Division of Urotechnology
Department of UrologyMedical technology and engineering are currently experiencing a period of very dynamic development. They are considered as exceptionally innovative and of high scientific importance.
Urology as a surgical discipline has always been strongly technically influenced. The innovation power in this field requires a close cooperation between universities, nonuniversity research institutions and collaboration with industrial partners. In order to facilitate both further advances in urological medical engineering and to provide upmost technology to patients’ care, the Division of Urotechnology has been established at the Medical University Centre Freiburg, Department of Urology.
Prof. Arkadiusz Miernik MD, PhD and his team are working on novel technical solutions to improve the therapy of different clinical conditions devoting particular energy to the development of new endoscopy systems, point-of-care analytic devices, intraoperative navigation systems, surgical lasers and robotics. Within a structured and coordinated framework, the gap between academic science, industry and health care providers can be closed efficiently.
The Division of Urotechnology thus gives rise to new interdisciplinary synergies and promotes successful translation of technical knowledge towards clinical applications. Working across multiple disciplines and using the creative potential of diversity within different fields of science, we hope to eliminate traditional barriers in creating new standards in medical engineering in urology and surgery.
Our driving motivation is to make these efforts for the benefit of our patients.
Current projects
a clinical study on a novel laser system with integrated object analysis in patients with urolithiasis
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Endoscopic panoramic imaging and fiber optic spectroscopy in urology for multi-dimensional diagnostics
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Endoscopic volumetry for automated image acquisition and structure volumetry of the urinary bladder, as well as the development of a web-based documentation of findings for both patients and physicians
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Development of a nationwide register for recurrent stone disease
Cooperation project and use case of the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Development of a digital product for the assessment of the bleeding risk under anticoagulation in perioperative setting
Cooperation project with international industrial and scientific partners
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Development of a digital system for intelligent monitoring of postoperative transurethral bladder irrigation
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Development of an analysis technique to determine the urinary stone composition immediately after surgery
Cooperation project with industrial partners and Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (Freiburg, Germany)
Graphical temperature measurements during laser lithotripsy
Cooperation project with the Department of Radiology
Temperature measurements during HoLEP
a clinical trial
OCT Examination of cystectomy preparations
Cooperation project with Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg
Smart watch
Tracker study to record the workload of physicians
3D Organ Phantoms
3D printing of realistic plastic models of human organs for surgery simulation and training
Cooperation project with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Stuttgart, Germany)
Eisenberger Scholarship of Dr. Fabian Adams
Tnt (formerly HOLMSTER)
Investigation of movement patterns by tracking analysis of instruments during transurethral enucleation of the prostate
Magnetic DJ
Testing magnetic ureteral stents in kidney transplant patients
Cooperation project with the Division of Transplant Surgery
Closed projects
Development of a novel laser system with integrated object analysis
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Development and evaluation of a bio-inspired, bio-compatible adhesive for the total removal of residual fragments after intracorporeal laser lithotripsy
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Disposable flexible URS
Surgical-experimental investigation of novel disposable instruments for retrograde intrarenal surgery
funded by Cook medical scientific grant
Temperature measurement during laser lithotripsy under simulated surgery conditions
Cooperation project with industrial partners
Microoptical flexible vasovesiculoscopy for examination of the male genital tract
Cooperation project with industrial partners
PCNL Press
Studies on intrarenal pressure profiles using various PCNL systems
Cooperation project with industrial partners and the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
AR Cath
Use of AR technology in student teaching to train in transurethral catheterization
Development of highly miniaturized manipulator systems for minimally invasive interventions on the urinary tract
Cooperation project with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Stuttgart, Germany)
Eisenberger Scholarship of Dr. Fabian Adams
Systematic review und Metaanalyse zur Einflussevaluation der PCNL-Schaftgröße auf die klinischen Ergebnisse in der perkutanen Harnsteintherapie
Cooperation project with the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, University of Freiburg
The surgical treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia is one of the most important skills of the urologist. Transurethral resection has been the gold standard for decades. Today, however, other treatment methods are also available. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate gland (HoLEP) has demonstrated in scientific work equivalent and better results than transurethral resection.
The Division of Urotechnology offers this form of treatment. Are you a patient or referring physician interested in the HoLEP technique? We will be happy to answer your questions. To make an appointment, please contact the International Medical Services of the Medical Center (phone +49 761 270-21310).
Over the last few years, a new, even more gentle and significantly more efficient modification of the classic "three lobe" HoLEP technique has been developed by Prof. Dr. Dr. med. univ. A. Miernik, Head of Division, and successfully implemented in clinical practice.
The so-called "3 horseshoe technique" of transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate can be found in the videos.
HoLEP-Animation (English)
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) – „3 horseshoe technique“
Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. univ. Arkadiusz Miernik, FEBU, MHBA
Scientific advisory board
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Gratzke
Head of Department
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Schönthaler
Research assistants

Dr. med. Simon Hein

Lea Kraft, M.Sc.

Dr. med. Philippe-F. Pohlmann

Friederike Praus

Dr. med. Daniel Schlager

Dr. med. Dominik S. Schöb, MHBA

Dr. med. Antonia Schulte

Rodrigo Suárez, B.Sc., M.D.

Tabea Walther

Dr. med. Konrad Wilhelm, FEBU

Mehmet Yilmaz, M.D.
guest scientist
Medical doctoral students
Christian Ehrmann
Cäcilia Junge-Ilges
Marc Kunzelmann
Jessica Schwarz
Dana Sirtl
Lidija Ujkic
Carolin Wollensak
Robert Wriedt

Due to numerous inquiries regarding clinical visits / fellowship at the Division of Urotechnology all applications undergo a systematic evaluation. Only candidates already having a scientific profile developed in minimally invasive techniques, medical imaging, or urinary stone management or laser technologies can be considered.

We prefer proposals related to our ongoing scientific activities.
By Phone
+49 761 270-28930 or -25820

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. univ. Arkadiusz Miernik, FEBU, MHBA
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
Department of Urology
Division of Urotechnology
Hugstetter Straße 55
79106 Freiburg
Phone +49 761 270-28930, -25820
Fax +49 761 270-25829