Zu den Inhalten springen

Institute of Virology

The institute of Virology is an independent section of the Center of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.
Head: Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel.

The Institute's mission comprises

  • basic science and clinical research
  • training opportunities for pre and postdoctoral students of medicine, molecular medicine, biology, dentistry and pharmacy.
  • comprehensive diagnostics of human-pathogenic viruses, experienced consulting and advise for clinicians as well as postgraduate training and supervision of medical specialists.


Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

SecretaryAdministrationInformation desk

Kristina Gendrisch

Telefon: 0761 270-83480

Telefax: 0761 270-83479

Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Gudrun Simpson

Telefon: 0761 270-83711

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

Telefon: 0761 270-83700

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de