The Psychosocial Cancer Counseling Service program "Tigerherz ... wenn Eltern Krebs haben" (translated „Tiger Heart ... when Parents Have Cancer“) is intended for families in which a parent is suffering from cancer. We help the entire family by advising the parents in this difficult situation and attending to their children’s needs.
We work with the children and youths individually or in groups, often in a creative setting with various materials. We have fun, provide room for feelings, and have an open ear for fears. We also advise grandparents, teachers, qualified personnel, and other interested persons. Our services are provided free of charge and are funded by donations.
Flyer (in German)
Please also visit our social media channels:
Facebook (in German)
Instagram (in German)
TikTok (in German)

Telephone: 0761 270-72840
Fax: 0761 270-33980
Tigerherz... wenn Eltern Krebs haben
Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg – CCCF
Hugstetter Str. 49
79106 Freiburg

Jörg Stern
Qualified social pedagogue
Systemic child and adolescent therapist (DGSF)
Psycho-oncologist (DKG)
Phone +49 761 270-72840

Ina Heinzelmann
Qualified social pedagogue
Psycho-oncologist (DKG) in training
Phone +49 761 270-72840

Theresa Niewiadomski
Health care educator (B. Sc.)
Social Worker (M.A.)
Psycho-oncologist (DKG)

Dr. phil. Stefanie Pietsch
Social pedagogue/social worker (M.A.)
Psycho-oncologist (DKG)
Research, group programmes
academic assistant
Telephone: +49 761 270-72840

The employees of Tigerherz work with children and adolescents in individual, sibling, and group sessions. In addition, there are regular group activities for children throughout the year, such as art workshops, where they can unleash their creative potentials and learn various techniques.
When a parent is diagnosed with cancer, nothing is the same for the children. Strong feelings of fear, anger, and sadness can arise. Who can they talk to when the parents are already so burdened? Often, the children also no longer dare to show joy and playfulness. In our groups, they can exchange ideas, experience things together, and find support.
All services are free of charge.
Medical and educational professionals, alongside the staff of the cancer counseling center, are important advocates and contacts for families. Information about Tigerherz's existing services is therefore of great importance.
The Tigerherz team maintains contact with oncology departments and advises childcare facilities as well as schools. General practitioners are also informed about the "Children as Relatives of Oncology Patients" topic or the "Tigerherz" service through regular training sessions and conferences conducted by Tigerherz staff.
If you or your team would like consultation, please feel free to contact us.

In "Tigerherz...when Parents Have Cancer," various research projects and master's theses are being carried out. These projects are situated in the field of applied research and currently focus on effectiveness research (overview) and method development (narrative approaches, play).
The contact person for the research area at Tigerherz is Dr. phil. Stefanie Pietsch.
Recipient: Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Sparkasse Freiburg – Nördlicher Breisgau
IBAN DE04 6805 0101 0015 0001 50 BIC: FRSPDE66XXX
Reason for payment: Tigerherz 34 11 72 45 05 (please indicate reason for payment)