Research projects - by alphabet
at the Institute of General Medicine“We firmly believe that research questions in primary care can best be answered in the GP Practice.”
Project | Subjekt Area |
CAFOGES Carbon neutrality in health care. Case-study supported carbon-footprint evaluation via the GHG Protocol, and an analysis of climate protection measures in hospital services. |
Case Data Bank „Digi-ExaM3“ – a secure digital portal for patient cases and related material. | Promoting Rural Practice/Educational Research (in german) |
CEOsys [Completed] The COVID-19-Evidence-Ecosystem – Decision-making requires knowledge. | COVID-19 Projects (in german) |
DECADE - in English Promoting self-management in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. | Projects on specific diseases (in german) |
DETECT Preventing sexual and racial discrimination in medical education. | Promoting Rural Practice/Educational Research Vulnerable Groups |
Diversität in University Studies „Open to diversity - initiative against discrimination in medical education“ | Promoting Rural Practice/Educational Research Vulnerable Groups |
FoPraNet-BW - in English Evidence-Based Medicine needs Research. | Research Practice Network Baden-Württemberg (in german) |
GAP Good Patient-Doctor Communication (Gute Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation): Portal for diagnosing and managing back pain, as well as the evaluation of a search-engine for health-specific issues. | Projects on specific diseases (in german) |
GETSleep - in English Stepped Care Model for the management of sleep disturbance | Projects on specific diseases (in german) |
Lessons-learned [Completed] | COVID-19 Projects (in german) |
LoChro Locally tiered care-management of the chronically ill older patient. | Therapy and Medication-related projects (in german) |
MAIS - in English The perceptions of medical students during their studies - MAiS-Study | Promoting Rural Practice/Educational Research (in german) |
Personalised Prevention App-Development for planning personalised prevention with an emphasis on cardiovascular risk | Vulnerable Groups (in german) |
RedAres Observing prescribing behaviour in the treatment of patients with uncomplicated urinary tract infections in primary care. | Therapy and Medication-related projects (in german) |
ReduRisk Reduction of care-related risks to older patients during and following acute hospital admission. | Therapy and Medication-related projects (in german) |
Südbaden Life [Completed] Excellence in training structures and digitalisation of rural practice. | Promoting Rural Practice/Educational Research (in german) |
WESPA Increasing the effectiveness of web-based self-help programmes for relatives and other carers of people with depressive illness. |
... continuously updated. |

Prof. Dr. Andy Maun
Project coordination

Dr. med. Claudia Salm MSc
Phone + 49 (0) 761 270-72491
Institute for General Medicine
Elsässer Str. 2m, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 761 270-72490