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Welcome International Students!

Information for visiting students/clinical electives

Please consider the following before applying:

  • Electives have to be 4 weeks per department minimum
  • Electives are always subject to availability, no guarantees can be given
  • Electives can only be organised for students from partner institutions
  • Electives will not be graded and there will be no exams. We can only provide you with a confirmation of stay.
  • German language skills have to be fluent enough to communicate with patients and staff, so the daily routines on the wards are not disrupted.
    Note: The departments are free to refuse applicants upon arrival if German language skills prove not to be sufficient!
  • We cannot organise accommodation unless specified in a bilateral agreement.
  • For information about the possibility of working as clinical elective at the University Medical Centre Freiburg, please contact the respective department directly at the University Medical Centre Freiburg. All departments can be found at www.uniklinik-freiburg.de.
  • Infosheet clinical electives


International Relations Office of the Faculty of Medicine

International Office of the university of Freiburg

Educational Programmes







Team Lehrkoordination Chirurgie und Orthopädie/Unfallchirurgie