The Freiburg Hall of Fame
Career Achievements
- Ali Caglar Özen received the title “PD Dr.” (“Privatdozent”) in January 2025.
Honors and Distinctions
- Martin Pichotka: and Jakob Neubauer secured a DFG grant application on the subject of “Verbesserte Methoden zur intraoperativen Bestimmung von Resektionsgrenzen in der onkologischen Brustchirurgie mittels Kegelstrahl-CT”.
Poster and Presentation Awards
Career Achievements
- Thomas Lange received the title “PD Dr.” (“Privatdozent”) in January 2021.
Poster and Presentation Awards
Honors and Distinctions
- Andreas Reichert: Young Investigators Award (1st Prize), European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, October 2019, Rotterdam, for his work on “Radial Simultaneous Multi Slice Imaging for Passive Marker Needle Guide Tracking”
- Xiang Gao: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, May 2019, Montreal, for his work entitled “Intra echo train correction for constant flip angle Turbo Spin Echo sequence”
- Ali Özen: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, May 2019, Montreal, for his work entitled “MR Safety Watchdog for Safe Active Catheters: Wireless Impedance Controller with Real-time Feedback”
- Ali Özen: ISMRM Magna Cum Lauda Merit Award, May 2019, Montreal, for his work entitled “Safety of active catheters in MRI: Termination impedance versus RF-induced heating”
- Niklas Wehkamp: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, May 2019, Montreal, for his work entitled “Frequency adjustable magnetic field probes”
Career Achievements
- Dominik von Elverfeldt received the title “apl. Prof. Dr.” (Außerplanmäßiger Professor) in October 2019.
Honors and Distinctions
- Dominik von Elverfeldt: recipient "Outstanding Teacher Award" by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, December 2018
- Michael Bock: Editorial Board Member Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, Jan. 2018 - Oct. 2021
- Michael Bock: Awarded Fellow of the ISMRM at the 26th Annual Meeting in Paris on June 18, 2018
Career Achievements
- Valerij Kiselev received the title "apl. Prof. Dr. (RUS)" (Außerplanmäßiger Professor) in July 2018.
Honors and Distinctions
- Sebastian Littin: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Sebastian Littin: Finalist, Gorter Award, German Chapter of the ISMRM, Göttingen, Nov. 2017, for his work "Entwicklung, Implementierung und Anwendung einer 84-Kanal Matrix-Gradientenspule"
- Andreas Schmidt: Second Prize Winner, Gorter Award, German Chapter of the ISMRM, Göttingen, Nov. 2017, for his work "Liquid-state carbon-13 hyperpolarization generated in an MRI system for fast imaging"
- Andreas Schmidt: Second Prize Winner, Student Competition of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT), September 2017, Dresden, Germany for his work entitled "Hyperpolarization without a polarizer: first 13C-MRI in vivo"
- Andreas Schmidt: Recipient of a 2-year PhD scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, July 2017
Career Achievements
- Michael Bock was co-opted by the Faculty for Mathematics and Physics at the Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, July 2017
- Jan-Bernd Hövener was appointed Professor for Translational MRI by the Christian Albrechts University Kiel, June 2017
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Dengfeng Huang: Merit Abstract Award from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 2017, Vancouver, Canada
- Elias Kellner: ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu, for his work entitled "Simultaneous multi-slice and alternating multi-echo measurement sequence (SAME) for perfusion imaging"
- Dmitry Kurhunov: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, two awards, April 2017, Honolulu
- Ali Özen: ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu, for his work entitled "Operator Controlled Illumination of Active Catheter Tips using a Variable Attenuator"
- Ali Özen: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Simon Reiss: ISMRM Interventional MR Study Group Abstract Award, 3rd Place for Best Poster Presentation Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Alexander Ruh: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Andreas Schmidt: ISMRM Hyperpolarization - Methods and Equipment Study Group Abstract Award, 3rd Place for Best Oral Presentation, April 2017, Honolulu
- Andreas Schmidt: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Niklas Wehkamp: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
- Wenchao Yang: ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, April 2017, Honolulu
Honors and Distinctions
- Michael Bock: Associate Editor of Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, Oct. 2016 - Sept. 2019
- Jürgen Hennig: recipient of the Alfred Breit Preis by the 'Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft (DRG)'
- Jan-Bernd Hövener: Elected President of the German Section of the ISMRM
- Jan-Bernd Hövener: Elected President of the joint annual meetings of the DGMP and ISMRM-DS
- Pierre LeVan: recipient of the Innovation prize of the Stiftung Familie Klee
- Rebecca Ramb: Ferdinand von Lindemann Award of the Faculty for Mathematics and Physics for her Dissertation
- Andreas Schmidt: Winner of the Best Talk Award of the joint annual meeting of the DGMP and ISMRM-DS
- Maddalena Strumia: Second Prize Winner, Young Investigator Award from the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Radiology (ESMRMB) in Vienna.
