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Collaborative Research

The Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg – CCCF fosters and integrates basic research as well as translational and clinical cancer research leading to innovative therapies. We are closely connected with institutions in the surrounding region and participate in research networks. Germany-wide collaborations, for example within the framework of the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), help to consolidate synergies in translational research and shorten the path of new discoveries from the laboratory to clinical trials. 

The scientists in the CCCF departments coordinate or contribute to the following research collaborations, clusters of excellence, collaborative research centers, priority programs, and cohorts:

Title Acronym Link Programm
German Cancer Consortium DKTK www.dktk.dkfz.de Consortium, BMBF
Centre for Biological Signalling Studies BIOSS https://www.bioss.uni-freiburg.de/de/ Cluster of Excellence, DFG
Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies


https://www.cibss.uni-freiburg.de/de/ Cluster of Excellence, DFG
Control of Cell Motility in Morphogenesis, Cancer Invasion, and Metastasis

SFB 850


Collaborative Research Center, DFG

Medical Epigenetics – From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications

SFB 992


Collaborative Research Center, DFG

Immune-Mediated Pathology as a Consequence of Impaired Immune Reactions SFB 1160 www.sfb1160.uni-freiburg.de Collaborative Research Center, DFG
Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries: From Biogenesis and Modular Assembly to Function SFB 1381 www.sfb1381.uni-freiburg.de Collaborative Research Center, DFG
Development, Function, and Potential of Myeloid Cells in the Central Nervous System (NeuroMac) TRR 167 www.sfb-trr167.uni-freiburg.de Transregio, DFG
Radiomics: Next Generation of Biomedical Imaging SPP 2177 www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/radiomics Priority Program, DFG
New Insights into Bcl-2 Family Interactions: From Biophysics to Function FOR 2036 www.for2036.uni-konstanz.de Research Unit, DFG
Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis FOR 2438


Research Unit, DFG
Aging-Related Epigenetic Remodeling in Acute Myeloid Leukemia FOR 2674 https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/336840530?language=de Research Unit, DFG
Mechanisms Underlying Hepatocellular Carcinoma Pathogenesis and Impact of Co-morbidities


www.hep-car.eu Consortium (EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020)
Health Study NaKo https://nako.de/informationen-auf-englisch/ Consortium, BMBF
Medical Informatics in Research and Healthcare in University Medicine MIRACUM www.miracum.org Consortium, BMBF
Centers for Personalized Medicine ZPM-BW https://uni-tuebingen.de/exzellenzstrategie/forschung/plattformen/personalisierte-medizin/zpm-zentrum-fuer-personalisierte-medizin/ Consortium, Baden-Württemberg