AG Finzel / Finzel Lab

PD Dr. Stephanie Finzel
Group Leader
Professional Memerships
since 05/2010 | Member of the OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials) |
2012 | Omeract Fellow (ultrasound workshop) |
since 2011 | European Chair of SPECTRA (Special Interest Group for X-trme CT-use in RA) |
since 06/2016 | Founding member of the “Hemochromatosis Arthropathy Research Initiative” (HARI) |
since 09/2019 | Co-Chair of the EULAR Task Force on „Development of classification criteria for haemochromatosis arthropathy” |
01/2025 - 12/2027 | Berta Ottenstein fellow, Advanced Clinician Scientist |
PD Dr. Finzel heads the Clinical Trials Unit Rheumatology as a Senior Attending Physician and is a lecturer at the University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Her research focus is the validation of imaging tools such as High-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) and musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) as outcome parameters for use in randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs). Dr. Finzel has had extensive methodological training trough her being a member (and former fellow) of the OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials) group. She is regularly publishing on the validation and methodology of musculoskeletal imaging tools. Since 2011 she is the European co-chair of the ‘Study grouP for xtrEme-Computed Tomography in RheumAtology’ (SPECTRA)-collaboration, a consortium of researchers from rheumatology, radiology, and epidemiology that set the common goal of validating HR-pQCT as an imaging outcome tool in RCTs.
Another research focus is the characteristics and triggers of Haemochromatosis Arthropathy (HA), an arthropathy occurring in Hereditary Haemochromatosis. Dr. Finzel is a founding member of the Haemochromatosis Arthropathy Research Initiative (HARI). Additionally, she is the co-chair of the EULAR Task Force on the ‘Development of classification criteria for haemochromatosis arthropathy’. The creation of classification criteria for HA will set the key stone for future clinical therapeutic RCTs involving patients with HA.
Furthermore, Dr. Finzel has been focusing on translational projects on disease burden of Sjögren’s disease and on SD-lymphoma development, integrating her extensive imaging and methodological knowledge and translating them to basic science.
“Key Publications”
- Heilmeier U, Feldmann D, Leynes A, Seng M, Jandova I, Keute M, Kollert F, Voll RE, Finzel S. Chronic low-grade inflammation in patients with systemic sclerosis is associated with increased risk for arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Nov 5;11:1446268.
- Zeisbrich M, Rzepka R, Finzel S, Venhoff N, Voll RE. Macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor/CD115+ non-classical monocytes are expanded in systemic lupus erythematosus and associated with lupus nephritis. Scand J Rheumatol. 2024 Aug 22:1-10.
- Fisher BA, Mariette X, Papas A, Grader-Beck T, Bootsma H, Ng WF, van Daele PLA, Finzel S, Noaiseh G, Elgueta S, Hermann J, McCoy SS, Akpek E, Bookman A, Sopala M, Montecchi-Palmer M, Luo WL, Scheurer C, Hueber W; TWINSS study group. Safety and efficacy of subcutaneous iscalimab (CFZ533) in two distinct populations of patients with Sjögren's disease (TWINSS): week 24 results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b dose-ranging study. Lancet. 2024 Aug 10;404(10452):540-553.
- Silva A, Fonseca JE, Finzel S. Editorial: Reproducibility and rigour in rheumatology. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Mar 28;11:1402043.
- Campbell TM, Finzel S, Siddle H, Christensen R, Nielsen SM, Najm A, Otobo TM, Sahbudin I, Sinnathurai P, Stok KS, Touma Z, April KT, Grosskleg S, Tugwell P, Richards B. Navigating the path of progress: The OMERACT 2023 emerging leaders program. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2024 Jun;66:152414.
- Venhoff N, Schmidt WA, Bergner R, Rech J, Unger L, Tony HP, Finzel S, Andreica I, Kofler DM, Weiner SM, Lamprecht P, Schulze-Koops H, App C, Pournara E, Mendelson MH, Sieder C, Maricos M, Thiel J. Safety and efficacy of secukinumab in patients with giant cell arteritis (TitAIN): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Rheumatol. 2023 Jun;5(6):e341-e350.
- Inanc N, Jousse-Joulin S, Abacar K, Cimşit Ç, Cimşit C, D'Agostino MA, Naredo E, Hocevar A, Finzel S, Pineda C, Keen H, Iagnocco A, Hanova P, Schmidt WA, Mumcu G, Terslev L, Bruyn GA. The Novel OMERACT Ultrasound Scoring System for Salivary Gland Changes in Patients With Sjögren Syndrome Is Associated With MRI and Salivary Flow Rates. J Rheumatol. 2024 Mar 1;51(3):263-269.
