Division of Medical Physics
Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy
The main focus of Medical Physics in radiation therapy is to provide optimal care for the patients’ condition. Successful treatment relies on the expertise of all specialists involved and the use of the most advanced diagnostic and radiologic technologies. With their activity both in the scientific-technical area and in the clinical environment, medical physicists fulfil a special task in radiation therapy. In close teamwork with radiation therapists, radiologic technicians and other specialists, they Make-up an important contribution to the proper implementation of medical prescriptions in radiotherapy.
Tasks and responsibilities
Technical Equipment: The major tasks of the Medical Physics team in radiation therapy include selecting the required technical equipment and providing adequate operating conditions, monitoring the implementation of quality standards, organizing and supervising maintenance activities, and making sure that operation of all involved systems is perfectly safe. Permanent compliance with highest safety and quality standards is also warranted by periodic operation tests and professional training of the technical staff. Keeping up to date with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, medical physicists apply scientific and technological progress to improve medical treatment and patients’ health.
Diagnosis and Treatment: In planning and utilizing radiation therapy adapted to the specific condition of the patient, physicians are supported by the expertise of medical physics. Highest levels of conformality are attained by calculating the required radiation dose in advance and using computer simulation to optimize the dose delivery. Precise implementation of complex radiation techniques is verified for each patient and each radiation plan by sophisticated and time-consuming measurements, calculations and evaluations before the treatment starts.
Data Processing: Dedicated hardware and software solutions and their reliable operation play a key role in handling the considerable amount of data required in diagnosis and treatment. The Medical Physics team closely cooperates with the IT department to ensure the seamless integration of systems for the intended purpose.
Radiation Safety: All medical physics experts (MPEs) participate in radiation safety training on a regular basis, according to legal requirements (German Radiation Protection Ordinance StrlSchV and Röntgen-Ordinance RöV). As radiation protection commissioners they secure the responsible and safe handling of radiation sources and devices. Medical physicists provide calculations on the quantity and quality of materials needed to protect areas from radiation, and supervise implementation of the plans. They define measures for the reliable protection of staff as well as for minimizing and optimizing radiation levels applied to patients.
Quality Control and Quality Management:
One of the main objectives of Medical Physics is constant high quality of radio-oncological treatment. By checking all radiation devices and their physical performance capacity on a regular basis, as well as daily verification of dose delivery according to the most modern structures of quality assurance management, we make sure that therapy is safe in all domains for patients, staff, and environment. Medical Physics plays an essential role in establishing and maintaining the quality management standards required in radiation oncology. Participating in the constant scientific progress of Medical Physics, our Department of Radiation Oncology engages in the continued development of medical-physical standards and technologies.

Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Dimos Baltas
Tel.: +49 (0) 761 270-94821
Fax: +49 (0) 761 270-95530
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kollefrath
Tel.: +49 (0) 761 270-94821
Fax: +49 (0) 761 270-95530
Christian M. Fabini
Tel.: +49 (0) 761 270 94821
Fax: +49 (0) 761 270-95530