Publications 2014
- (1) Reuter, A., Soubies, S., Härtle, S., Schusser, B., Kaspers, B., Stäheli, P., Rubbenstroth, D.
Antiviral Activity of Lamda Interferon in Chickens
J Virol 88: 2835-2843 (2014)
>PubMed - (2) Hermant, P., Demarez, C., Mahlakoiv, T., Staeheli, P., Meulemann, P.
Human but Not Mouse Hepatocytes Respond to Interferon-Lambda In Vivo
PLOS ONE 9: e87906 (2014)
- (3) Guilligay, D., Kadlec, J., Crépin, T., Lunardi, T., Bouvier, D., Kochs, G., Ruigrok, R., Cusack, S.
Comparative Structural and Functional Analysis of Orthomyxovirus Polymerase Cap-Snatching Domains
PLOS ONE 9: e84973 (2014)
- (4) Patzina, C., Haller, O., Kochs, G.
Structural Requirements for the Antiviral Activity of the Human MxA Protein against Thogoto and Influenza A Virus
J Biol Chem 289: 6020-6027 (2014)
- (5) Nachmani, D., Zimmermann, A., Dijan, E.O., Weisblum, O., Livneh, Y., Khanh Le, V.T., Galun, E., Horejsi, V., Isakov, O., Shomrom, N., Wolf, D.G., Hengel, H., Mandelboim, O.
MicroRNA Editing Facilitates Immune Elimination of HCMV Infected Cells
PLOS Pathogens 10: e1003963 (2014)
- (6) Bierbaum, S., Forster, J., Berner, R., Rücker, G., Rohde, G., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Panning, M., CAPNETZ study group
Detection of respiratory viruses using multiplex real-time PCR assay in Germany, 2009/10
Arch Virol 159: 669-676 (2014)
- (7) Zimmermann, A., Hauka, S., Maywald, M., Khanh Le, V.T., Schmidt, S.K., Däubener, W., Hengel, H.
Checks and balances between human cytomegalovirus replication and indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase
J Gen Virol 95: 659-670 (2014)
- (8) Rubbenstroth, D., Schmidt, V., Rinder, M., Legler, M., Corman, V.M., Staeheli, P.
Discovery of a new avian bornavirus genotype in estrildid finches (Estrildidae) in Germany
Vet Microbiol 168: 318-323 (2014)
>PubMed - (9) Trilling, M., Khanh Le, V.T., Rashidi-Alavijeh, J., Katschinski, B., Scheller, J., Rose-John, S., Androsiac, G.E., Jonjic, S., Poli, V., Pfeffer, K., Hengel, H.
"Activated" STAT Proteins: A Paradoxical Consequence of Inhibited JAK-STAT Signaling in Cytomegalovirus-Infected Cells
J Immunol 192: 447-458 (2014)
>PubMed - (10) Bartholomaeus, P., Semmler, L.Y., Bukur, T., Boisguerin, V., Römer, P.S., Tabares, P., Chuvpilo, S., Tyrsin, D.Y., Matskevich, A., Hengel, H., Castle, J., Hünig, T., Kalinke, U.
Cell Contact-Dependent Priming and Fc Interaction with CD32+ Immune Cells Contribute to the TGN1412-Triggered Cytokine Response
J Immunol 192: 2091-2098 (2014)
>PubMed - (11) Halenius, A., Hengel, H.
Human Cytomegalovirus and Autoimmune Disease
Biomed Res Int. 2014: 472978 (2014) Review
> PubMed - (12) Bauer, G.
Targeting extracellular ROS signaling of tumor cells
Anticancer Res 34: 1467-1482 (2014) Review
> PubMed - (13) Wölfle, U., Seelinger, G., Bauer, G., Meinke, M.M., Lademann, J. and Schempp, C.
Reactive Molecule Species and Antioxidative Mechanisms in Normal Skin and Skin Aging
Skin Pharmacol Physiol 27: 316-332 (2014) - (14) Bauer, G., Bereswill, S., Aichele, P., Glocker, E.
Helicobacter pylori protects protects oncogenically transformed cells from reactive oxygen species-mediated intercellular induction of apoptosis
Carcinogenesis 35: 1582-1591 (2014)
> PubMed - (15) Rubbenstroth, D., Brosinski, K., Rinder, M., Olbert, M., Kaspers, B., Korbel, R., Staeheli, P.
