Publications 1996
- (1) Langer, C., Jürgensmeier, J., Bauer, G.
Reactive oxygen species act at both TGF-ß-dependent and -independent steps during induction of apoptosis of transformed cells by normal cells.
Exp Cell Res 222, 117-124 (1996)
- (2) Haller, O., Frese, M.
Interferon-induced Mx Proteins in Host Defense against Tick-Borne Orthomyxoviruses.
Symposium in Immunology V, Eibl/Huber/Peter/Wahn Eds., Springer Verlang Berlin, (1996)
- (3) Frese, M., Kochs, G., Feldmann, H., Hertkorn, C., Haller, O.
Inhibition of Bunyaviruses, Phleboviruses, and Hantaviruses by Human MxA Protein.
J Virol 70, 915-923 (1996)
- (4) Kaiser, R., Braun, H., Dörstelmann, D., Hansmann, P., v. Laer, D., Lücking, C.H., Wagner, K.
Die Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis
Akt.Neurologie 23, 21-25 (1996)
- (5) Kaiser, R., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
FSME-Erkrankungen im Schwarzwald.
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 93, 380-381(1996)
- (6) Sick, C., Schultz, U., Stäheli, P.
A Family of Genes Coding for Two Serologically Distinct Chicken Interferons.
J Biol Chem 271, 7635-7639 (1996)
- (7) Schwemmle, M., Kaspers, B., Irion, A., Staeheli, P., Schultz, U.
Chicken Guanylate-binding Protein.
J Biol Chem 271, 10304-10308 (1996)
- (8) Nietfeld, W., Meyerhans, A.
Cloning and sequencing of hIk-1, a cDNA encoding a human homologue of mouse Ikaros/LyF-1
Immunol Lett 49, 139-141 (1996)
- (9) Alber, D., Stäheli, P.
Partial Inhibition of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus by the Interferon-Induced Human 9-27 Protein.
J Interferon Res 16, 375-380 (1996)
- (10) Bauer, G.
IgM: Ein variabler und mehrdeutiger diagnostische Marker.
Mikrobiologie 6, 44-51 (1996)
- (11) Weining, K. C., Schultz, U., Münster, U., Kaspers, B., Staeheli, P.
Biological properties of recombinant chicken interferon-gamma.
Eur J Immunol 26: 2440-2447 (1996)
- (12) Hess, R.D., Brandner, G.
DNA damage by filtered, tar- and aerosol-free cigarette smoke in rodent cells: a novel evaluation.
Toxicology 111, 1-5 (1996)
- (13) Schneider, J., Weis, R., Männer, Ch., Kary, B., Werner, A., Seubert, B., Riede, U.N.
Inhibition of HIV-1 in cell culture by synthetic humate analogues derived from hydroquinone: Mechanism of inhibition.
Virology 218, 389-395 (1996)
- (14) Rump, J.-A., Peter, H.-H., Schneider, J., Haller, O., Meyerhans, A.
Long-Term survivors with continuously high levels of HIV type 1.
AIDS Res Hum Retrov 12, 757-758 (1996)
- (15) von Laer, D., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Heeney, J. L., Schweizer, M.
Lymphocytes are the major reservoir for foamy viruses in peripheral blood.
Virology 221, 240-244 (1996)
- (16) Neun, R., Richter, M. F., Staeheli, P., Schwemmle, M.
GTPase properties of the interferon-induced human guanylate-binding protein 2.
FEBS Lett 390, 69-72 (1996)
- (17) Veelken H., Köhler G., Schneider J., Dierbach H., Mertelsmann R., Schaefer H.E., and Lübbert M.
HTLV-I-associated adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma in two patients from Buc xarest, Romania.
Leukemia 10, 1366-1369 (1996)
- (18) Renne, R., Fleps, U., Luciw P.A., and Neumann-Haefelin D.
Transactivation of the two promoters of SFV-3 by different mechanism.
Virology 221, 362-367 (1996)
- (19) Kindle, G., Busse, A., Kampa, D., Meyer-König, U., and Daschner, F.D.
Killing activity of microwaves in milk.
