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Dear Colleagues and Liquid Biopsy Enthusiasts,

The 5th International Liquid Biopsy Symposium will explore novel technical developments and the latest advances in Tumor Liquid Biopsies. The symposium will focus on the translation of cutting-edge research into clinical applications, offering insights into how Liquid Biopsies can enhance our understanding of malignant disease biology and improve cancer patient management in routine clinical practice.

This meeting provides a unique opportunity to engage with internationally recognized experts, share ideas, and discuss your latest research with clinicians, basic scientists, and translational researchers. It is an excellent platform to forge new collaborations and advance the field together.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Early detection of cancer
  • Ultrasensitive MRD monitoring
  • Cancer diagnosis and classification
  • Liquid biopsy in hematologic malignancies
  • Liquid biosy in clinical trials / Harmonization initiatives
  • Multi-analyte approaches and AI for Liquid Biopsy
  • Emerging technologies and novel liquid biopsy strategies


PD Dr. Florian Scherer
Medical Center University of Freiburg
Department of Medicine I
Prof. Dr. Justus Duyster
Medical Director
Medical Center University of Freiburg
Department of Medicine I

on behalf of the Scientific Committee:

Florence Schaffner
Jean-Louis Merlin
Nikolas von Bubnoff

Preliminary Program

Save the date, the final program will be online soon!

Start time CET

9:00 AM | Welcome

Session 1: Liquid Biopsy and immunotherapy
9:15 AM | Immunotherapy monitoring and response prediction by Liquid Biopsy in NSCLC | Melanie Janning
9:35 AM | Monitoring of ctDNA during immunotherapy maintenance | Benjamin Besse
9:55 AM | Ultra-sensitive ctDNA profiling in melanoma undergoing immune-checkpoint inhibition | Christoffer Gebhardt

10:15 AM | Break & Exhibition

Session 2: Multi-analyte approaches and AI for Liquid Biopsy
11:00 AM | Novel Liquid Biopsy concepts: Fragmentomics and multi-analyte approaches | Florent Mouliere
11:20 AM | Artificial Intelligence and Liquid Biopsy | Chiara Löffler
11:40 AM | Multi-parametric cell-free DNA assays for early detection of cancers | Hui Zhao
12:00 PM | TBD | Selected abstract

12:20 PM | Break  & Poster Session & Exhibition

Keynote Lecture
2:20 PM | Ultrasensitive monitoring and genetic characterization by ctDNA in solid cancers | Maximilian Diehn

Session 3: Liquid Biopsy in clinical trials and harmonization initiatives
3:05 PM | German Liquid Biopsy initiative | Christof Winter
3:25 PM | European Liquid Biopsy Society and European harmonization efforts | Klaus Pantel
3:45 PM | Liquid biopsy-based response criteria  (LB-RECIST) | Mette Møller Steiniche
4:05 PM | TBD | Selected abstract 

4:25 PM | Break & Exhibition

Session 4: Liquid Biopsy in hematological malignancies
5:10 PM | Innovative liquid biopsy strategies for ultrasensitive ctDNA monitoring in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma | Stefan Alig
5:30 PM | The role of ctDNA in indolent lymphomas | Cedric Rossi
5:50 PM | TBD | Davide Rossi
6:10 PM | Towards accurate molecular profiling and monitoring of B-cell lymphoma using liquid biopsies | Leo Meriranta


Saturday, September 20, 2025

Session 5: Cancer diagnosis and classification
9:00 AM | Profiling of ctDNA from CSF for CNS lymphoma diagnosis | Florian Scherer
9:20 AM | Predicting response to targeted therapies in GIST | Sebastian Bauer
9:40 AM | Industry-sponsored talk: Roche Diagnostics | TBD
10:00 AM | Selected abstract | TBD

Session 6: Ultrasensitive MRD monitoring
10:20 AM | TracerX - ultrasensitive and personalized monitoring of NSCLC | James Black
10:40 AM | MRD monitoring by ctDNA in breast cancer | Isaac Garcia-Murillas
11:00 AM | Liquid Biopsy appraoches in breast cancer patients | Jean-Yves Pierga
11:20 AM | Industry-sponsored talk: Foresight Diagnostics | TBD