Career Achievements
- Jan-Bernd Hövener successfully completed his Habilitation on 28 January 2016 on the topic "Hyperpolarisierung für die Kernspintomographie" (Hyperpolar-ization for Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to receive the Venia Legendi in the field of Experimental Radiology and has earned the title “Privatdozent”.
Poster and Presentation Awards
Career Achievements
- Dominik von Elverfeldt successfully completed his Habilitation on 21 May 2015 on the topic "Neue Methoden für die präklinische MR-Bildgebung" to receive the Venia Legendi in the field of Experimental Radiology and has earned the title "Privatdozent."
Poster and Presentation Awards
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Sebastian Bär: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Xueming Cao: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Elias Kellner: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Sebastian Littin: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Marius Menza: Summa cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Christoph Müller: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
- Huijun Yu: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Milan
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: Recipient of the Schinz Medal from the "Swiss Society of Radiology" and named an Honorary Corresponding Member of the SGR-SSR
- Jürgen Hennig: William Mong Distinguished Lecturer, University Hongkong
- Jürgen Hennig: Honorary Fellow of the University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine & Public Health, Madison, WI, USA, 01.07.2013 bis 30.06.2015
- Neele Hübner: Gorter Award Finalist, German Chapter of the ISMRM
- Ara Yeramian: Best student contribution, 4th international workshop on computational phantoms for radiation protection, imaging, and radiotherapy, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Waltraud Buchenberg: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Feng Jia: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Pierre LeVan: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Guobin Li: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Gerrit Schultz: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Hans Weber: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
- Ara Yeramian: Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Salt Lake City
Honors and Distinctions
- Martin Haas: Winner of the High Field Study Group Poster Prize, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Jürgen Hennig: Mansfield Lecturer 39th Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Lissabon
- Jürgen Hennig: Honorary Member European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB)
- Jürgen Hennig: Scientific Advisor of the Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Career Achievements
- Valerij G. Kiselev hat am 22.11.2012 aufgrund der erfolgreichen Habilitation über das Thema "Mesoskopische MRT: Neue Theorie und Anwendungen" die Venia Legendi für das Fach "Medizinphysik" erhalten. Dr. Kiselev wird damit Privatdozent.
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Nicoleta Baxan: Magna cum Lauda ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Waltraud Buchenberg: Magna cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Michael Herbst: Magna cum Lauda ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Jan-Bernd Hövener: Elected to the board of the DS-ISMRM
- Elias Kellner: Summa cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Elias Kellner: Young Investigator Award Finalist, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Ramona Lorenz: Magna cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Alexandru Parlog: Summa cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Frederik Testud: Summa cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Alexander Ruh: Magna cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Johannes Schneider: ISMRM Magna cum Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Jeff Snyder: Magna cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Frederik Testud: Summa cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
- Hans Weber: Magna cum Laude ISMRM Merit Award, ISMRM, Melbourne
Honors and Distinctions
- Martin Büchert: CESAR Best Abstract Price 2011
- Martin Büchert: Medal of Honor Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Jürgen Hennig: Einstein Professorship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, China
- Jürgen Hennig: Medal of Honor Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Jürgen Hennig: Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- Michael Herbst: German High Tech Champions Award 2011 in Medical Imaging, RSNA 2011, Chicago
- Matthias Weigel: Outstanding Teacher Award, ISMRM 2011, Montreal
Career Achievements
- Michael Bock: Berufung zur W3 Professur in der Abt. Medizin Physik der Radiologischen Klinik der Universität Freiburg als Professor der experimentelle Radiologie, 2011 to date
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Alex Barker: Poster Award in the category Cardiac, 1st place winner, ISMRM 2011, Montreal
- Laura Harsan: Poster Award in the category Animal Studies - Neuro 2, 3rd place winner, ISMRM 2011, Montreal
- Ramona Lorenz: Poster Award, 1st winner, MR Angioclub 2011, Banff, Canada
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Adriana Komancsek: 19th SMRT Meeting Stockholm, President's Award in the category of Research Focus Proffered Paper
- Annette Merkle: 19th SMRT Meeting Stockholm, 3rd Place Award in the category of Research Focus Proffered Paper
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Jan-Bernd Hövener: ISMRM German Chapter, best talk at the ISMRM German Chapter meeting (Basel)
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Laura Harsan: Winner of the ISMRM Poster Award: Drug Research
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Sandra Huff: ISMRM German Chapter, best talk at the ISMRM German Chapter meeting (Würzburg)
Honors and Distinctions
- Christian Canstein: ISMRM German Chapter Gorter Award, 3rd place winner
- Jürgen Hennig: Verleihung der Albers-Schönberg-Medaille für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen und besondere Verdienste um die radiologische Forschung in Deutschland., Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft, Gesellschaft für medizinische Radiologie E.V.
