Centre for Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (ZGGF), University of Freiburg
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The Centre for Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (ZGGF) comprises consultants from internal medicine, neurology, and psychiatry to provide expert outpatient service for patients with age-associated disorders. The ZGGF is a centre of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of memory disorders.
The Memory Clinic as part of the ZGGF provides diagnostic services for more than 400 new patients per annum from Germany and abroad. The high-level diagnostic facilities include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) with several tracers including amyloid imaging for Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, and extensive psychological assessment conducted by neuropsychologists.
The centre serves as a clinical core centre of the German Competence Network Dementia (KND) and takes part in the research within the German Competence Network Degenerative Dementias (KNDD). Several investigator-initiated or industry-funded randomized controlled trials have been successfully performed.
The Out-patient Geriatric Clinic and Geriatric Rehabilitation center of the ZGGF, provides diagnostic services for more than 300 new patients per year from Freiburg and Südbaden. ZGGF´s staff consists of board-certified physicians who specialize in treating the specific problems related to older adults. The staff also includes
- a clinical nurse specialist in geriatrics
- a social worker dedicated to helping people cope with the problems that sometimes confront older adults
- a physiotherapy-department, responsible for estimating the risk of falls and treat the ambulatory and balance
- an occupational therapy-department, in authority to assess and treat the decreases in activities of daily living
- a neuropsychology department to account for cognitive testings
- a logopedics-department who investigates impairment in speech or swallowing.
The Center is a member of Bundesverband Geriatrie (www.bv-geriatrie.de).

Dr. Bernhard Heimbach

Prof. Dr. Christoph Maurer
Contact address
Anja Scherer
Tel.: 0049-761-270-70980
Fax: 0049-761-270-70890
Postal address
Lehener Strasse 88
79106 Freiburg