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Publications 2015

  1. Bauer G., Zarkovic N.
    Revealing mechanisms of selective, concentration-dependent potentials of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal to induce apoptosis in cancer cells through inactivation of membrane-associated catalase.

    Free Radic Biol Med 81: 128-44 (2015)
  2. Riegger D., Hai R., Dornfeld D., Mänz B., Leyva-Grado V., Sánchez-Aparicio M.T., Albrecht R.A., Palese P., Haller O., Schwemmle M., García-Sastre A., Kochs G., Schmolke M.
    The nucleoprotein of newly emerged H7N9 influenza A virus harbors a unique motif conferring resistance to antiviral human MxA.
    J Virol 89(4): 2241-52 (2015)
  3. Scheit K., Bauer G.
    Direct and indirect inactivation of tumor cell protective catalase by salicylic acid and anthocyanidins reactivates intercellular ROS signaling and allows for synergistic effects.
    Carcinogenesis 36(3): 400-11 (2015)
  4. Seidel E., Le V.T., Bar-On Y., Tsukerman P., Enk J., Yamin R., Stein N., Schmiedel D., Oiknine Djian E., Weisblum Y., Tirosh B., Stastny P., Wolf D.G., Hengel H., Mandelboim O.
    Dynamic Co-evolution of Host and Pathogen: HCMV Downregulates the Prevalent Allele MICA∗008 to Escape Elimination by NK Cells.
    Cell Rep (15): S2211-1247 (2015)
  5. Halenius A, Gerke C, Hengel H.
    Classical and non-classical MHC I molecule manipulation by human cytomegalovirus: so many targets-but how many arrows in the quiver?

    Cell Mol Immunol 12(2): 139-153 (2015)
  6. Bose M.E., He J., Shrivastava S., Nelson M.I., Bera J., Halpin R.A., Town C.D., Lorenzi H.A., Noyola D.E., Falcone V., Gerna G., De Beenhouwer H., Videla C., Kok T., Venter M., Williams J.V., Henrickson K.J.
    Sequencing and analysis of globally obtained human respiratory syncytial virus A and B genomes.
    PLoS One 10(3): e0120098 (2015)
  7. Wendel I., Rubbenstroth D., Doedt J., Kochs G., Wilhelm J., Staeheli P., Klenk H.D., Matrosovich M.
    The Avian-Origin PB1 Gene Segment Facilitated Replication and Transmissibility of the H3N2/1968 Pandemic Influenza Virus.
    J Virol 89(8): 4170-9 (2015)
  8. Weber M., Sediri H., Felgenhauer U., Binzen I., Bänfer S., Jacob R., Brunotte L., García-Sastre A., Schmid-Burgk J.L., Schmidt T., Hornung V., Kochs G., Schwemmle M., Klenk H.D., Weber F.
    Influenza Virus Adaptation PB2-627K Modulates Nucleocapsid Inhibition by the Pathogen Sensor RIG-I.
    Cell Host Microbe 17(3): 309-19 (2015)
  9. Haller O., Staeheli P., Schwemmle M., Kochs G.
    Mx GTPases: dynamin-like antiviral machines of innate immunity.
    Trends Microbiol: 154-163 (2015)
  10. Anggakusuma., Frentzen A., Gürlevik E., Yuan Q., Steinmann E., Ott M., Staeheli P., Schmid-Burgk J., Schmidt T., Hornung V., Kuehnel F., Pietschmann T.
    Control of Hepatitis C Virus Replication in Mouse Liver-Derived Cells by MAVS-Dependent Production of Type I and Type III Interferons.
    J Virol 89(7): 3833-45 (2015)
  11. Hernandez P.P., Mahlakoiv T., Yang I., Schwierzeck V., Nguyen N., Guendel F., Gronke K., Ryffel B., Holscher C., Dumoutier L., Renauld J.C., Suerbaum S., Staeheli P., Diefenbach A.
    Interferon-lambda and interleukin 22 act synergistically for the induction of interferon-stimulated genes and control of rotavirus infection.
    Nat Immunol, online: dx.doi.org/10.1038/ni.3180 (2015)
  12. Swamy M., Abeler-Dorner L., Chettle J., Mahlakoiv T., Goubau D., Chakravarty P., Ramsay G., Reis E Sousa C., Staeheli P., Blacklaws B.A., Heeney J.L., Hayday A.C.
    Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte activation promotes innate antiviral resistance.
    Nat Commun 6: 7090-7090 (2015)
  13. Dick A., Graf L., Olal D., von der Malsburg A., Gao S., Kochs G., Daumke O.
    Role of Nucleotide Binding and GTPase Domain Dimerization in Dynamin-like Myxovirus Resistance Protein A for GTPase Activation and Antiviral Activity.
    J Biol Chem 290 (20): 12779-12792 (2015)
  14. Brinkmann M.M., Dag F., Hengel H., Messerle M., Kalinke U., Cicin-Sain L.
    Cytomegalovirus immune evasion of myeloid lineage cells.
    Med Microbiol Immun 204 (3): 367-382 (2015)
  15. Ma W., Garcia-Sastre A., Schwemmle M.
    Expected and Unexpected Features of the Newly Discovered Bat Influenza A-like Viruses.
    Plos Pathog 11 (6): e1004819-e1004819 (2015)
  16. Bettinger D., Schorb E., Huzly D., Panning M., Schmitt-Graeff A., Kurz P., Bertz H., Finke J., Brass V., Thimme R., Hasselblatt P.
    Chronic hepatitis E virus infection following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: an important differential diagnosis for graft versus host disease.