- Al-Khoury Y, Finzel S, Figueiredo C, Burghardt AJ, Stok KS, Tam LS, Cheng I, Tse JJ, Manske SL. Erosion Identification in Metacarpophalangeal Joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis using High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography. J Vis Exp. 2023 Oct 6;(200).
- Feldmann D, Jandova I, Heilmeier U, Kollert F, Voll RE, Finzel S. Inflammatory arthritis in systemic sclerosis is associated with elevated C-reactive protein and requires musculoskeletal ultrasound for reliable detection. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Jan 18;9:933809.
- Heilmeier U, Burghardt AJ, Tse JJ, Kapoor P, Stok KS, Manske S, Voll RE, Schett G, Finzel S. Analysis of Hand Joint Space Morphology in Women and Men with Hereditary Hemochromatosis. Calcif Tissue Int. 2023 Apr;112(4):440-451.
- Hočevar A, Bruyn GA, Terslev L, De Agustin JJ, MacCarter D, Chrysidis S, Collado P, Dejaco C, Fana V, Filippou G, Finzel S, Gandjbakhch F, Hanova P, Hammenfors D, Hernandez-Diaz C, Iagnocco A, Mortada MA, Inanc N, Naredo E, Ohrndorf S, Perko N, Schmidt WA, Tamborrini G, Tomšič M, Chary-Valckenaere I, Zabotti A, Keen HI, Pineda C, D'Agostino MA, Jousse-Joulin S. Development of a new ultrasound scoring system to evaluate glandular inflammation in Sjögren's syndrome: an OMERACT reliability exercise. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Aug 3;61(8):3341-3350.
- Husic R*, Finzel S*, Stradner MH, Dreu M, Hofmeister A, Beham-Schmid C, Graninger WB, Fessler J, Dejaco C. Ultrasound in osteoarthritis of the hand: a comparison to computed tomography and histology. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Apr 18;61(SI):SI73-SI80.
- Finzel S, Jousse-Joulin S, Costantino F, Hánová P, Hocevar A, Iagnocco A, Keen H, Naredo E, Ohrndorf S, Schmidt WA, D'Agostino MA, Terslev L, Bruyn GA. Patient-based reliability of the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) ultrasound scoring system for salivary gland assessment in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 May 14;60(5):2169-2176.
- Finzel S, Manske SL, Barnabe CCM, Burghardt AJ, Marotte H, Scharmga A, Hauge EM, Chapurlat R, Engelke K, Li X, van Teeffelen BCJ, Conaghan PG, Stok KS. Reliability and Change in Erosion Measurements by High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography in a Longitudinal Dataset of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. J Rheumatol. 2021 Mar;48(3):348-351.
- Brunet SC, Finzel S, Engelke K, Boyd SK, Barnabe C, Manske SL. Bone changes in early inflammatory arthritis assessed with High-Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT): A 12-month cohort study. Joint Bone Spine. 2021 Jan;88(1):105065.
- Finzel S, Aegerter P, Schett G, D'Agostino MA. Identification, localization and differentiation of erosions and physiological bone channels by ultrasound in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Dec 1;59(12):3784-3792.
- Manske SL, Brunet SC, Finzel S, Stok KS, Conaghan PG, Boyd SK, Barnabe C. The SPECTRA Collaboration OMERACT Working Group: Construct Validity of Joint Space Outcomes with High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography. J Rheumatol. 2019 Oct;46(10):1369-1373.
- Finzel S, Kraus S, Figueiredo CP, Regensburger A, Kocijan R, Rech J, Schett G. Comparison of the effects of tocilizumab monotherapy and adalimumab in combination with methotrexate on bone erosion repair in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2019 Sep;78(9):1186-1191.
- Jousse-Joulin S, D'Agostino MA, Nicolas C, Naredo E, Ohrndorf S, Backhaus M, Tamborrini G, Chary-Valckenaere I, Terslev L, Iagnocco A, Collado P, Hernández-Díaz C, Gandjbakhch F, Schmidt WA, Filippou G, Dejaco C, Stradner MH, Mortada MA, Hočevar A, Chrysidis S, El Mardenly G, de Agustín JJ, Thiele R, MacCarter DK, Finzel S, Hanova P, Zabotti A, Glaser C, Alavi Z, Hammenfors DS, Gatineau F, Bruyn GA. Video clip assessment of a salivary gland ultrasound scoring system in Sjögren's syndrome using consensual definitions: an OMERACT ultrasound working group reliability exercise. Ann Rheum Dis. 2019 Jul;78(7):967-973.