No contact transmission of avian bornavirus in experimentally infected cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and domestic canaries (Serinus canaria forma domestica)
Vet Microbiol 172: 146-156 (2014)
> PubMed - (16) Meisel, R., Heseler, K., Nau, J., Schmidt, S.K., Leineweber, M., Pudelko, S., Wenning, J., Zimmermann, A., Hengel, H., Sinzger, C., Degistirici, Ö., Sorg, R.V., Däubener, W.
Cytomegalovirus Infection Impairs Immunosuppressive and Antimicrobial Effector Functions of Human Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
Mediat Inflamm 2014: 1-7 (2014)
> PubMed - (17) Corrales-Aguilar, E., Trilling, M., Hunold, K., Fiedler, M., Le, V.T., Reinhard, H., Ehrhardt, K., Merce-Maldonado, E., Aliyev, E., Zimmermann, A., Johnson, D.C., Hengel, H.
Human cytomegalovirus Fcgamma binding proteins gp34 and gp68 antagonize Fcgamma receptors I, II and III
Plos Pathog 10: e1004131-e1004131 (2014)
> PubMed - (18) Spanier, J., Lienenklaus, S., Paijo, J., Kessler, A., Borst, K., Heindorf, S., Baker, D.P., Kröger, A., Weiss, S., Detje, C.N., Staeheli, P., Kalinke, U.
Concomitant TLR/RLH Signaling of Radioresistant and Radiosensitive Cells Is Essential for Protection against Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection
J Immunol 193 (6): 3045-3054 (2014)
> PubMed - (19) Soubies, S., Haller, O.
Les GTPases Mx: irréductibles défenseurs contre les envahisseurs viraux
Virologie 18 (2): 105-116 (2014) - (20) Huzly, D., Umhau, M., Bettinger, D., Cathomen, T., Emmerich, F., Hasselblatt, P., Hengel, H., Herzog, R., Kappert. O., Maassen, S., Schorb, E., Schulz-Huotari, C., Thimme, R., Unmüssig, R., Wenzel, J.J., Panning, M.
Transfusion-transmitted hepatitis E in Germany, 2013
Eurosurveillance 19 (21): 1-5 (2014)
> PubMed - (21) Semper, C., Leitner, N.R., Lassnig, C., Parrini, M., Mahlakoiv, T., Rammerstorfer, M., Lorenz, K., Rigler, D., Müller, S., Kolbe, T., Vogl, C., Rülicke, T., Staeheli, P., Decker, T., Müller, M., Strobl, B.
STAT1β is not dominant negative and is capable of contributing to gamma interferon-dependent innate immunity
Molecular and Cellular Biology 34 (12): 2235-2248 (2014)
> PubMed - (22) Panning, M., Huzly, D., Hengel, H., Kern, W., Dettenkofer, M.
The crucial role of Molecular Diagnostics
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 111: 1-2 (2014)
> PubMed - (23) Rath, A., Berner, R., Panning, M., Krueger, M., Gerecke, A.
Parechovirus as a cause of a sepsis-like syndrome with cerebral involvement in a 7-week old infant
Klinische Pädiatrie 226 (2): 76-77 (2014)
> PubMed - (24) Krause, J.C., Panning, M., Hengel, H., Henneke, P.
Stellenwert der Multiplex-PCR bei Atemwegsinfektionen im Kindesalter
Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 2014; 111 (38): 639-645 (2014) - (25) Scheit, K., Bauer, G.
Synergistic effects between catalase inhibitors and modulators of nitric oxide metabolism on tumor cell apoptosis
Anticancer Res 34: 5337-5350 (2014)
> PubMed - (26) Reuther, P., Giese, S., Götz, V., Kilb, N., Mänz, B., Brunotte, L., Schwemmle, M.
Adaptive mutations in the nuclear export protein of human-derived H5N1 strains facilitate a polymerase activity-enhancing conformation
J Virol 88: 263-271 (2014)
PubMed - (27) Reuther, P., Giese, S., Götz, V., Riegger, D., Schwemmle, M.
