Gender Equality: Individual Mentoring & Tutoring
We are pleased to announce the continuation of the individual mentoring and tutoring programme on gender equality related topics started in Phase I, which again is going to be carried out by our partner Gross & Hepp.
The promotion of gender equality is more than additional support for women, but addresses severe inequalities we are still facing. This is why we facilitate measures for the promotion of gender equality.
Since gender-diverse teams perform better, we can all profit from gender equality measures. Therefore, we highly want to encourage you to participate in this offer. If there are further questions, we are happy to answer them via mail or phone.
This offer is open to anyone in the SPP who is interested, independent of gender, specific role in the programme or participation in previous programmes.
The number of participants is limited. We reserve the right to make a selection, should we receive too many requests.
Project Management Office
Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Center for Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Radiology
Department of Radiology
Killianstr. 5a
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 270-39791