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Publications 2011

    • (1) Schenk, T., Maier, B., Hufnagel, M., Strahm, B., Kontny, U., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Falcone, V.
      Persistence of Human Bocavirus DNA in Immunocompromised Children
      The Ped Infec Dis J 30: 1-3 (2011)

    • (2) Savellini, G. G., Weber, F., Terrosi, C., Habjan, M., Martorelli, B., Cusi, M. G.
      Toscana virus induces interferon although its NSs protein reveals antagonistic activity
      J Gen Virol 92: 71-79 (2011)

    • (3) Haller, O., Kochs, G.
      Human MxA Protein: An Interferon-Induced Dynamin-Like GTPase with Broad Antiviral Activity
      J Inteferon and Cytokine Research 31: 79-87 (2011) (Review)

    • (4) Panning, M., Baumgarte, S., Laue, T., Bierbaum, S., Raith, S., Drexler, J.F., Helmer, A., Falcone-Kapper, V., Kochs, G., Campe, H., Huzly, D., Eis-Hübinger, A.M.,. Drosten, C.
      Singleplex real-time RT-PCR for detection of influenza A virus and simultaneous differentiation of A/H1N1v and evaluation of the RealStar influenza kit
      J Clin Virol 50: 171-174 (2011)

    • (5) Verbruggen, P., Ruf, M., Blakqori, G., Överby, A.K., Heidemann, M., Eick, D., Weber, F.
      Interferon Antagonist NSs of La Crosse Virus Triggers a DNA Damage Response-like Degradation of Transcribing RNA Polymerase II
      J Biol Chem 286: 3681-3692 (2011)

    • (6) Bauer, G.
      Low dose gamma irradiation enhances defined signalling components of intercellular reactive oxygen-mediated apoptosis induction
      J Phys Conference Series 261: 1-13 (2011)

    • (7) Kugel, D., Pulverer, J.E., Köster, M., Hauser, H., Staeheli, P.
      Novel Nonviral Bioassays for Mouse Type I and Type III Interferon
      J Interferon and Cytokine Research 31: 345-349 (2011)

    • (8) Heinze, B., Frey, S., Mordstein, M., Schmitt-Graeff, A., Ehl, S., Buchholz, U.J., Collins, P.L., Staeheli, P., Krempl, C.D.
      Both Nonstructural Proteins NS1 and NS2 of Pneumonia Virus of Mice and Inhibitors of the Interferon Type I and Type III Responses In Vivo
      J Virol 85: 4071-4084 (2011)

    • (9) Martin, A., Hoefs, N., Tadewaldt, J., Staeheli, P., Schneider, U.
      Genomic RNAs of Borna disease virus are elongated on internal template motifs after realignment of the 3’ termini
      PNAS USA 108: 7206-7211 (2011)

    • (10) Pott, J., Mahlakoiv, T., Mordstein, M., Duerr, C.U., Michiels, T., Stockinger, S., Staeheli, P., Hornef, M.W.
      IFN-λ determines the intestinal epithelial antiviral host defense
      PNAS USA 108: 7944-7949 (2011)

    • (11) Penski, N., Härtle, S., Rubbenstroth, R., Krohmann, C., Ruggli, N., Schusser, B., Pfann, M., Reuter, A., Gohrbrandt, S., Hundt, J., Veits, J., Breithaupt, A., Kochs, G., Stech, J., Summerfield, A., Vahlenkamp, T., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P.
      Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Do Not Inhibit Interferon Synthesis in Infected Chickens but Can Override the Interferon-Induced Antiviral State
      J Virol 85: 7730-7741 (2011)

    • (12) Kuri, T., Eriksson, K., Putics, A., Zuest, R., Snijder, E., Davidson, A., Siddell, S., Thiel, V., Ziebuhr, J., Weber, F.
      The ADP-ribose-1”-monophosphatase domains of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E mediate resistance to antiviral interferon responses
      J Gen Virol 92: 1899-1905 (2011)

    • (13) Huzly, D., Nassal, M., Vorreiter, J., Falcone, V., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Gerlich, W., Panning, M.
      Simple confirmatory assay for anti-HBc reactivity
      J Clin Virol 51: 279-280 (2011)

    • (14) Schusser, B., Reuter, A., Von der Malsburg, A., Penski, N., Weigend, S., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P., Haertle, S.
      Mx is Dispensable for Interferon-Mediated Resistance of Chicken Cells against Influenza A Virus
      J Virol 85: 8307-8315 (2011)

    • (15) Zimmermann, P., Mänz, B., Haller, O., Schwemmle, M., Kochs, G.
      The Viral Nucleoprotein Determines Mx Sensitivity of Influenza A Viruses
      J Virol 85: 8133-8140 (2011)

    • (16) Frensing, T., Seitz, C., Heynisch, B., Patzina, C., Kochs, G., Reichl, U.
      Efficient influenza B virus propagation due to deficient interferon-induced antiviral activity in MDCK cells
      Vaccine 29: 7125-7129 (2011)