    Ann Hematol 94 (2): 359-360 (2015)
  17. Rattay S., Trilling M., Megger D.A., Sitek B., Meyer H.E., Hengel H., Le-Trilling V.T.
    The Canonical Immediate Early 3 Gene Product pIE611 of Mouse Cytomegalovirus Is Dispensable for Viral Replication but Mediates Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Regulation of Viral Gene Products.
    J Virol 89 (16): 8590-8598 (2015)
  18. Erny D., Hrabe de Angelis A.L., Jaitin D., Wieghofer P., Staszewski O., David E., Keren-Shaul H., Mahlakoiv T., Jakobshagen K., Buch T., Schwierzeck V., Utermohlen O., Chun E., Garrett W.S., McCoy K.D., Diefenbach A., Staeheli P., Stecher B., Amit I., Prinz M.
    Host microbiota constantly control maturation and function of microglia in the CNS.
    Nat Neurosci 18 (7): 965-977 (2015)
  19. Riethmuller M., Burger N., Bauer G.
    Singlet oxygen treatment of tumor cells triggers extracellular singlet oxygen generation, catalase inactivation and reactivation of intercellular apoptosis-inducing signaling.
    Redox Biol 6: 157-168 (2015)
  20. Bauer G.
    Increasing the endogenous NO level causes catalase inactivation and reactivation of intercellular apoptosis signaling specifically in tumor cells.
    Redox Biol 6: 353-371 (2015)
  21. Boehm B., Heinzelmann S., Motz M., Bauer G.
    Extracellular localization of catalase is associated with the transformed state of malignant cells.
    Biol Chem online. : dx.doi.org/10.1515/hsz-2014-0234 (2015)
  22. Mahlakoiv T., Hernandez P., Gronke K., Diefenbach A., Staeheli P.
    Leukocyte-derived IFN-alpha/beta and epithelial IFN-lambda constitute a compartmentalized mucosal defense system that restricts enteric virus infections.
    Plos Pathog 11 (4): e1004782-e1004782 (2015)
  23. Panning M., Umhau M., Emmerich F.
    Current data. Comment on: Hepatitis E in Germany - an under-reported infectious disease.
    Dtsch Ärtzeblatt Int 112 (13): 220-220 (2015)
  24. Becker S.L., Piraisoody N., Kramme S., Marti H., Silue K.D., Panning M., Nickel B., Kern W.V., Herrmann M., Hatz C.F., N'Goran E.K., Utzinger J., von Muller L.
    Real-time PCR for detection of Strongyloides stercoralis in human stool samples from Cote d'Ivoire: Diagnostic accuracy, inter-laboratory comparison and patterns of hookworm co-infection.
    Acta Trop 150: 210-217 (2015)
  25. Broccolo F., Falcone V., Esposito S., Toniolo A.
    Human bocaviruses: Possible etiologic role in respiratory infection.
    J Clin Virol 72: 75-81 (2015)
  26. Guzman-Herrador B.R., Panning M., Stene-Johansen K., Borgen K., Einoder-Moreno M., Huzly D., Jensvoll L., Lange H., Maassen S., Myking S., Myrmel M., Neumann-Haefelin C., Nygard K., Wenzel J.J., Oye A.K., Vold L.
    Importance of molecular typing in confirmation of the source of a national hepatitis A virus outbreak in Norway and the detection of a related cluster in Germany.
    Arch Virol 160 (11): 2823-2826 (2015)
  27. Heinzelmann S., Bauer G.
    Site-specific Effects of DUOX1-Related Peroxidase on Intercellular Apoptosis Signaling.
    Anticancer Res 35 (11): 5955-5971 (2015)