- Stok KS, Finzel S, Burghardt AJ, Conaghan PG, Barnabe C; SPECTRA Collaboration. The SPECTRA Collaboration OMERACT Special Interest Group: Current Research and Future Directions. J Rheumatol. 2017 Dec;44(12):1911-1915.
- Terslev L, Iagnocco A, Bruyn GAW, Naredo E, Vojinovic J, Collado P, Damjanov N, Filer A, Filippou G, Finzel S, Gandjbakhch F, Ikeda K, Keen HI, Kortekaas MC, Magni-Manzoni S, Ohrndorf S, Pineda C, Ravagnani V, Richards B, Sahbudin I, Schmidt WA, Siddle HJ, Stoenoiu MS, Szkudlarek M, Tzaribachev N, D'Agostino MA; OMERACT Ultrasound Group. The OMERACT Ultrasound Group: A Report from the OMERACT 2016 Meeting and Perspectives. J Rheumatol. 2017 Nov;44(11):1740-1743.
- Barnabe C, Toepfer D, Marotte H, Hauge EM, Scharmga A, Kocijan R, Kraus S, Boutroy S, Schett G, Keller KK, de Jong J, Stok KS, Finzel S; SPECTRA Collaboration. Definition for Rheumatoid Arthritis Erosions Imaged with High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography and Interreader Reliability for Detection and Measurement. J Rheumatol. 2016 Oct;43(10):1935-1940.
- Nagaraj S, Finzel S, Stok KS, Barnabe C; SPECTRA Collaboration. High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography Imaging in the Assessment of Periarticular Bone of Metacarpophalangeal and Wrist Joints. J Rheumatol. 2016 Oct;43(10):1921-1934.
- Scharmga A, Peters M, van Tubergen A, van den Bergh J, Barnabe C, Finzel S, van Rietbergen B, Geusens P. Heterogeneity of Cortical Breaks in Hand Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Healthy Controls Imaged by High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography. J Rheumatol. 2016 Oct;43(10):1914-1920.
- Töpfer D, Gerner B, Finzel S, Kraus S, Museyko O, Schett G, Engelke K. Automated three-dimensional registration of high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography data to quantify size and shape changes of arthritic bone erosions. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015 Dec;54(12):2171-80.
- Bruyn GA, Naredo E, Iagnocco A, Balint PV, Backhaus M, Gandjbakhch F, Gutierrez M, Filer A, Finzel S, Ikeda K, Kaeley GS, Manzoni SM, Ohrndorf S, Pineda C, Richards B, Roth J, Schmidt WA, Terslev L, D'Agostino MA; OMERACT Ultrasound Task Force. The OMERACT Ultrasound Working Group 10 Years On: Update at OMERACT 12. J Rheumatol. 2015 Nov;42(11):2172-6.
- Barnabe C, Finzel S, Stok KS, Geusens P. High-resolution peripheral quantitative CT in rheumatology. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2015 Feb;11(2):123.
- Kocijan R, Finzel S, Englbrecht M, Engelke K, Rech J, Schett G. Differences in bone structure between rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients relative to autoantibody positivity. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Nov;73(11):2022-8.
- Finzel S, Sahinbegovic E, Kocijan R, Engelke K, Englbrecht M, Schett G. Inflammatory bone spur formation in psoriatic arthritis is different from bone spur formation in hand osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Nov;66(11):2968-75.
- Herz B, Albrecht A, Englbrecht M, Welsch GH, Uder M, Renner N, Schlechtweg P, Paul D, Lauer L, Engelke K, Janka R, Rech J, Schett G, Finzel S. Osteitis and synovitis, but not bone erosion, is associated with proteoglycan loss and microstructure damage in the cartilage of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jun;73(6):1101-6.
- Kleyer A*, Finzel S*, Rech J, Manger B, Krieter M, Faustini F, Araujo E, Hueber AJ, Harre U, Engelke K, Schett G. Bone loss before the clinical onset of rheumatoid arthritis in subjects with anticitrullinated protein antibodies. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 May;73(5):854-60.
- Iagnocco A, Naredo E, Wakefield R, Bruyn GA, Collado P, Jousse-Joulin S, Finzel S, Ohrndorf S, Delle Sedie A, Backhaus M, Berner-Hammer H, Gandjbakhch F, Kaeley G, Loeuille D, Moller I, Terslev L, Aegerter P, Aydin S, Balint PV, Filippucci E, Mandl P, Pineda C, Roth J, Magni-Manzoni S, Tzaribachev N, Schmidt WA, Conaghan PG, D'Agostino MA. Responsiveness in rheumatoid arthritis. a report from the OMERACT 11 ultrasound workshop. J Rheumatol. 2014 Feb;41(2):379-82.
