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Publications 1995

    • (1) Briken, V., Ruffner, H., Schultz, U., Schwarz, A., Reis, L.F.L., Strehlow, I., Decker, T., Staeheli, P.
      Interferon regulatory factor 1 is required for mouse Gpb gene activation by gamma interferon.
      Mol Cell Biol 15, 975-982 (1995)

    • (2) Schwemmle, M., Weining, K.C., Richter, M.F., Schumacher, B., Staeheli, P.
      Vesicular stomatitis virus transcription inhibited by purified MxA protein.
      Virology 206, 545-554 (1995)

    • (3) Bernasconi, D., Schultz, U., Staeheli, P.
      The interferon-induced Mx protein of chickens lacks antiviral activity.
      J Interferon Res 15, 47-53 (1995)

    • (4) Meyer-König U., Serr A., Hufert F.T.
      Laboratory diagnosis of HCMV-related disease in renal transplant patients - pp65 antigen detection versus nested PCR.
      Clin Diag Virol 3, 49-49 (1995)

    • (5) Schweizer, M., Turek, R., Hanh, H., Schliehake, A., Netzer, K.-O., Eder, G., Reinhardt, M., Rethwilm, A., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Markers of Foamy virus infection in monkeys, apes, and accidentally infected humans: Appropriate testing fails to confirm suspected Foamy virus prevalence in humans.
      AIDS Res Hum Retrov 11, 161-170 (1995)

    • (6) Schaefer, D., Jürgensmeier, J.M., Bauer, G.
      Catechol interferes with TGF-ß-induced elimination of transformed cells by normal cells: implications for the survival of transformed cells during carcinogenesis.
      Int J Cancer 60, 520-526 (1995)

    • (7) Haller, O., Frese, M., Rost, D., Nuttall, P.A., Kochs, G.
      Tick-borne Thogoto virus infection in mice is inhibited by the orthomyxovirus resistance gene product Mx1.
      J Virol 69, 2596-2601 (1995)

    • (8) Agostini, H.T., Gerstenecker, B., Haessler, C., Braun D.G ., Brandner, G., Hess, R.D.
      Monospecific polyclonal anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies to the carboxyterminal undecapeptide of the SV40 large tumour antigen.
      Scand J Immunol 41, 256-262 (1995)

    • (9) Schweizer, M., Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Phylogenetic analysis of primate Foamy viruses by comparison of pol sequences.
      Virology 207, 577-582 (1995)

    • (10) Schultz, U., Kaspers, B., Rinderle, C., Sekellick, M.J., Marcus, Ph., Staeheli, P.
      Chicken Interferon: a potent antiviral agent that lacks intrinsic macrophage activating factor activity.
      Eur J Immunol 25, 847-851 (1995)

    • (11) Meyer-König, U., Serr, A., von Laer, D., Kirste, G., Wolff, C., Haller, O., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Hufert, F.T.
      Human cytomegalovirus immediate early and late transcripts in peripheral blood leukocytes: Diagnostic value in renal transplant recipients.
      J Infect Dis 171, 705-709 (1995)

    • (12) Vossbeck, H., Strahm, V., Höfler, P., Bauer, G.
      Direct transforming acitity of TGF-ß on rat fibroblasts.
      Int J Cancer 61, 92-97 (1995)

    • (13) Nietfeld, W., Bauer, M., Fevrier M., Maier, R., Holzwarth, B., Frank, R., Maier, B., Riviere Y., Meyerhans A.
      Sequence constraints and recognition by CTL of an HLA-B27-restricted HIV-1 gag Epitope.
      J Immunol 2188-2197 (1995)

    • (14) Frese, M., Kochs, G., Meier-Dieter, U., Siebler, J., Haller, O.
      Human MxA protein inhibits tick-borne Thogoto virus but not Dhori virus.
      J Virol 69, 3904-3909 (1995)