  28. Huzly D., Kurz S., Ebner W., Dettenkofer M., Panning M.
    Characterisation of nosocomial and community-acquired influenza in a large university hospital during two consecutive influenza seasons.
    J Clin Virol 73: 47-51 (2015)
  29. Muck-Hausl M, Solanki M, Zhang W, Ruzsics Z, Ehrhardt A.
    Ad 2.0: a novel recombineering platform for high-throughput generation of tailored adenoviruses.
    Nucleic Acids Res 43 (8): e50-e50 (2015)
  30. Nouri K., Moll J.M., Milroy L.G., Hain A., Dvorsky R., Amin E., Lenders M., Nagel-Steger L., Howe S., Smits S.H., Hengel H., Schmitt L., Munk C., Brunsveld L., Ahmadian M.R.
    Biophysical Characterization of Nucleophosmin Interactions with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rev and Herpes Simplex Virus US11.
    Plos One 10 (12) (online): e0143634-e0143634 (2015)
  31. Pottgiesser S.J., Heinzelmann S., Bauer G.
    Intercellular HOCl-mediated Apoptosis Induction in Malignant Cells: Interplay Between NOX1-Dependent Superoxide Anion Generation and DUOX-related.
    Anticancer Res 35 (11): 5927-5943 (2015)
  32. Rabenau H.F., Bannert N., Berger A., Donoso Mantke O., Eberle J., Enders M., Fickenscher H., Grunert H.P., Gurtler L., Heim A., Huzly D., Kaiser R., Korn K., Nick S., Kucherer C., Nubling M., Obermeier M., Panning M., Zeichhardt H.
    Erratum zu: Nachweis einer Infektion mit Humanem Immundefizienzvirus (HIV): Serologisches Screening mit nachfolgender Bestätigungsdiagnostik durch Antikörper-basierte Testsysteme und/oder durch HIV-Nukleinsäure-Nachweis : Stellungnahme der Gemeinsamen Diagnostikkommission der Deutschen Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung von Viruskrankheiten e. V. (DVV e. V.) und der Gesellschaft für Virologie e. V. (GfV e. V.). In Kooperation mit: Deutsche AIDS Gesellschaft e. V. (DAIG e. V.), Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter e. V. (DAGNÄ e. V.), Berufsverband der Ärzte für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie e. V. (BÄMI e. V.).
    Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 58 (9): 1025-1025 (2015)
  33. Storcksdieck Genannt Bonsmann M., Niezold T., Temchura V., Pissani F., Ehrhardt K., Brown E.P., Osei-Owusu N.Y., Hannaman D., Hengel H., Ackerman M.E., Streeck H., Nabi G., Tenbusch M., Uberla K.
    Enhancing the Quality of Antibodies to HIV-1 Envelope by GagPol-Specific Th Cells.
    J Immunol 195 (10): 4861-4872 (2015)
  34. Verhelst J., Spitaels J., Nurnberger C., De Vlieger D., Ysenbaert T., Staeheli P., Fiers W., Saelens X.
    Functional Comparison of Mx1 from Two Different Mouse Species Reveals the Involvement of Loop L4 in the Antiviral Activity against Influenza A Viruses.
    J Virol 89 (21): 10879-10890 (2015)
  35. Bahr A., Singer A., Hain A., Vasudevan A.A., Schilling M., Reh J., Riess M., Panitz S., Serrano V., Schweizer M., Konig R., Chanda S., Haussinger D., Kochs G., Lindemann D., Munk C.
    Interferon but not MxB inhibits foamy retroviruses
    Virology 488: 51-60 (2015)
  36. Vollbach S., Muller A., Drexler J.F., Simon A., Drosten C., Eis-Hubinger A.M., Panning M.
    Prevalence, type and concentration of human enterovirus and parechovirus in cerebrospinal fluid samples of pediatric patients over a 10-year period: a retrospective study
    Virol J 12: 199-199 (2015)
  37. Poelman R., Schuffenecker I., Van Leer-Buter C., Josset L., Niesters H.G., Lina B.
    European surveillance for enterovirus D68 during the emerging North-American outbreak in 2014
    J Clin Virol 71: 1-9 (2015)
  38. Turkington H.L., Juozapaitis M., Kerry P.S., Aydillo T., Ayllon J., Garcia-Sastre A., Schwemmle M., Hale B.G.
    Novel Bat Influenza Virus NS1 Proteins Bind Double-Stranded RNA and Antagonize Host Innate Immunity
    J Virol 89 (20): 10696-10701 (2015)
  39. Reuther P., Gopfert K., Dudek A.H., Heiner M., Herold S., Schwemmle M.
    Generation of a variety of stable Influenza A reporter viruses by genetic engineering of the NS gene segment
    Sci Rep 5: 11346-11346 (2015)
  40. Kuhn J.H., Durrwald R., Bao Y., Briese T., Carbone K., Clawson A.N., deRisi J.L., Garten W., Jahrling P.B., Kolodziejek J., Rubbenstroth D., Schwemmle M., Stenglein M., Tomonaga K., Weissenbock H., Nowotny N.
    Taxonomic reorganization of the family Bornaviridae
    Arch Virol 160 (2): 621-632 (2015)
  41. Harder T.C., Buda S., Hengel H., Beer M., Mettenleiter T.C.
    Poultry food products-a source of avian influenza virus transmission to humans?
    Clin Microbiol Infec (online review) (2015)
  42. Striebinger H., Zhang J., Ott M., Funk C., Radtke K., Duron J., Ruzsics Z., Haas J., Lippe R., Bailer S.M.
    Subcellular trafficking and functional importance of Herpes simplex virus type 1 Glycoprotein M domains
    J Gen Virol (online) (2015)
  43. Martinez R., Schellenberger P., Vasishtan D., Aknin C., Austin S., Dacheux D., Rayne F., Siebert A., Ruzsics Z., Gruenewald K., Wodrich H.
    The amphipathic helix of adenovirus capsid protein VI contributes to penton release and postentry sorting
    J Virol 89 (4): 2121-2135 (2015)
  44. Haller O.
    A tribute to Jean Lindenmann, co-discoverer of interferon (1924-2015)
    Cytokine 76 (1): 113-115 (2015)
  45. Haller O.
    Jean Lindenmann: from viral interference to interferon and beyond (1924-2015)
    J Interf Cytok Res 35 (4): 239-241 (2015)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

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Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

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Telefon: 0761 270-83711

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Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

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Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de