Zu den Inhalten springen

Dear Industry Partner,

on behalf of the conference chairs, Professor Anca-Ligia Grosu, Medical Director of the Department of Radiation Oncology  and Prof. Ulrich Wetterauer, Medical Director of the Department of Urology, we are happy to announce the 7th Langendorff-Symposium 2017, which will take place in Freiburg from July 14 to 15, 2017.

This symposium is the perfect chance to interact with about 150 participating physicians and researchers and is also an excellent and proven opportunity to present your company and your products.

Following the success of the six previous events the symposium will focus now on Prostate Cancer and will highlight the latest developments in this field with respect to experimental and clinical research as well as diagnostics and therapeutic strategies.

In the downloadable PDF-File you will find all detailed information about the different sponsoring and exhibition possibilities. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged prominently in the conference marketing on the conference homepage and during the conference itself.

We are very pleased to welcome you as an exhibitor and/or sponsor of the 7th Langendorff-Symposium 2017 and we are looking forward to your registration. 

Thanks to your support, it is possible to hold this symposium in this form and with its diverse scientific program. Information on the detailed program, the lectures, abstracts and the technical conditions will follow shortly.

For further questions or information please don’t hesitate to contact:

Elke Bührer
Phone: +49 (0) 761 270 19210
Mail: elke.angela.buehrer@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Thank you very much for your support and interest.Best regards

Sponsoring and Exhibition Options - 7th Langendorff Symposium


Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor of the 7th Langendorff Symposium

Get involved!

If you are interested in Sponsoring the 7th Langendorff Symposium or would like to take part in the accompanying exhibition you can find detailed information here

For further information please contact:

Elke Bührer
Phone: +49 (0) 761 270 19210
Mail: elke.angela.buehrer@uniklinik-freiburg.de

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