    • (15) Bauer, G.
      Resistance to TGF-ß-induced elimination of transformed cells is required during tumor progression (Review Hypothesis).
      Int J Oncol 6, 1227-1229 (1995)

    • (16) Picht, G., Hundertmark, N., Schmitt, C.P., Bauer, G.
      Clonal analysis of the effect of TGF-ß on the Apoptosis-inducing activity of normal cells.
      Exp Cell Res 218, 71-78 (1995)

    • (17) Richter, M., Schwemmle, M., Herrmann, C., Wittinghofer, A., Staeheli, P.
      Interferon-induced MxA protein.
      J Biol Chem 22, 13512-13517 (1995)

    • (18) Schwemmle, M., Richter, M.F., Herrmann, C., Nassar, N., Staeheli, P.
      Unexpected structural requirements for GTPase activity of the Interferon-induced MxA protein.
      J Biol Chem 22, 13518-13521 (1995)

    • (19) Bauer, G.
      Diagnostik der Herpesviren. Teil I: Epstein-Barr-Virus und Zytomegalievirus.
      MTA Serie 10, 502-508 (1995)

    • (20) Bauer, G.
      Diagnostik der Herpesviren: Teil II: Herpes-simplex-Virus, Varicella-Zoster-Virus und humanes Herpesvirus-6.
      MTA Serie 10, 587-593 (1995)

    • (21) Meyerhans, A.
      Die genetische Variabilität des humanen Immundefizienzvirus.
      AIDS-Forschung (AIFO) Heft 6, 283-292 (1995)

    • (22) Tsunetsugu-Yokota, Y., Akagawa, K., Kimoto, H., Suzuki, K., Iwasaki, M., Yasuda, S., Haeusser, G., Hultgren, C., Meyerhans, A., Takemori, T.
      Monocyte-derived cultured dendritic cells are susceptible to human immunodeficiency virus infection and transmit virus to resting T cells in the process of nominal antigen presentation.
      J Virol 69, 4544-4547 (1995)

    • (23) von Laer, D., Serr, A., Meyer-König, U., Kirste, G., Hufert, F.T., Haller, O.
      Human Cytomegalovirus immediate early and late transcripts are expressed in all major leukocyte populations in vivo.
      J Infect Dis 172, 365-370 (1995)

    • (24) Thimme, R., Frese, M., Kochs, G., Haller, O.
      Mx1 but not MxA confers resistance against tick-borne Dhori Virus in mice.
      Virology 211, 296-301 (1995)

    • (25) Strauß, S.C., Weber, M., Schächtele, C., Bauer, G.
      PKC-dependent and -independent cellular effects induced by recombinant transforming growth factor type beta 1.
      Int J Oncol 7, 565-572 (1995)

    • (26) Bauer, G.
      Rationale und rationelle Epstein-Barr-Virus-Diagnostik.
      Clin Lab 41, 623-634 (1995)

    • (27) Bauer, G.
      The rational basis for efficient Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) serology.
      Clin Lab 41, 623-634 (1995)

    • (28) Nietfeld, W., Bauer, M., Fevier, M., Maier, R., Holzwarth, B., Frank, R., Maier, B., Riviere, Y., Meyerhans, A.
      Sequence constraints and recognition by CTL of an HLA-B27-restricted HIV-1 gag epitope.
      J Immunol 2188-2197 (1995)

    • (29) Siegel, J., Fritsche, M., Mai, S., Brandner, G., Hess, R.D.
      Enhanced p53 activity and accumulation in response to DNA damage upon DNA transfection.
      Oncogene 11, 1363-1370 (1995)

    • (30) Meyer-König, U., v. Laer, D.
      Komplikationen durch das humane Cytomegalievirus nach Knochenmarktransplantation.
      Abbott Times 2, 20-22 (1995)

    • (31) Bertram, S., Hufert, F.T., Neumann-Haefelin, D., von Laer, D.
      Detection of DNA in single cells using an automated cell deposition unit and PCR.
      Biotechniques 19, 616-620 (1995)