    • (17) Von der Malsburg, A., Abutbul-Ionita, I., Haller, O., Kochs, G., Danino, D.
      Stalk Domain of the Dynamin-like MxA GTPase Protein Mediates Membrane Binding and Liposome Tubulation via the Unstructured L4 Loop
      J Biol Chem 286: 37858-37865 (2011)

    • (18) Gao, S., Von der Malsburg, A., Dick, A., Faelber, K., Schröder, G.F., Haller, O., Kochs, G., Daumke, O.
      Structure of Myxovirus Resistance Protein A Reveals Intra- and Intermolecular Domain Interactions Required for the Antiviral Function
      Immunity 35: 514-525 (2011)

    • (19) Abdelrazzak, A.B., Stevens, D.L., Bauer, G., O’Neill, P., Hill, M.A.
      The Role of Radiation Quality in the Stimulation of Intercellular Induction of Apoptosis in Transformed Cells at Very Low Doses
      Radiat Res 176: 346-355 (2011)

    • (20) Falcone, V., Ridder, G.J., Panning, M., Bierbaum, S., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Huzly, D.
      Human bocavirus DNA in paranasal sinus mucosa
      Emerg Infect Dis 17: 1564-1565 (2011)

    • (21) Wunderlich, K., Jouzapaitis, M., Ranadheera, C., Kessler, U., Martin, A., Eisel, J., Beutling, U., Frank, R., Schwemmle, M.
      Identification of High-Affinity PB1-Derived Peptides with Enhanced Affinity to the PA Protein of Influenza A Virus Polymerase
      Antimicrob Agents Chemother 55: 696-702 (2011)

    • (22) Schwemmle, M., Heimrich, B.
      Viral interference with neuronal integrity: what can we learn from the Borna disease virus?
      Cell Tiss Res 344: 13-16 (2011)

    • (23) Robb, N.C., Chase, G., Bier, K., Vreede, F.T., Shaw, P.C., Naffakh, N., Schwemmle, M., Fodor, E.
      The Influenza A Virus NS1 Protein Interacts with the Nucleoprotein of Viral Ribonucleoprotein Complexes
      J Virol 85: 5228-5231 (2011)

    • (24) Bortz, E., Westera, L., Maamary, J., Steel, J., Albrecht, R.A., Manicassamy, B., Chase, G., Martínez-Sobrido, L., Schwemmle, M., García-Sastre, A.
      Host- and Strain-Specific Regulation of Influenza Virus Polymerase Activity by Interacting Cellular Proteins
      MBio 2: e00151-11 (2011) published online

    • (25) Bogs, J., Kalthoff, D., Veits, J., Pavlova, S., Schwemmle, M., Mänz, B., Mettenleiter, T., Stech, J.
      Reversion of PB2-627E to -627K during Replication of an H5N1 Clade 2.2 Virus in Mammalian Hosts Depends on the Origin of the Nucleoprotein
      J Virol 85:10691-10698 (2011)

    • (26) Ge, X., Rameix-Welti, M.A., Gault, E., Chase, G., Dos Santos Afonso, E., Picard, D., Schwemmle, M., Naffakh, N.
      Influenza Virus Infection Induces the Nuclear Relocalization of the Hsp99 Co-Chaperone p23 and Inhibits the Glucocorticoid Receptor Response
      PLoS One 6: e23368 (2011) published online

    • (27) Reuther, P., Mänz, B., Brunotte, L., Schwemmle, M., Wunderlich, K.
      Targeting of the Influenza A Virus Polymerase PB1-PB2 Interface Indicates Strain-Specific Assembly Differences
      J Virol 85: 13298-13309 (2011)

    • (28) Chase, G., Rameix-Welti, M.A., Zivirbliene, A., Zvirblis, G., Götz, V., Wolff, T., Naffakh, N., Schwemmle, M.
      Influenza Virus Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Gain Preferential Access to Cellular Export Machinery through Chromatin Targeting
      PLoS Pathog 7: e1002187 (2011) published online

    • (29) Chase, G., Wunderlich, K., Reuther, P., Schwemmle, M.
      Identification of influenza virus inhibitors which disrupt of viral polymerase protein-protein interactions
      Methods 55: 188-191 (2011)

    • (30) Kramme, S., Nissen, N., Soblik, H., Erttmann, K., Tannich, E., Fleischer, B., Panning, M., Brattig, N.
      Novel real-time PCR for the universal detection of Strongyloides species
      J Med Microbiol 60: 454-458 (2011)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

SecretaryAdministrationInformation desk

Kristina Gendrisch

Telefon: 0761 270-83480

Telefax: 0761 270-83479

Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Gudrun Simpson

Telefon: 0761 270-83711

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

Telefon: 0761 270-83700

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de