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Publications 2010

    • (1) Buettner, N., Vogt, C., Martínez-Sobrido, L., Weber, F., Waibler, Z., Kochs, G.
      Thogoto virus ML protein is a potent inhibitor of the interferon regulatory factor-7 transcription factor
      J Gen Virol 91: 220-227 (2010)

    • (2) Eis-Hübinger AM, Drexler JF, Reber U, Panning M, Drosten C, Weber-Schehl M, Hedges D, Baylis SA, Roth WK.
      Absence of detection of novel human parvoviruses in German plasma donations
      Transfusion 50: 266-267 (2010)

    • (3) Maier, T., Schwarting, A., Mauer, D., Ross, R.S., Martens, A., Kliem, V., Wahl, J., Panning, M., Baumgarte, S., Müller, T., Pfefferle, S., Ebel, H., Schmidt, J., Tenner-Racz, K., Racz, P., Schmid, M., Strüber, M., Wolters, B., Gotthardt, D., Bitz, F., Frisch, L., Pfeiffer, N., Fickenscher, H., Sauer, P., Rupprecht, C.E., Roggendorf, M., Haverich, A., Galle, P., Hoyer, J., Drosten, C.
      Management and Outcomes after Multiple Corneal and Solid Organ Transplantations from a Donor Infected with Rabies Virus
      Clin Infect Dis 50: 1112-1119 (2010)

    • (4) Bauer, G.
      Epstein-Barr virus serology
      Pipette 2: 21-23 (2010) Review

    • (5) Reuter, A., Ackermann, A., Kothlow, S., Rinder, M., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P.
      Avian Bornaviruses Escape Recognition by the Innate Immune System
      Viruses 2: 927-938 (2010)

    • (6) Ackermann, A., Gülzow, T., Stäheli, P., Schneider, U., Heimrich, B.
      Visualizing Viral Dissemination in the Mouse Nervous System, Using a Green Fluorescent Protein-Expressing Borna Disease Virus Vector
      J Virol 84: 5438-5442 (2010)

    • (7) Mordstein, M., Neugebauer, E., Ditt, V., Jessen, B., Rieger, T., Falcone, V., Sorgeloos, F., Ehl, S., Mayer, D., Kochs, G., Schwemmle, M., Günther, S., Drosten, C., Michiels, T., Stäheli, P.
      Lambda Interferon Renders Epithelial Cells of the Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Tracts Resistant to Viral Infections
      J Virol 84: 5670-5677 (2010)

    • (8) Bouloy, M., Weber, F.
      Molecular Biology of Rift Valley Fever Virus
      The Open Virology Journal 4: 8-14 (2010) Review

    • (9) Kuri, T., Habjan, M., Penski, N., Weber, F.
      Species-independent bioassay for sensitive quantification of antiviral type I interferons
      Virol J 7:50 (2010)

    • (10) Panning, M., Emmerich, P., Ölschläger, S., Bojenko, S., Koivogui, L., Marx, A., Lugala P.C., Günther, S., Bausch, D.G., Drosten, S.
      Laboratory Diagnosis of Lassa Fever, Liberia
      Emerg Infect Dis 16: 1041-1043 (2010)

    • (11) Ölschläger, S., Lelke, M., Emmerich, P., Panning, M., Drosten, C., Hass, M., Asogun, D., Ehichioya, D., Omilabu, S., Günther, S.
      Improved Detection of Lassa Virus by Reverse Transcription-PCR Targeting the 5’ Region of S RNA
      J Clin Microbiol 48: 2009-2013 (2010)

    • (12) Gao, S., Von der Malsburg, A., Paeschke, S., Behlke, J., Haller, O., Kochs, G., Daumke, O.
      Structural basis of oligomerization in the stalk region of dynamin-like MxA
      Nature 465: 502-506 (2010)

    • (13) Stäheli, P., Rinder, M., Kaspers, B.
      Avian Bornavirus Associated with Fatal Disease in Psittacine Birds
      J Virol 84: 6269-6275 (2010)

    • (14) Heinzelmann, S., Bauer, G.
      Multiple protective functions of catalase against intercellular apoptosis-inducing ROS signaling of human tumor cells
      Biol Chem 391: 675-693 (2010)

    • (15) Panning, M., Kobbe, R., Vollbach, S., Drexler, J.F., Adjei, S., Adjei, O., Drosten, C., May, J., Eis-Hübinger, A.M.
      Novel Human Parvovirus 4 Genotype 3 in Infants, Ghana
      Emerg Infect Dis 16: 1143-1146 (2010)

    • (16) Lozach, P.-Y., Mancini, R., Bitto, D., Meier, R., Oestereich, L., Överby, A.K., Pettersson, R.F., Helenius, A.
      Entry of Bunyaviruses into Mammalian Cells
      Cell Host Microbe 7: 488-499 (2010)

    • (17) Soldan, S.S., Hollidge, B.S., Wagner, V., Weber, F., Gonzalez-Scarano, F.
      La Crosse virus (LACV) Gc fusion peptide mutants have impaired growth and fusion phenotypes, but remain neurotoxic
      Virology 404: 139-147 (2010)

    • (18) Kuri, T., Weber, F.
      Interferon interplay helps tissue cells to cope with SARS-coronavirus infection
      Virulence 1: 273-275 (2010) Review

    • (19) Panning, M., Baumgarte, S., Pfefferle, S., Maier, T., Martens, A., Drosten, C.
      Comparative Analysis of Rabies Virus Reverse Transcription-PCR and Virus Isolation Using Samples from a Patient Infected with Rabies Virus
      J Clin Microbiol 48: 2960-2962 (2010)

    • (20) Överby, A.K., Popov, V.L., Niedrig, M., Weber, F.
      Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Delays Interferon Induction and Hides Its Double-Stranded RNA in Intracellular Membrane Vesicles
      J Virol 84: 8470-8483 (2010)

    • (21) Pulverer, J.E., Rand, U., Lienenklaus, S., Kugel, D., Zietara, N., Kochs, G., Naumann, R., Weiss, S., Staeheli, P., Hauser, H., Köster, M.
      Temporal and Spatial Resolution of Type I and III Interferon Responses in Vivo
      J Virol 84: 8626-8638 (2010)

    • (22) Mordstein, M., Michiels, T., Staeheli, P.
      What have we learned from the IL28 Receptor Knockout Mouse?
      J Interferon and Cytokine Research 30: 579-584 (2010) Review

    • (23) Grywna, K., Kupfer, B., Panning, M., Drexler, J.F., Emmerich, P., Drosten, C., Kümmerer, B.M.
      Detection of all Species of the Genus Alphavirus by Reverse Transcription-PCR with Diagnostic Sensitivity
      J Clin Microbiol 48: 3386-3387 (2010)

    • (24) Wenzel, J.J., Panning, M., Kaul, K.L., Mangold, K.A., Revell, P.A., Luna, R.A., Zepeda, H., Perea, L., Vazquez-Perez, J.A., Young, S., Rodic-Polic, B., Eickmann, M., Drosten, C., Jilg, W., Reischl, U.
      Analytical Performance Determination and Clinical Validation of the Novel Roche RealTime Ready Influenza A/H1N1 Detection Set
      J Clin Microbiol 48: 3088-3094 (2010)

    • (25) Reguera, J., Weber, F., Cusack, S.
      Bunyaviridae RNA Polymerases (L-Protein) Have an N-Terminal, Influenza-like Endonuclease Domain, Essential for Viral Cap-Dependent Transcription
      PLoS Pathog 6: e1001101 (2010)

    • (26) Pichlmair, A., Habjan, M., Unger, H., Weber, F.
      Virus-like Particles Expressing the Nucleocapsid Gene as an Efficient Vaccine Against Rift Valley Fever Virus
      Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 10: 701-703 (2010)

    • (27) Seibert, C.W., Kaminski, M., Philipp, J., Rubbenstroth, D., Albrecht, R.A., Schwalm, F., Stertz, S., Medina, R.A., Kochs, G., García-Sastre, A., Staeheli, P., Palese, P.
      Oseltamivir-Resistant Variants of the 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza A Virus Are Not Attenuated in the Guinea Pig and Ferret Transmission Models
      J Virol 84: 11219-11226 (2010)

    • (28) Haller, O., Gao, S., von der Malsburg, A., Daumke, O., Kochs, G.
      Dynamin-like MxA GTPase: Structural insights into Oligomerization and Implications for Antiviral Activity
      J Biol Chem 285: 28419-28424 (2010) Review

