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Publications 1998

    • (1) Nieselt-Struwe, K., Plikat, U., Meyerhans, A.
      Authors’ Reply
      J Virol 72: 887 (1998)

    • (2) Bauer, M., Lucchiari-Hartz, M., Fickenscher, H., Eichmann, K., McKeating, J., Meyerhans, A.
      Herpesvirus Saimiri-transformed human CD4+ T-Cell lines: an Efficient target cell system for the analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-specific cytotoxic CD8+ T-lymphocyte activity.
      J Virol 72: 1627-1631 (1998)

    • (3) Obert, M., Pleuger, H., Hanagarth, H.-J., Schulte-Mönting, J., Wiesmüller K.-H., Braun, D.G., Brander, G., Hess, R.D.
      Protection of mice against SV40 tumours by Pam3Cys, MTP-PE and Pam3Cys conjugated with the SV40 T antigen-derived peptide, K8698)-T(708).
      Vaccine 16: 161-169 (1998)

    • (4) Heneine, W., Switzer, W.M., Sandstrom, P., Brown, J., Vedapuri, S., Schable, C.A., Khan, A.S., Lerche, N.W., Schweizer, M., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Chapman, L., Folks, T.M.
      Identification of a human population infected with simian foamy viruses.
      Nature Med, 4: 403-407 (1998)

    • (5) Siegl, G., Bornhak, H., Gerlich W., Jahn, G., Jilg, W., Maurer W., Mertens, T., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Pauli, G., Popow-Kraupp, T., Reigel, F., Zeichardt, H.
      Indikationen für den Einsatz von Nukleinsäure-Amplifikationstechniken in der virologischen Diagnostik.
      J Lab Med 22: 113-116 (1998)

    • (6) Thraenhart, O., Gerlich, W.H.; Doerr, H.W., Eggers, H.J., Mertens, T., Müller-Lantzsch, N., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Peters, J., Rabenau, H., Schneweis, K.E., Willkommen, H., Wutzler, P.
      Viruswirksame Desinfektion.
      Deut Ärztebl 95: B721-727 (1998)

    • (7) Sick, C., Schultz, U., Münster, U., Meier, J., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P.
      Promoter Structures and Differential Responses to Viral and Nonviral Inducers of Chicken Type I Interferon Genes.
      J Biological Chemisty 273: 9749-9754 (1998)

    • (8) Hallensleben, W., Schwemmle, M., Hausmann, J., Stitz, L., Volk, B., Pagenstecher, A., Staeheli, P.
      Borna disease virus-induced neurological disorders in mice: Infection of neonates results in immunopathology.
      J Virol, 72: 4379-4386 (1998)

    • (9) Meyer-König, U., Haberland, M., von Laer, D., Haller, O., Hufert, F.T.
      Intragenic variability of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B in clinical strains.
      J Infect Dis 177: 1162-9 (1998)

    • (10) Meyer-König, U., Vogelberg, C., Bongarts, A., Kampa, D:, Delbrück, R., Wolff-Vorbeck, G., Kirste, G, Haberland, K., Hufert, F.T., von Laer, D.
      Glycoprotein B Genotype correlates with cell tropism in vivo of human cytomegalovirus infection.
      J Med Virol 55:75-81 (1998)

    • (11) Meyer-König, U., Hufert, F.T.
      Cytomegalovirusinfektionen unter Immunsuppression - Pathogenese, Diagnostik, Therapie und Prophylaxe.
      Immun Infekt 2: 94-99 (1998)

    • (12) Haller, O., Frese, M., Kochs, G.
      Mx proteins: mediators of innate resistance to RNA viruses.
      Rev Sci tech Off Int Epiz 17: 220-230 (1998)

    • (13) Stäheli, P., Lieb, K.
      Bornaviren und psychiatrische Erkrankungen: Zusammenhänge weiterhin unklar.
      IKMI-Info 3, Seite 2 (1998)

    • (14) Nanda, I., Sick C., Münster U., Kaspers, B., Scharle, M. Staeheli, P., Schmid, M.
      Sex chromosome linkage of chicken and duck type I interferon genes: further evidence of evolutionary conservation of the Z chromosome in birds.
      Chromosoma 107: 204-210 (1998)

    • (15) Ihling, C., Haendeler, H., Menzel, G., Hess, R.D., Fraederich, G., Schaefer, H.E., Zeiher, A.M.
      Co-expression of p53 and MDM2 in human atherosclerosis: implications for the regulation of cellularity of atheroscle rotic lesions.
      J Pathol 185: 303-312 (1998)

    • (16) Heuss, L.T., Heim, M.H., Schultz, U., Wissmann, D., Offensperger, W.-B., Staeheli, P., Blum, H.E.
      Biological efficacy and signal transduction through STA proteins of recombinant duck interferon in duck hepatitis B virus infection.
      J Gen Virol 79: 2007-2012 (1998)

