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Publications 2003

    • (1) Jehle, C., Herpfer, I., Rauer, M., Schwemmle, M., Sauder, C.
      Identification of differentially expressed genes in brains of newborn Borna disease virus-infected rats in the absence of inflammation.
      Arch Virol 148: 45-63 (2003)

    • (2) Hagmaier, K., Jennings, S., Buse, J., Weber, F., Kochs, G.
      Novel gene product of Thogoto Virus segment 6 codes for an interferon antagonist.
      J Virol 77: 2747-2752 (2003)

    • (3) Puehler, F., Göbel, T., Breyer, U., Ohnemus, A., Staeheli, P., Kaspers, B.
      A sensitive bioassay for chicken interleukin-18 based on the inducible release of preformed interferon-gamma.
      J Immunol Methods 274: 229-232 (2003)

    • (4) Puehler, F., Schwarz, H., Waidner, B., Kalinowski, J., Kaspers, B., Bereswill, S., Staeheli, P.
      An Interferon-gamma-binding protein of novel structure encoded by the fowlpox virus.
      J Biol Chem 278: 6905-6911 (2003)

    • (5) Weber, F., Thimme, R.
      Virale Anti-Interferon-Strategien: Mechanismen und Bedeutung für die Klinik.
      Dtsch Med Wochenschr 128: 323-325 (2003)

    • (6) Weigl, J., Forster, J., Berner, R., Puppe, W., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Meyer, C.U., Zepp, F., Schmitt, H.J.
      Virale Atemwegsinfektionen mit saisonaler Häufung bei Kindern.
      Bundesgesundheitsbl-Gesundheitsforsch-Gesundheitsschutz 46: 9-19 (2003)

    • (7) Geib, T., Sauder, C., Venturelli, S., Hässler, C., Staeheli, P., Schwemmle, M.
      Selective virus resistance conferred by expression of Borna disease virus nucleocapsid components.
      J Virol 77: 4283-4290 (2003)

    • (8) Blakqori, G., Kochs, G., Haller, O., Weber, F.
      Functional L polymerase of La Crosse virus allows in vivo reconstitution of recombinant nucleocapsids.
      J Gen Virol 84: 1207-1214 (2003)

    • (9) Streitenfeld, H., Boyd, A., Fazakerley, J.K., Bridgen, A., Elliott, R.M., Weber, F.
      Activation of PKR by Bunyamwera virus is independent of the viral interferon anatagonist NSs.
      J Virol 77: 5507-5511 (2003)

    • (10) Weidmann, M., Meyer-König, U., Hufert, F.T.
      Rapid detection of herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections by real-time PCR.
      J Clin Microbiol 41: 1565-1568 (2003)

    • (11) Engelhardt, O.G., Boutell, C., Orr, A., Ullrich, E., Haller, O., Everett, R.D.
      The homeodomain-interacting kinase PKM (HIPK-2) modifies ND10 through both its kinase domain and a SUMO-1 interaction motif and alters the posttranslational modification of PML.
      Exp Cell Res 283: 36-50 (2003)

    • (12) Weber, F., Kochs, G., Haller, O., Staeheli, P.
      Viral Evasion of the Interferon system: Old viruses, new tricks.
      J Interferon and Cytokine Res 23: 209-213 (2003)

    • (13) Falcone, V., Schweizer, M., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Replication of primate foamy viruses in natural and experimental hosts.
      Curr Top Microbiol 277: 161-180 (2003)

    • (14) Heneine, W., Schweizer, M., Sandstrom, P., Folks, T.
      Human infection with foamy viruses.
      Curr Top Microbiol 277: 181-196 (2003)

    • (15) Gyorfy, Z., Ohnemus, A., Jaspers, B., Duda, E., Staeheli, P.
      Truncated chicken interleukin-1-beta with increased biologic activity.
      J Interferon and Cytokine Res 23: 223-228 (2003)

    • (16) Kohl, A., Clayton, R.F., Weber, F., Bridgen, A., Randall, R.E:, Elliott, R.M.
      Bunyamwera virus nonstructural protein NSs counteracts interferon regulatory factor 3-mediated induction of early cell deaath.
      J Virol 77:7999-8008 (2003)

    • (17) Göbel, T.W, Schneider, K., Schaerer, B., Mejri, I., Puehler, F., Weigend, S., Staeheli, P., Kaspers, B.
      IL-18 stimulates the proliferation and IFN-g release of CD4+ T cells in the chicken: Conservation of a Th1-like system in a nonmammalian species.
      J Immunol, 171:1809-1815 (2003)

    • (18) Puppe, W., Weigl, J., Berner, R., Forster, J., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Meyer, C., Zepp, F., Schmitt, H.-J.
      Humanes Metapneumovirus in Deutschland nachgewiesen.
      Dtsch Ärztebl 100: 2089 (2003)

    • (19) Kaiser, R., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Aktivimpfung gegen FSME im Sommer bzw. nach Zeckenstich?
      ÄBW 7:311 (2003)

    • (20) Beck, K., Meyer-König, U., Weidmann, M., Nern, Ch., Hufert, F.T.
      Human cytomegalovirus impairs dendritic cell function: a novel mechanism of human cytomegalovirus immune escape.
      Eur J Immunol 33: 1528-1538 (2003)

    • (21) Weidmann, M., Meyer-König, U., Hufert, F.T.
      Rapid detection of herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infection by real-time PCR.
      J Clin Microbiol 41:1565-1568 (2003)

    • (22) Weber, F.
      Was uns die Familie genetisch gibt. In: Irseer Dialoge, Ein Herz und eine Seele? Familie heute, Weber, W.E.J., Herzog, M.
      (Hrsg.) Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stuttgart, 8: 33-44 (2003)

    • (23) Schneider, U., Naegele, M., Staeheli, P., Schwemmle, M.
      Active Borna Disease Virus polymerase complex requires a distinct nucleoprotein-to-phosphoprotein ratio but no viral X protein.
      J Virol 77: 11781-11789 (2003)

    • (24) Sauder, Ch., Staeheli, P.
      Rat model of Borna disease virus transmission: Epidemiological implications.
      J Virol 77: 12886-12890 (2003)

    • (25) Forster, J., Freihorst, J., Heininger, U., Neumann-Haefelin D., Scholz, H., Weigl, J.
      Influenza In: Scholz, H., Belohradsky, B.H., Heininger, U., Kreth, W., Ross, R. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Infektionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
      Futuramed Verlag, München, S. 411-418 (2003)

    • (26) Walker, U.A., Venhoff, N., Koch, E.C., Olschewski, M., Schneider, J., Setzer, B.
      Uridine abrogates mitochondrial toxicity related to nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HepG2 cells.
      Antiviral Therapy 8: 463-470 (2003)

    • (27) Koch E.C., Schneider, J., Weis, R., Penning, B., Walker, U.A.
      Uridine excess does not interfere with the antiretroviral efficacy of nucleoside analaogue reverse transcriptase inibitors.
      Antiviral Therapy 8: 485-487 (2003)

    • (28) Kochs, G., Engelhardt, O.G., Haller, O.
      Mx proteins: High molecular weight GTPases with antiviral activity.
      Handbook of cell Signaling 2:771-775 (2003)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

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Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Gudrun Simpson

Telefon: 0761 270-83711

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

Telefon: 0761 270-83700

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de