Phosphorylation of highly conserved serine residues in the influenza A virus nuclear export protein NEP plays a minor role in viral growth in human cells and mice
J Virol 88: 7668-7673 (2014)
PubMed - (28) Brunotte, L., Flies, J., Bolte, H., Reuther, P., Vreede, F., Schwemmle, M.
The nuclear export protein of H5N1 influenza A viruses recruits Matrix 1 (M1) protein to the viral ribonucleoprotein to mediate nuclear export
J Biol Chem 289 (29): 20067-20077 (2014)
PubMed - (29) Juozapaitis, M., Aguiar Moreira, E., Mena, I., Giese, S., Riegger, D., Pohlmann, A., Höper, D., Zimmer, G., Beer, M., Garcia-Sastre, A., Schemmle, M.
An infectious bat-derived chimeric influenza virus harbouring the entry machinery of an influenza A virus
Nat Commun 5:4448. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5448 (2014)
PubMed - (30) Ludwig, S., Zell, R., Schwemmle, M., Herold, S.
Influenza, a One Health paradigm-Novel therapeutic strategies to fight a zoonotic pathogen with pandemic potential
Int J Med Microbiol 304: 894-901 (2014)
PubMed - (31) Zimmermann, V., Rinder, M., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P., Rubbenstroth, D.
Impact of antigenic diversity on laboratory diagnosis of Avian bornavirus infections in birds
J Vet Diagn Invest 26: 769-777 (2014)
PubMed - (32) Döring, M., Lessin, I., Frenz, T., Spanier, J., Kessler, A., Tegtmeyer, P., Dağ, F., Thiel, N., Trilling, M., Lienenklaus, S., Weiss, S., Scheu, S., Messerle, M., Cicin-Sain, L., Hengel, H., Kalinke, U.
M27 expressed by cytomegalovirus counteracts effective type I interferon induction of myeloid cells but not of plasmacytoid dendritic cells
J Virol 88: 13638-13650 (2014)
PubMed - (33) Scheer, S., Krempl, C., Kallfass, C., Frey, S., Jakob, T., Mouahid, G., Moné, H., Schmitt-Gräff, A., Staeheli, P., Lamers, M.C.
S. mansoni Bolsters Anti-Viral Immunity in the Murine Respiratory Tract
Plos One 9 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112469 (2014)
PubMed - (34) Jost, N.H., Abel, S., Hutzler, M., Sparwasser, T., Zimmermann, A., Roers, A., Müller, W., Klopfleisch, R., Hengel, H., Westendorf, A.M., Buer, J., Hansen, W.
Regulatory T cells and T-cell-derived IL-10 interfere with effective anti-cytomegalovirus immune response
Immunol Cell Biol 92: 860-871 (2014)
PubMed - (35) Hage, E., Huzly, D., Ganzenmueller, T., Beck, R., Schulz, T.F., Heim, A.
A human adenovirus species B subtype 21a associated with severe pneumonia
J Infection 69: 490-499 (2014)
PubMed - (36) Rölle, A., Pollmann, J., Ewen, E.M., Le, V.T., Halenius, A., Hengel, H., Cerwenka, A.
IL-12-producing monocytes and HLA-E control HCMV-driven NKG2C+ NK cell expansion
J Clin Invest 124: 5305-5316 (2014)
PubMed - (37) Philadelpho, N.A., Rubbenstroth, D., Guimarães, M.B., Piantino Ferreira, A.J.
Survey of bornaviruses in pet psittacines in Brazil reveals a novel parrot bornavirus
Vet Microbiol 174: 584-590 (2014)
PubMed - (38) Liedmann, S., Hrincius, E.R., Guy, C., Anhlan, D., Dierkes, R., Carter, R., Wu, G., Staeheli, P., Green, D.R., Wolff, T., McCullers, J.A., Ludwig, S., Ehrhardt, C.
Viral suppressors of the RIG-I-mediated interferon response are pre-packaged in influenza virions
Nat Commun 5: 5645-5653 (2014)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel
Secretary | Administration | Information desk |
Kristina Gendrisch Telefon: 0761 270-83480 Telefax: 0761 270-83479 | Gudrun Simpson Telefon: 0761 270-83711 Telefax: 0761 270-83703 | Jutta Schneeberger Telefon: 0761 270-83700 Telefax: 0761 270-83703 |