    • (32) Schultz, U., Köck, J., Schlicht, H.-J., Staeheli, P.
      Recombinant duck Interferon: A new reagent for studying the mode of Interferon action against hepatitis B virus.
      Virology 212, 641-649 (1995)

    • (33) Dichgans, C., Höfler, P., Bauer, G.
      Transformation of rat fibroblasts by TGF-ß: Restriction to a minor subpopulation, rather than a rare event.
      Int J Oncol 7, 1367-1371 (1995)

    • (34) Hackenjos, K., Langer, C., Zabel, S., Bauer, G.
      Transformed cells trigger induction of their own apoptosis in coculture with normal cells.
      Oncology Reports 3, 27-31 (1995)

    • (35) Arnheiter, H., Frese, M., Kambadur, R., Meier, E., Haller, O.
      Mx transgenic mice - animal models of health.
      Current topics in Microbiol. and Immunol. 206, Eds. F.V. Chisari and M.B. A. Oldstone

    • (36) Bauer, G.
      Elimination of transformed cells by normal cells: a novel concept for the control of carcinogenesis.
      Histol Histopathol 11, 237-255 (1995)

    • (37) Herchenröder, H., Turek, R., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Rethwilm, A., Schneider, J.
      Infectious proviral clones of chimpanzee Foamy virus (SFVcpz) generated by long PCR reveal close functional relatedness to human Foamy virus.
      Virology 214, 685-689 (1995)

    • (38) Schultz, U., Rinderle, C.,Sekellick, M.J., Marcus, P., Stäheli, P.
      Recombinant chicken interferon from Escherichia coli and transfected COS cells is biologically active.
      Eur J Biochem 229, 73-76 (1995)

    • (39) von Laer, D., Meyer-König, U., Serr, A., Finke, F., L. Kanz et al.
      Detection of Cytomegalovirus DNA in CD34+ cells from Blood and Bone Marrow.
      Blood, 86,.4086-4090 (1995)

    • (40) Sauter, M., Schommer, St., Kremmer, E., Remberger, K., Dölken, G., Lemm, I., Buck, M., Best, B., Neumann-Haefelin, D., Müller-Lantzsch, N.
      Human Endogenous retrovirus K10: Expression of Gag protein and detection of antibodies in patients with seminomas.
      J Virology, 69: 414-421 (1995)

    • (41) Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      IV-4.0. Definition, Struktur und Taxonomie der humapthogenen Viren.
      In: Hofmann (Hrsg.): Infektiologie IV-4.0 ecomed Fachverlag, Landsberg/Lech 14:9 (1995)

    • (42) Hufert, T., Diebold, T., Ermisch, B., von Laer, D. , Meyer-König, U., and Neumann-Haefelin, D.
      Liver Failure due to disseminated HSV-1 infection in a newborn twin.
      Scand J Infect Dis 27: 627-629 (1995)

    • (43) Rabes, H.M., Gabbert, H.-E., Grunicke, H., Lutz, W.K., Bornkamm, G., Brandner, G., Bossler, K., Rajewsky, M.F., Eisenbrand, G. Schneider, M.R., von Hoegen, P.
      8th international AEK Symposium of the division of experimental cancer research of the German cancer society.
      J Cancer Res Clin 121: 683-690 (1995)

    • (44) Häusser G.A:, Hultgren, C., Akagawa, K., Tsungetsu-Yokota, Y, Meyerhans, A.
      Infection of cu ltures immature dendritic cells with human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
      In: Dendritic cells in fundamental and clinical immunology, Vol 2. Ed. J. Banchereau and D. Schmitt, Plenum Press, New York, 1995

    • (45) Hess, R.D., Kuther, M., Haessler, Ch. Paetzhold, S., Braun, D.G., Brandner, G.
      Quantitative cytofluorimetric determination of cell membrane-associated large tumor antigen on SV40-transformed cells.
      Cytometry 20: 81-85 (1995)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

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