12:40 PM | Break & Exhibition

Session 7: Novel Liquid Biopsy strategies and analytes
1:40 PM | Innovative Liquid Biopsy approaches | Alexandre Harlé
2:00 PM | Fragmentomics / Fragment end analysis with clinical outcomes | Florian Janke
2:20 PM | Cell-free DNA epigenomics for cancer detection and MRD monitoring | Aadel Chaudhuri
2:40 PM | The value of extracellular vesicles for cancer profiling and monitoring | An Hendrix

3:00 PM | Poster Awards + Closing Remarks



Keynote: Maximilian Diehn, Stanford University, USA


Stefan Alig, University Medical Center Munich, Germany

Sebastian Bauer, University Medical Center Essen, Germany

Benjamin Besse, Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute Paris, France

James Black, University College London, UK

Aadel Chaudhuri, Mayo Clinic, USA

Isaac Garcia-Murillas, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK

Christoffer Gebhardt, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany

Alexandre Harlé, Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine, France

An Hendrix, Cancer Research Institute Gent, Belgium

Florian Janke, DKFZ German Cancer Research Center, Germany


Melanie Janning, University Medical Center Mannheim, Germany

Chiara Löffler, Technical University Dresden, Germany

Leo Meriranta, University of Helsinki, Finland

Florent Mouliere, CRUK Manchester Institute, UK

Klaus Pantel, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Jean-Yves Pierga, Institut Curie, Paris, France

Davide Rossi, Institute of Oncology Research, Bellinzona, Switzerland

Cedric Rossi, CHU Dijon, France

Florian Scherer, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany

Nikolas von Bubnoff, University Medical Center Lübeck, Germany

Christof Winter, University Medical Center Munich, Germany

Hui Zhao, Queen Mary University of London, UK




Save the date, online registration will open soon!

Conference Venue

Medical Center University of Freiburg
Lecture Hall - Department of Gynaecology
Hugstetter Str. 55, 79106 Freiburg

(Location Map - F3)

By tram:
Tramlines 2 + 4 - Tram Stop "Robert-Koch-Strasse" or
Tramline 4 - Tram Stop "Killianstraße"

By car:
The best option is to use the parking garage at Breisacher Str. 113, 79106 Freiburg


How to reach Freiburg (im Breisgau)

... by Airplane: Freiburg is located in the middle of a dense network of international airports. The nearest international airport, EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg, is only 40 minutes away from Freiburg. Direct connection to Freiburg is provided by the Airport Bus or public transport with transfer in Basel. Frankfurt, one of Europe's largest hubs is only a two hour train ride or car drive away. Trains leave from the airport's long distance train station  to Freiburg at least once every hour.

... by Car: Over the motorway A-5 Frankfurt-Karlsruhe-Basel

... by Train: Freiburg is located on the ICE/Intercity route Frankfurt-Karlsruhe-Freiburg-Basel. Twice an hour, trains from allover Germany or from Switzerland (Zurich/Basel) stop at Freiburg's main train station.

For using the public transport in Freiburg you can find information here.

Special Train Ticket (Deutsche Bahn)

You can use the special arrangement from Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) to travel from any German railway station to Freiburg.

The fare for your one-way ticket (limited availability) to the conference is max.:

One way – specific train

1st Class – 89,90 € (seat reservation incl.)
2nd Class – 55,90 €

One way – fully flexible

1st Class – 112,90 € (seat reservation incl.)
2nd Class – 77,90 €

Book your ticket here https://www.veranstaltungsticket-bahn.de


We thank our sponsors

Wir danken unseren Sponsoren für die großzügige Unterstützung:

AstraZenenca GmbH – 3.000€***
HiSS Diagnostics GmbH – 3.000€***
Janssen-Cilag GmbH – 3.000€***
QIAGEN GMBH – 3.000€***

Offenlegung der Sponsoring-Beträge:

* 6qm Präsentationsstand inkl. 1 Tisch + 2 Stühle, Namentliche Nennung im Programm und auf der auf Veranstaltungswebseite
** 4qm Präsentationsstand inkl. 1 Tisch + 2 Stühle, Namentliche Nennung im Programm und auf der auf Veranstaltungswebseite
*** 2qm Präsentationsstand inkl. Stehtisch, Namentliche Nennung im Programm und auf der auf Veranstaltungswebseite



Scientific Committee

Florian Scherer
Klinik für Innere Medizin I
Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation

Scientific Committee:
Florence Schaffner
Jean-Louis Merlin
Nikolas von Bubnoff


Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Stabsstelle Unternehmenskommunikation
Breisacher Str. 153
79110 Freiburg

+49 761 270-19212
