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Research Group „Human T-cell immunodeficiency“

Prof. Dr. Stephan Ehl

The research group „Human T-cell immunodeficiency“ works at the interface of clinical and basic research with a focus on human T cell immunity. The research projects encompass the whole spectrum of translational research from the identification and characterization of novel gene defects followed by pathophysiological studies in mouse models and human patients to the development of novel diagnostic tools and using this basic knowledge in the design of international treatment trials.

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seit 2020 Gewähltes Mitglied der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Leopoldina) 
seit 2018 Direktor des Instituts für Immundefizienz am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
seit 2015 Sprecher SFB1160 "IMPATH"
seit 2012 Medizinischer Direktor des Centrum für Chronische Immundefizienz
2008-2012 Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des Centrum für Chronische Immundefizienz
2003 Habilitation in Pädiatrie
seit 2002 Oberarzt, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Freiburg
1998-2002 Assistenzarzt, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Freiburg
1995-1997 Post-Doc, Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, Universität Zürich
1994-1995 Postgraduate Course für Experimentelle Medizin und Biologie, Universität Zürich
1993-1994 Assistenzarzt, Universitäts-Kinderklinik Ulm
1985-1991 Medizinstudium in Aachen, Erlangen und München

Research Areas

T cell immunity is important for the control of most infections. A successful T cell response involves antigen recognition, cellular activation and differentiation, rapid expansion and exertion of eff ector functions. These potent and highly dynamic processes must be tightly regulated in order to avoid inappropriate or uncontrolled infl ammatory responses. Human genetic diseases provide a fascinating window to understand T cell immunity and its relevance for the control of infectious diseases as well as for diseases of immune dysregulation.  

The research group „Genetic deficiencies of human T cell immunity“ works at the interface between clinical and basic immunology with a particular focus on T cell immunity. The research activities cover a large spectrum from basic research in animal models or the identifi cation of new genetic defects to international diagnostic and clinical studies. The group integrates both physicians and basic scientists.  

We study three immunodeficiency states representing models for different aspects of T cell immunity:


Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is one of the most dramatic and life-threatening human inflammatory diseases characterized by prolonged fever, cytopenia, splenomegaly, liver dysfunction, and hemophagocytosis. Most cases of FHL are due to genetic defects in perforin or other genes involved in lymphocyte cytotoxicity. In about 10% of patients with FHL, the genetic basis of the disease remains unresolved.  

As a diagnostic reference center, we provide functional immunological evaluation for all HLH patients from German speaking countries. In extension of these diagnostic studies, we characterize the T cell and macrophage response in HLH to better understand the pathophysiological basis of the disease. Patients without a genetic diagnosis are evaluated by whole exome sequencing for novel genetic causes. Patients with HLH offer a unique opportunity to study the molecular regulation of lymphocyte cytotoxicity and intracellular vesicle trafficking. To translate our findings back into clinical application, we have set up an international registry and a clinical study platform for experimental treatment studies on HLH (TREAT-HLH) in collaboration with G. Janka and K. Lehmberg (Hamburg).  

We have also established an HLH mouse model based on infection of perforin- or MUNC13-deficient mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) to address the following questions:

  • Which initial triggers are required for the induction of HLH?
  • What is the relevance of persisting antigen for HLH?
  • Which cell types and cytokines drive the disease?

Together with Toni Cathomen (CCI), we are using observations in human patients and in MUNC13 deficient mice to prepare gene therapy for human patients with FHL.  


  • Flow cytometry
  • Functional immune cell analysis
  • Signalling studies
  • Protein studies
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Cell culture
  • Interpretation of genome/exome data
  • Genetic manipulation of human T cells
  • Mouse models  


  • Kai Lehmberg, Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie, Uniklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf        
  • Peter Aichele, Department für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, Uniklinik Freiburg
  • Christoph Schell, Institut für klinische Pathologie, Uniklinik Freiburg
  • Toni Cathomen, CCI Freiburg
  • Despina Moshous, Institute Imagine, Paris, France
  • Claire Booth, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK
  • Gillian Griffiths, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Yenan Bryceson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden


  • DFG: SFB1160, TP 1 (2015-2019)



For an up-to-date list of publications by Prof. Stephan Ehl please see the PubMed search.

TCR-Spectratyping by P. Fisch


Combined immunodeficiency (CID) is the phenotypic presentation of a large number of genetic disorders of the immune system. Clinical manifestations include a wide range of infectious diseases including persistent viral and opportunistic infections and manifestations of impaired immune regulation such as autoimmunity, eczema, granulomas or infl ammatory bowel disease. The common immunological abnormality is impaired T cell immunity, but other immune and epithelial cells can also be affected. The study of CID offers a unique opportunity to understand the limiting factors of protective T cell immunity. We approach this problem by the study of individual patients, patient cohorts and mouse models. To transfer this knowledge to patient care, a prospective clinical study has been initiated to better define the threshold when stem cell transplantation should be performed in affected patients.  

In the laboratory, we perform a careful phenotypic and functional immunological analysis. In some cases, we identify mutations in known genes and can then analyze the consequence of specific mutations for protein and cellular immune function. In other cases, we use functional assays in combination with exome sequencing to elucidate novel genetic causes for CID. These findings are related to the particular clinical phenotypes with the goal to better understand infection control and immune regulation in humans. We also use mouse models of “leaky” SCID that show features of infection susceptibility and immune dysregulation similar to human patients. In particular, we study T cell development and differentiation and T cell mediated control of viral infections. The overall goal is to understand how human T cell immunity works under limiting conditions.


  • Flow cytometry
  • Functional immune cell analysis
  • Signalling studies
  • Protein studies
  • Cell culture
  • Interpretation of genome/exome data
  • Genetic manipulation of human T cells
  • Mouse models


  • Wolfgang Schamel, Institute of Biology III, Universität Freiburg           
  • Despina Moshous, Capucine Picard, Institute Imagine, Paris, France                                               


  • DFG: Euro-CID – Non-SCID combined immunodeficiencies (2016-2019)  



For an up-to-date list of publications by Prof. Stephan Ehl please see the PubMed search.


The phenotype of benign lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity, in particular autoimmune cytopenia, is observed in a number of primary immunodeficiencies. The most prevalent disorder is autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), which is mostly associated with germline or somatic mutations in CD95. CD95 is involved in lymphocyte apoptosis, but has also additional non-apoptotic signaling functions. We investigate the pathophysiological basis of impaired T cell homeostasis in human ALPS by a combination of genetic, phenotypic and functional investigations.  

In the last years, new diseases associated with lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity have been discovered. This includes APDS (PIK3CD; PIK3R1), CTLA-4 deficiency or activating mutations in STAT1, STAT3, RAS-pathway associated genes or CARD11 (autosomal-dominant) and LRBA, TPP2, ADA2 or PRKCD deficiency (autosomal-recessive). A number of these conditions affect signalling pathways and metabolic programming of T cells, offering interesting insights into human T cell biology and attractive options for novel therapies.  

We have recruited a unique cohort of more than 450 children referred for ALPS evaluation, for which we have clinical data and variable immune phenotyping. While roughly 20% of patients have ALPS and various molecular diagnoses were established in another 30 % of patients, half of the patients remain without genetic diagnosis. Using next generation sequencing, we try to identify new genetic diseases of T cell homeostasis, complemented by in-depth phenotypic and functional immune cell analysis. Candidate genes are validated by appropriate genetic reconstitution experiments and other studies.


  • Flow cytometry
  • Functional immune cell analysis
  • Cell culture
  • RNA seq
  • Genetic manipulation of human T cells
  • Metabolic studies


  • Frederic Rieux-Laucat, Institut Imagine, Paris, France
  • Sven Kracker, Institut Imagine, Paris, France


  • DFG: Excellence Cluster CIBSS (2023-2026)
  • BMBF: GAIN consortium „Genetic and immunological variability in patients with STAT3 gain-of-function disease.“ (2023-25)



For an up-to-date list of publications by Prof. Stephan Ehl please see the PubMed search.