    • (29) Daumke, O., Gao, S., von der Malsburg, A., Haller. O., Kochs, G.
      Structure of the MxA stalk elucidates the assembly of ring-like units of an antiviral module
      Small GTPases 1: 1-3 (2010) Review

    • (30) Ophoven, S.J., Bauer, G.
      Salen-Manganese Complexes: Sophisticated Tools fort he Analysis of Intercellular ROS Signaling Pathways
      Anticancer Res 30: 3967-3980 (2010)

    • (31) Kochs, G., Bauer, S., Vogt, C., Frenz, T., Tschopp, J., Kalinke, U., Waibler, Z.
      Thogoto Virus Infection Induces Sustained Type I Interferon Responses that depend on RIG-I-Like Helicase Signaling of Conventional Dendritic Cells
      J Virol 84: 12344-12350 (2010)

    • (32) Steidle, S., Martínez-Sobrido, L., Mordstein, M., Lienenklaus, S., García-Sastre, A., Staeheli, P., Kochs, G.
      Glycine 184 in Nonstructural Protein NS1 Determines the Virulence of Influenza A Virus Strain PR8 without Affecting the Host Interferon Response
      J Virol 84: 12761-12770 (2010)

    • (33) Wunderlich, K., Juozapaitis, M., Mänz, B., Mayer, D., Götz, V., Zöhner, A., Wolff, T., Schwemmle, M., Martin, A.
      Limited Compatibility of Polymerase Subunit Interactions in Influenza A and B Viruses
      J Biol Chem 285: 16704-16712 (2010)

    • (34) Hoffmann, M., Wu, Y-J., Gerber, M., Berger-Rentsch, M., Heimrich, B., Schwemmle, M., Zimmer, G.
      Fusion-active glycoprotein G mediates the cytotoxicity of vesicular stomatitis virus M mutants lacking host shut-off activity
      J Gen Virol 91: 2782-2793 (2010)

    • (35) Mänz, B., Matrosovich, M., Bovin, N., Schwemmle, M.
      A Polymorphism in the Hemagglutinin of the Human Isolates of a Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus Determines Organ Tropism in Mice
      J Virol 84: 8316-8321 (2010)

    • (36) Schmid, S., Metz, P., Prat, C., Gonzalez-Dunia, D., Schwemmle, M.
      Protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of Borna disease virus P protein is required for efficient viral spread
      Arch Virol 155: 789-793 (2010)

    • (37) Mänz, B., Götz, V., Wunderlich, K., Eisel, J., Kirchmair, J., Stech, J., Stech, O., Chase, G., Frank, R., Schwemmle, M.
      Disruption of the viral polymerase complex assembly as a novel approach to attenuate Influenza A Virus
      J Biol Chem (2010) published online

    • (38) Seitz, C., Frensing, T., Höper, D., Kochs, G., Reichl, U.
      High yields of influenza A virus in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells are promoted by an insufficient interferon-induced antiviral state
      J Gen Virol 91: 1754-1763 (2010)

    • (39) Schmid, S., Mordstein, M., Kochs, G., García-Sastre, A., tenOever, B.R.
      Transcription Factor Redundancy Ensures Induction of the Antiviral State
      J Biol Chem 285: 42013-42021 (2010)

    • (40) Wunderlich, K., Juozapaitis, M., Ranadheera, C., Kessler, U., Martin, A., Eisel, J., Beutling, U., Frank, R., Schwemmle, M.
      Identification of High-Affinity PB1-Derived Peptides with Enhanced Affinity to the PA Protein of Influenza A Virus Polymerase
      Antimicrob Agents Ch (2010) published online

    • (41) Steel, J., Stäheli, P., Mubareka, S., García-Sastre, A., Palese, P., Lowen, A.
      Transmission of Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus and Impact of Prior Exposure to Seasonal Strains or Interferon Treatment
      J Virol 84: 21-26 (2010)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

SecretaryAdministrationInformation desk

Kristina Gendrisch

Telefon: 0761 270-83480

Telefax: 0761 270-83479

Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Gudrun Simpson

Telefon: 0761 270-83711

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

Telefon: 0761 270-83700

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de

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