- Bernd Jung: Young Investigator Award Finalist, Winner of the W.S. Moore Award, ISMRM
- Matthias Weigel: ISMRM German Chapter Gorter Award, 1st place winner
- Matthias Weigel: Winner of the Toshiba Award, DGMP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für medizinische Physik)
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Matthias Honal: ISMRM German Chapter, best talk on the ISMRM German Chapter meeting (Jena)
Career Achievements
- Oliver Speck: Habilitation an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: Max Planck Award 2003 in Medicine/Life Sciences
- Jürgen Hennig: Honorary Membership by the Chinese Medical Society / Chinese Radiological Society
- Michael Markl: Young Investigator Award Finalist, Winner of the I. I. Rabi Award, ISMRM
Career Achievements
- Jürgen Hennig: Berufung zur C4 Professur für "Radiologische Forschung" der Universität Freiburg
Honors and Distinctions
- Hans-Peter Fautz: Young Investigator Award Finalist, Winner of the I. I. Rabi Award, ISMRM
- Jürgen Hennig: Ruf auf den Dunhill-Chair for Neuroimaging von der Oxford University verbunden mit der Leitung der Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Unit des Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Jürgen Hennig: Chairman of the "Academic Committee for the new National MRI Brain Mapping Center" in Beijing, China
- Michael Markl: RSNA Research Trainee Prize, Radiological Society of North America
Career Achievements
- Klaus Scheffler: Habilitation an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: "Schnelle Gradienten-Echo Verfahren für die MR Tomographie"
- Klaus Scheffler: Leiter des Departement Medizinische Radiologie, Kantonspital Basel
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Matthias Weigel: Prämierung "Bester Vortrag" bei der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM
Honors and Distinctions
- Michael Markl: Postdoc and Research Associate, Dept. of Radiology, Lucas MRS Imaging Center, Stanford University, USA, 2001-2004
Honors and Distinctions
- Oliver Speck: Förderung der Phase II im Rahmen des Emmy Noether Programms, DFG: "Ultraschnelle kernspintomographische Parameterbildgebung mittels Single-Shot-Multi-Echo-Verfahren", 2000-2003
Career Achievements
- Oliver Speck: Stellvertretender Leiter der Abt. Röntgendiagnostik, Medizin Physik, Univ. Klinikum Freiburg
Poster and Presentation Awards
- Kamil Il'yasov: Herbert M. Stauffer Award for outstanding paper in Academic Radiology 2000 (Academic Radiology 2000; 12:1107-1115)
- Ute Ludwig: Prämierung "Bester Vortrag" bei der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: President of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
- Klaus Scheffler: Young Investigator Award Finalist, ISMRM
- Klaus Scheffler: Young Investigator Award, ORL-Gesellschaft, Genf
Honors and Distinctions
- Michael Markl: Award for the best diploma thesis in 1997 in the Dept. of Physics
Career Achievements
- Jürgen Hennig: Leiter der Sektion Bildgebende und Funktionelle Medizinphysik der Abt. Röntgendiagnostik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Honors and Distinctions
- Oliver Speck: Postdoc and Research Associate, UCLA-Harbor UCLA Research & Education Institut, Torrance, CA, 1997-1999.
Career Achievements
- J. Laubenberger: Habilitation an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: "Nichtinvasive Metabolitenbestimmung des Gehirns bei HIV-assoziierter und hepatischer Enzephalopathie mit lokalisierter Protonenspektroskopie: experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen"
Honors and Distinctions
- Martin Büchert: Department of Science and Research scholarship
- Harald Fischer: Landesentwicklungspreis: 'FUN - ein Softwareprogramm zur Analyse kernspintomographischer Bildfolgen', Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft BadenWürttemberg (LEG)
Honors and Distinctions
- J. Laubenberger, Martin Büchert: Coolidge Award Second Prize: J. Laubenberger, M. Büchert: RARE-Cholangio-Pancreaticographie: Ein neues Verfahren zur Darstellung der Gallenblase und des Pankreasgangs
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: Gold Medal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance
- Jürgen Laubenberger, M. Büchert: SMR W.S. Moore Clinical Science Award: J. Laubenberger, M. Büchert, B. Schneider, U. Blum, J. Hennig, M. Langer: "Breathhold Projection Magnetic Resonance-Cholangio- Pancreaticography (MRCP): a New Method for the Examination of the Bile and Pancreatic Ducts"
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: "Kernspintomographie Preis 1993" of the 5th International MR Symposium in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Career Achievements
- Jürgen Hennig: Berufung zur C3 Professur in der Abt. Röntgendiagnostik der Radiologischen Klinik der Universität Freiburg als Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe MR Tomographie, 1993-2002
Honors and Distinctions
- Jürgen Hennig: "European Magnetic Resonance Award" for contributions to clinical magnetic resonance
- Jürgen Hennig: President of the European-Chinese Society for Clinical Magnetic Resonance (ECSCMR)