  • Dr. Peter Aichele, Institute for Immunodeficiency, Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Prof. Marta Rizzi, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Freiburg
  • Prof. Tomas Kalina, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague
  • Prof. Herve Luche, CIPHE Department, University Marseille
  • Prof. Dr. Toni Cathomen, Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Gene Therapy, Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Prof. Dr. Frederic Rieux-Laucat, Aude Magerus, Institute Imagine, Paris



  • Neuroinflammatory Disease as an Isolated Manifestation of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. Blincoe A, Heeg M, Campbell PK, Hines M, Khojah A, Klein-Gitelman M, Talano JA, Speckmann C, Touzot F, Lankester A, Legger GE, Rivière JG, Garcia-Prat M, Alonso L, Putti MC, Lehmberg K, Maier S, El Chazli Y, Elmaksoud MA, Astigarraga I, Kurjane N, Bulina I, Kenina V, Bryceson Y, Rascon J, Lortie A, Goldstein G, Booth C, Worth A, Wassmer E, Schmitt EG, Warren JT, Bednarski JJ, Ali S, Chiang KY, Krueger J, Henry MM, Holland SM, Marsh RA, Ehl S*, Haddad E*. J Clin Immunol. 2020 Aug;40(6):901-916. doi: 10.1007/s10875-020-00814-6. Epub 2020 Jul 7.
  • Rubella vaccine-induced granulomas are a novel phenotype with incomplete penetrance of genetic defects in cytotoxicity. Groß M, Speckmann C, May A, Gajardo-Carrasco T, Wustrau K, Maier SL, Panning M, Huzly D, Agaimy A, Bryceson YT, Choo S, Chow CW, Dückers G, Fasth A, Fraitag S, Gräwe K, Haxelmans S, Holzinger D, Hudowenz O, Hübschen JM, Khurana C, Kienle K, Klifa R, Korn K, Kutzner H, Lämmermann T, Ledig S, Lipsker D, Meeths M, Naumann-Bartsch N, Rascon J, Schänzer A, Seidl M, Tesi B, Vauloup-Fellous C, Vollmer-Kary B, Warnatz K, Wehr C, Neven B, Vargas P, Sepulveda FE, Lehmberg K, Schmitt-Graeff A, Ehl S. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Jan;149(1):388-399.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.05.007. Epub 2021 May 24.
  • NCKAP1L defects lead to a novel syndrome combining immunodeficiency, lymphoproliferation, and hyperinflammation. Castro CN, Rosenzwajg M, Carapito R, Shahrooei M, Konantz M, Khan A, Miao Z, Groß M, Tranchant T, Radosavljevic M, Paul N, Stemmelen T, Pitoiset F, Hirschler A, Nespola B, Molitor A, Rolli V, Pichot A, Faletti LE, Rinaldi B, Friant S, Mednikov M, Karauzum H, Aman MJ, Carapito C, Lengerke C, Ziaee V, Eyaid W, Ehl S*, Alroqi F*, Parvaneh N*, Bahram S*. J Exp Med. 2020 Dec 7;217(12):e20192275. doi: 10.1084/jem.20192275.


*equal contribution






*equal contribution


Dr. Oliver Wegehaupt, Dr. Maria Elena Maccari, Prof. Dr. Stephan Ehl, Christoph König, Jasmin Mann, Jonathan Gehrig, Hannah Honner, Anna Franziska Wolfers, Annabell Buschky, Simone Schruhl, Sarah Berger, Sarah Grün, Dr. Anne Rensing-Ehl, Dr. Heike Ufheil (from left to right)

Group Leader  
Stephan Ehlstephan.ehl@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-77300
Sarah Schäfersarah.schaefer@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-77550

Research Coordinator (SFB1160)
Heike Ufheilheike.ufheil@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-71020

Laura Falettilaura.eva.faletti@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-71120

PhD Students
Sarah Grünsarah.gruen@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-77291
Jasmin Mannjasmin.mann@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-77541
Jonathan Gehrigjonathan.gehrig@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71120
Clinician Scientists  
Oliver Wegehauptoliver.wegehaupt@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-77541

MD Students
Sarah Schlaffersarah.schlaffer@uniklinik-freiburg.de203-6550
Maximilian Tank maximilian.tank@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-77541
Anna Franziska Wolfersanna.franziska.wolfers@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71120


Research Group „Human T cell differentiation and homeostasis“

Group Leader  
Anne Rensing-Ehlanne.rensing-ehl@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71080
Junior Group Leader  
Maria Elena Maccarimaria.elena.maccari@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71080
PhD Students  
Christoph Königchristoph.koenig@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71080
Sarah Bergersarah.berger@uniklinik-freiburg.de 270-71040
Master Students  
Julia Dungjulia.dung@uniklinik-freiburg.de270-71040

Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Ehl

Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency
at Center for Translational Cell Research

Breisacher Str. 115
79106 Freiburg

Phone: +49 (0)761 270-77550 (Secretary)
Fax: +49 (0)761 270-77600