- Töpfer D, Finzel S, Museyko O, Schett G, Engelke K. Segmentation and quantification of bone erosions in high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography datasets of the metacarpophalangeal joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2014 Jan;53(1):65-71.
- Geusens PP, Finzel S. Imaging: Bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: better to see more? Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2013 Jul;9(7):385-6.
- Finzel S, Kraus S, Schmidt S, Hueber A, Rech J, Engelke K, Englbrecht M, Schett G. Bone anabolic changes progress in psoriatic arthritis patients despite treatment with methotrexate or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Jul;72(7):1176-81.
- Finzel S, Rech J, Schmidt S, Engelke K, Englbrecht M, Schett G. Interleukin-6 receptor blockade induces limited repair of bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: a micro CT study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Mar;72(3):396-400.
- Naredo E, Wakefield RJ, Iagnocco A, Terslev L, Filippucci E, Gandjbakhch F, Aegerter P, Aydin S, Backhaus M, Balint PV, Bruyn GA, Collado P, Finzel S, Freeston JE, Gutierrez M, Joshua F, Jousse-Joulin S, Kane D, Keen HI, Moller I, Mandl P, Ohrndorf S, Pineda C, Schmidt WA, Szkudlarek M, Conaghan PG, D'Agostino MA. The OMERACT ultrasound task force--status and perspectives. J Rheumatol. 2011 Sep;38(9):2063-7.
- Finzel S, Rech J, Schmidt S, Engelke K, Englbrecht M, Stach C, Schett G. Repair of bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors is based on bone apposition at the base of the erosion. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Sep;70(9):1587-93.
- Finzel S, Ohrndorf S, Englbrecht M, Stach C, Messerschmidt J, Schett G, Backhaus M. A detailed comparative study of high-resolution ultrasound and micro-computed tomography for detection of arthritic bone erosions. Arthritis Rheum. 2011 May;63(5):1231-6.
- Finzel S, Englbrecht M, Engelke K, Stach C, Schett G. A comparative study of periarticular bone lesions in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Jan;70(1):122-7.
- Prof. Graeme Carroll, Mount Lawley, Perth
- Prof. Kathryn S Stok, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Melbourne,
- Prof. Cheryl CM Barnabe, Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
- Prof. Sarah L Manske, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, Department of Radiology, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Prof. Ellen-Margrete Hauge, Department of Rheumatology, Aarhus University Hospital
- Prof. Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, National Referral Center for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, CHU Strasbourg-Hautepierre
- Prof. Pascal Guggenbuhl, Hospitalo-Universitaire de l’appareil locomoteur, CHU Rennes; Université de Rennes 1, Institut NUMECAN, INSERM U 1241, INRA U 1341
- Prof. Anne-Sophie Korganow, National Referral Center for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Strasbourg University Hospital, CNRS UPR 3572
- Prof. Thierry Martin, CHRU Strasbourg
- Prof. Pascal Richette, Hopital Lariboisiere Rhumatologi, Paris
- Prof. Dr. med. Marina Backhaus, Park-Klinik Weisensee
- Dr. med. Barbara Butzeck, Grönemeyer Institut Bochum; Hämochromatose-Vereinigung Deutschland (HvD), Hattingen
- Fraunhofer Institute Frankfurt/Main
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hermann, University of Erlangen
- PD Dr. med. Sarah Ohrndorf, Charité University Berlin
Great Britain:
- Prof. Patrick Kiely, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education, St George's, University of London
- Prof. Pedro Machado, University College London, University College London Hospitals, Northwick Park Hospital
Hong Kong:
- Prof. Lai-Shan Tam, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Prof György Nagy, Semmelweis University, Budapest
- Prof. Geraldine McCarthy, School of Medicine and Medical Science, University College Dublin; Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin
- Dr. Simone Parisi, Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital Città della Salute e della Scienza, Turin
- Dr. Jasmin Schulz; Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg
- Dr. med. Ursula Heilmeier, University Hospital Zürich and University of Zürich; Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San Francisco
- Dr. Katarzyna Banaszkiewicz, Department of Epidemiology and Tropical Medicine, UCMMiT Gdynia, Medical University of Gdansk
- Prof. Graca Porto, Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
United States of America:
- Dr. Andrew Burghardt, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San Francisco
OMERACT: see publication list.
Klinik für Rheumatologie und Klinische Immunologie
Therapiestudienzentrum / Studienambulanz
Hugstetter Straße 55
79106 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 270-74490
Telefax: 0761 270-74491
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