    • (17) Brandstetter, T., Ninci, E., Falken, U., Wagner, E., Hess, R., Bauknecht T.
      rhG-CSF affects genes involved in mitogen signalling and early gene expression in the ovarian cancer cell line Hey.
      Int J Cancer 75: 847-854 (1998)

    • (18) Lieb, K., Staeheli, P.
      Bornaviren - Ursache psychiatrischer Erkrankungen?
      Ars Medici 17: 1077-1079 (1998)

    • (19) Lieb, K., Czygan, M., Sauder, Ch., Hallensleben W., Staeheli, P.
      Borna Disease Virus und psychiatrische Erkrankungen. Fakt oder Artefakt?
      Deut Med Wochenschr 123: 1217-1218 (1998)

    • (20) Bauer, M.K.A., Vogt, M., Los, M., Siegel, J., Wesselborg, S., Schulze-Osthoff, K.
      Role of reactive oxygen intermediates in activation-induced CD95 (APO-1/Fas) ligand expression.
      J Biol Chem 273: 8048-8055 (1998)

    • (21) Merlin, T., Brandner, G., Hess, R.D.
      Cell cycle arrest in ovarian cancer cell lines does not depend on p53 status upon treatment with cytostatic drugs.
      Int J Oncol 13: 1007-1016 (1998)

    • (22) Weber, F., Kochs, G., Gruber, S., Haller, O.
      A classical bipartite nuclear localization signal on the Thogoto and influenza A virus nucleoproteins.
      Virology 250: 9-18 (1998)

    • (23) Meyer-König, U., Schrage, B., Huzly, D., Bongarts, A., Hufert, F.T.
      High variability of cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B gene and frequent multiple infections in HIV-infected patients with low CD4 T-cell count.
      AIDS 12:2228-2230 (1998)

    • (24) Schumacher, B., Staeheli, P.
      Domains mediating intramolecular folding and oligomerization of MxA GTPase.
      J Biol Chem 273: 28365-28370 (1998)

    • (25) Siegel, J., Brandner, G., Hess, R.D.
      Cross-reactivity of the monoclonal antibody 9E10 with murine c-MYC.
      Int J Oncol 13:1259-1262 (1998)

    • (26) Meyer-König, U., Ebert, K., Schrage, B., Pollak, S., Hufert, F.T.
      Simultaneous infection of healthy people with multiple human cytomegalovirus strains.
      Lancet 352: 1280-1281 (1998)

    • (27) Eckert, S., Bauer, G.
      TGF- Beta isoforms and fibroblast growth factor exhibit analogous indirect anticongenic activity through triggering of intercellular induction of apoptosis.
      Anticancer Res 18: 45-52 (1998)

    • (28) Dormann, S., Bauer G.
      TGF-ß and FGF-trigger intercellular induction of apoptosis: analogous activity on non-transformed but differential activity on transformed cells.
      Int J Oncol 13: 1247-1252 (1998)

    • (29) Weining, K.C., Sick, C. Kaspers, B, Stäheli, P.
      A chicken homolog of mammalian interleukin-1ß: cDNA cloning and purification of active recombinant protein.
      Eur J Biochem 258: 994-1000 (1998)

    • (30) Puehler, F., Weining, K.C., Symons, J.A., Smith, G.L., Staeheli, P.
      Vaccinia virus-encoded cytokine receptor binds and neutralizes chicken interferon-gamma.
      Virology 248: 231-240 (1998)

    • (31) Jin, H.K., Yamashita, T., Ochiai, K., Haller, O. Watanabe T.
      Characterization and expression of the Mx1 gene in wild mouse species.
      Biochem Genet 36: 311-322 (1998)

    • (32) Weber, F., Jambrina, E., González, S., Dessens J.T., Leahy, M., Kochs, G., Portela, A., Nuttall, P., Haller, O., Ortín, J., Zürcher, T.
      In vivo reconstitution of active Thogoto virus polymerase: Assays for the compatibility with other orthomyxovirus core proteins and template RNAs.
      Virus Res 58: 13-20 (1998)

    • (33) Rieger, M.A., Nübling, M., Wangerin, W., Kampa, D., Batsford, S., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Hofmann, F.
      Zecken-assoziierte Erkrankungen in der Landwirtschaft - erhöhtes Risiko für Borreliose und FSME?
      In: Arbeitsphysiologie für Nachwuchswissenchaftler - II, B.E. Arnold-Schulz-Gahmen & W.H.Ehrenstein (Hrsg.), S. 26 (1998)

    • (34) Thraenhart, O., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Hepatitis-Prophylaxe durch Desinfektion.
      Krankenhauspharmazie 19: 428-431 (1998)

    • (35) Schweizer, M., Falcone, V., Vollmer-Kary, B., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Akzidentelle Infektionen mit Primaten-Foamyviren bei Beschäftigten in der Tierpflege und im Labor.
      In: Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst, Hofmann, Reschauer, Stößl (Hrsg.), Edition FFAS, Freiburg, 12: 230-235 (1998)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

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