J Hosp Infect 33:273-278 (1996)
- (20) Hess, R.D., and Brandner, G.
P53 in normal and neoplastic tissue analysis and function.
Electron J Pathol Histol 961-07 (1996)
- (21) Melchinger, W., Strauss, S., Zucker, B., and Bauer, G.
Antiapoptotic activity of bovine papilloma virus: implications for the control of oncogenesis.
Int J Oncol 9: 927-933 (1996)
- (22) Plaumann, B., Fritsche, M., Rimpler, H., Brandner, G., and Hess, R.D.
Flavonoids activate wild-type p53.
Oncogene 13: 1605-1614 (1996)
- (23) Hess, R.D., Brandner, G.
DNA damage by filtered, tar- and aerosol-free cigarette smoke in rodent cells: a novel evaluation.
Toxicol Lett 88: 9-13 (1996)
- (24) Vogelberg, Ch., Meyer-König, U., Hufert, F.T., Kirste, G., von Laer, D.
Human Cytomegalovirus Glycoprotein B genotypes in renal transplant recipients.
J Med Virol 50: 31-34 (1996)
- (25) Weber, F., Haller, O., and Kochs G.
Nucleoproein viral RNA and mRNA of Thogoto Virus: a novel „cap-Stealing" mechanism in Tick-Borne Orthomyxoviruses.
J Virol 70:8361-8367 (1996)
- (26) Bongarts, A., von Laer, D., Volgeberg, Ch., Ebert, K., van Lunzen, J., Garweg, J., vaith, P., Hufert, F.T., Haller, O., and Meyer-König, U.
Glycoprotein B Genotype of Human Cytomegalovirus: Distribution ín HIV-infected Patients.
Scand J Infect Dis 28: 447-449 (1996)
- (27) Abujiang, P., Yamada, Y., Haller, O., Kobayashi, H., Kamoto, T., Lu, L.-M., Ogawa, M., Ishimoto, A., Katoh, H., Kanehira, K., Ikegami, S., Fukumoto, M., and Hiai, H.
The Origin of SL Family Mice.
Lab Anim 46: 410-417 (1996)
- (28) Siebler, J., Haller, O., and Kochs, G.
Thogoto and Dhori virus replication is blocked by inhibitors of cellular polymerase II activity but does not cause shutoff of host cell protein synthesis.
Arch Virol 141: 1587-1594 (1996)
- (29) Arnheiter, H., Frese, M., Kambadur, R., Meier, E., and Haller, O.
Mx transgenic mice - animal models of health.
In: Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 206, 119-147 (1996)
- (30) Haas, G., Plikat, U., Debré, P., Lucchiari, M., Katlama, C., Dudoit, Y., Bonduelle, O., Bauer, M., Ihlenfeldt, H.-G., Jung, G., Maier, B., Meyerhans, A., Autran, B.
Dynamics of viral variant in HIV-1 Nef and specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo.
J Immunol 157:4212-4221 (1996)
- (31) Meyerhans, A.
Retrovirus variation: a finger on the pulse.
Trends Microbiol 4, 218-219 (1996)
- (32) Lucchiari-Hartz, M., Bauer, M., Niedermann, G., Maier, B., Meyerhans, A., Eichmann, K.
Human immune response to HIV-1 Nef.II. Induction of HIV-1/HIV-2 Nef cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes in peripheral blood lymphocytes of non-infected healthy individuals.
Int Immunol 8, 577-584 (1996)
- (33) Bertram, S., Hufert, F.T., van Lunzen, J., von Laer, D.
Coinfection of individual leukocytes with human cytomegalovirus and human immunodeficiency virus is a rare event in vivo.
J Med Virol 49: 283-288 (1996)
- (34) Bongarts, A., v. Laer, D., Vogelberg, C. Ebert, K., v. Lunzen, J., Garweg, J., Vaith, P., Hufert, F.T., Haller, O., Meyer-König, U.
Glycoprotein B genotype of human cytomegalovirs: Distribution in HIV-infected patients.
Scand J Infect Dis 28: 447-449 (1996)
Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel