2: GI Cancer | Chairs: Michael Quante, Simona Bataga

10.50  Selected oral abstract
11.00  Radiation therapy in GI Cancer | Anca Grosu, Freiburg
11.20  Checkpoint-Inhibitors – Opportunities and limitations | Michael Quante, Freiburg
11.40  Can we prevent gastric cancer? | Simona Bataga, TG Mures
12.00  Personalized therapies in oncology | NN
12.20  Liver Cancer | Zeno Sparchez, Cluj

12.10-13.30  Lunchbreak
13.30-14.00  Posters

14.00-15.50  Session 3: IBD ans intestinal dieseases | Chairs: Peter Hasselblatt, Adrian Goldis

14.00  Challenges and opportunities in the treatment of Crohn’s Disease | Roxana Zaharie, Cluj
14.20  From IBDPROSPECT study to a Romanian National Registry of IBD - the roadmap | Mircea Diculescu, Bucharest
14.40  Ulcerative Colitis in 2025 | Peter Hasselblatt, Freiburg
15.00  Functionnal instestinal diseases | Dan Dumirascu, Cluj
15.20  Microbiota and metabolic diseases | Paul Jürgen Porr, Sibiu
15.40  Selected oral abstract

15.50-16.20  Coffeebreak

16.20-18.10  Session 4: Endoscopy and Ultrasound | Chairs: Wolfram Zoller, Monica Acalovschi

16.20  Selected oral abstract
16.30  Pancreatitis | Patricl Michl, Heidelberg
16.50  Achalasia – when to POEM |Marcel Tantau, Cluj
17.10  Resection techniques | Jörg Albert, Stuttgart
17.30  Interventional endoscopy | Karel Caca, Ludwigsburg
17.50  Al in Endoscopy | Alexander Hann, Würzburg

18.10  Concluding remarks


The symposium is free of charge. Please fill in the following form for registration.

Registration German Romanian Symposium


Hotel Stadt Freiburg | Tagungszentrum Berliner Tor 
Breisacherstr. 84 79110 Freiburg im Breisgau

We recommend traveling by tram:
Line 4 (pink) towards "Messe," stop "Berliner Allee."
If traveling by car, it is best to use the Westarkaden parking garage on Berliner Allee (entrance between Breisacher Str. and Lehener Str.). The first 2 hours are free of charge.


We thank the following sponsors for their support.



Disclosure of the sponsorship amounts

Roche Pharma AG - 1500€*
Astra Zeneka GmbH - 1500€*
Ipsen Pharma GmbH - 1500€*
Pierre Pabre Pharma GmbH - 1500€*

Counterpart services of the sponsorship:
* 4m² information booth, mention on the website and in the program


Scientific Committee

Klinik für Innere Medizin II / Department of Internal Medicine II
Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, Endokrinologie und Infektiologie

Hugstetter Str. 55
79106 Freiburg
Deutschland / Germany

Prof. Dr. Tobias Böttler



Medical Center - University of Freiburg
Kirstin Schneider